186 research outputs found

    Why do Particle Clouds Generate Electric Charges?

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    Grains in desert sandstorms spontaneously generate strong electrical charges; likewise volcanic dust plumes produce spectacular lightning displays. Charged particle clouds also cause devastating explosions in food, drug and coal processing industries. Despite the wide-ranging importance of granular charging in both nature and industry, even the simplest aspects of its causes remain elusive, because it is difficult to understand how inert grains in contact with little more than other inert grains can generate the large charges observed. Here, we present a simple yet predictive explanation for the charging of granular materials in collisional flows. We argue from very basic considerations that charge transfer can be expected in collisions of identical dielectric grains in the presence of an electric field, and we confirm the model's predictions using discrete-element simulations and a tabletop granular experiment

    A Study of Brain Networks Associated with Swallowing Using Graph-Theoretical Approaches

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    Functional connectivity between brain regions during swallowing tasks is still not well understood. Understanding these complex interactions is of great interest from both a scientific and a clinical perspective. In this study, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) was utilized to study brain functional networks during voluntary saliva swallowing in twenty-two adult healthy subjects (all females, 23.1±1.52 years of age). To construct these functional connections, we computed mean partial correlation matrices over ninety brain regions for each participant. Two regions were determined to be functionally connected if their correlation was above a certain threshold. These correlation matrices were then analyzed using graph-theoretical approaches. In particular, we considered several network measures for the whole brain and for swallowing-related brain regions. The results have shown that significant pairwise functional connections were, mostly, either local and intra-hemispheric or symmetrically inter-hemispheric. Furthermore, we showed that all human brain functional network, although varying in some degree, had typical small-world properties as compared to regular networks and random networks. These properties allow information transfer within the network at a relatively high efficiency. Swallowing-related brain regions also had higher values for some of the network measures in comparison to when these measures were calculated for the whole brain. The current results warrant further investigation of graph-theoretical approaches as a potential tool for understanding the neural basis of dysphagia. © 2013 Luan et al

    Exercise training increases mitochondrial content and ex vivo mitochondrial function similarly in patients with type 2 diabetes and in control individuals

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    AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: We previously showed that type 2 diabetic patients are characterised by compromised intrinsic mitochondrial function. Here, we examined if exercise training could increase intrinsic mitochondrial function in diabetic patients compared with control individuals. METHODS: Fifteen male type 2 diabetic patients and 14 male control individuals matched for age, BMI and [Formula: see text] enrolled in a 12 week exercise intervention programme. Ex vivo mitochondrial function was assessed by high-resolution respirometry in permeabilised muscle fibres from vastus lateralis muscle. Before and after training, insulin-stimulated glucose disposal was examined during a hyperinsulinaemic-euglycaemic clamp. RESULTS: Diabetic patients had intrinsically lower ADP-stimulated state 3 respiration and lower carbonyl cyanide 4-(trifluoro-methoxy)phenylhydrazone (FCCP)-induced maximal oxidative respiration, both on glutamate and on glutamate and succinate, and in the presence of palmitoyl-carnitine (p < 0.05). After training, diabetic patients and control individuals showed increased state 3 respiration on the previously mentioned substrates (p < 0.05); however, an increase in FCCP-induced maximal oxidative respiration was observed only in diabetic patients (p < 0.05). The increase in mitochondrial respiration was accompanied by a 30% increase in mitochondrial content upon training (p < 0.01). After adjustment for mitochondrial density, state 3 and FCCP-induced maximal oxidative respiration were similar between groups after training. Improvements in mitochondrial respiration were paralleled by improvements in insulin-stimulated glucose disposal in diabetic patients, with a tendency for this in control individuals. CONCLUSIONS/INTERPRETATION: We confirmed lower intrinsic mitochondrial function in diabetic patients compared with control individuals. Diabetic patients increased their mitochondrial content to the same extent as control individuals and had similar intrinsic mitochondrial function, which occurred parallel with improved insulin sensitivity

    Atmospheric oxygen regulation at low Proterozoic levels by incomplete oxidative weathering of sedimentary organic carbon

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    It is unclear why atmospheric oxygen remained trapped at low levels for more than 1.5 billion years following the Paleoproterozoic Great Oxidation Event. Here, we use models for erosion, weathering and biogeochemical cycling to show that this can be explained by the tectonic recycling of previously accumulated sedimentary organic carbon, combined with the oxygen sensitivity of oxidative weathering. Our results indicate a strong negative feedback regime when atmospheric oxygen concentration is of order pO2∼0.1 PAL (present atmospheric level), but that stability is lost at pO2<0.01 PAL. Within these limits, the carbonate carbon isotope (δ13C) record becomes insensitive to changes in organic carbon burial rate, due to counterbalancing changes in the weathering of isotopically light organic carbon. This can explain the lack of secular trend in the Precambrian δ13C record, and reopens the possibility that increased biological productivity and resultant organic carbon burial drove the Great Oxidation Event

    Acute-Phase-HDL Remodeling by Heparan Sulfate Generates a Novel Lipoprotein with Exceptional Cholesterol Efflux Activity from Macrophages

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    During episodes of acute-inflammation high-density lipoproteins (HDL), the carrier of so-called good cholesterol, experiences a major change in apolipoprotein composition and becomes acute-phase HDL (AP-HDL). This altered, but physiologically important, HDL has an increased binding affinity for macrophages that is dependent on cell surface heparan sulfate (HS). While exploring the properties of AP-HDL∶HS interactions we discovered that HS caused significant remodeling of AP-HDL. The physical nature of this change in structure and its potential importance for cholesterol efflux from cholesterol-loaded macrophages was therefore investigated. In the presence of heparin, or HS, AP-HDL solutions at pH 5.2 became turbid within minutes. Analysis by centrifugation and gel electrophoresis indicated that AP-HDL was remodeled generating novel lipid poor particles composed only of apolipoprotein AI, which we designate β2. This remodeling is dependent on pH, glycosaminoglycan type, is promoted by Ca2+ and is independent of protease or lipase activity. Compared to HDL and AP-HDL, remodeled AP-HDL (S-HDL-SAA), containing β2 particles, demonstrated a 3-fold greater cholesterol efflux activity from cholesterol-loaded macrophage. Because the identified conditions causing this change in AP-HDL structure and function can exist physiologically at the surface of the macrophage, or in its endosomes, we postulate that AP-HDL contains latent functionalities that become apparent and active when it associates with macrophage cell surface/endosomal HS. In this way initial steps in the reverse cholesterol transport pathway are focused at sites of injury to mobilize cholesterol from macrophages that are actively participating in the phagocytosis of damaged membranes rich in cholesterol. The mechanism may also be of relevance to aspects of atherogenesis

    MED12 Alterations in Both Human Benign and Malignant Uterine Soft Tissue Tumors

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    The relationship between benign uterine leiomyomas and their malignant counterparts, i.e. leiomyosarcomas and smooth muscle tumors of uncertain malignant potential (STUMP), is still poorly understood. The idea that a leiomyosarcoma could derive from a leiomyoma is still controversial. Recently MED12 mutations have been reported in uterine leiomyomas. In this study we asked whether such mutations could also be involved in leiomyosarcomas and STUMP oncogenesis. For this purpose we examined 33 uterine mesenchymal tumors by sequencing the hot-spot mutation region of MED12. We determined that MED12 is altered in 66.6% of typical leiomyomas as previously reported but also in 11% of STUMP and 20% of leiomyosarcomas. The mutated allele is predominantly expressed in leiomyomas and STUMP. Interestingly all classical leiomyomas exhibit MED12 protein expression while 40% of atypical leiomyomas, 50% of STUMP and 80% of leiomyosarcomas (among them the two mutated ones) do not express MED12. All these tumors without protein expression exhibit complex genomic profiles. No mutations and no expression loss were identified in an additional series of 38 non-uterine leiomyosarcomas. MED12 mutations are not exclusive to leiomyomas but seem to be specific to uterine malignancies. A previous study has suggested that MED12 mutations in leiomyomas could lead to Wnt/β-catenin pathway activation however our immunohistochemistry results show that there is no association between MED12 status and β-catenin nuclear/cytoplasmic localization. Collectively, our results show that subgroups of benign and malignant tumors share a common genetics. We propose here that MED12 alterations could be implicated in the development of smooth muscle tumor and that its expression could be inhibited in malignant tumors
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