1,049 research outputs found

    Ethnic Movements in Contemporary Mexico:The Return of the Actor

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    The Joint Hindu Family: Its Evolution as a Legal Institution.

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    The institution is based on the concept that a nucleus of ancestral property and accretions to it do not exclusively belong to one person, but form the basis for the spiritual and economical welfare of family members normally within a circle of three generations. In traditional belief even past and future generations have an "interest" in the property of those who enjoy the property for the present. This concept was based on patriliny. Patriarchy existed but did not develop into the strict Roman patria potestas. It rather served to emphasize the rights of the father in the face of premature assumption of powers by the son. The core of the institution is the relationship between father and son. The son is the father reborn and inherits not only rights to enjoy property, but also responsibilities towards all family members. The admixture of customary law in the Dharmasastras brought modifications and accretion of rules. Thus the value of ancestral land furthered the rights of the son. Rights of females in property competed with the view that women should be only maintained which includes marriage expenses. The customary elementary family with community of ownership between husband and wife occurs in sastric texts but recedes in the face of the pivotal relationship of father and son which constitutes a kind of "trust". After the death of the common ancestor the law always anticipated partition and formation of new smaller joint families unless brothers remained joint out of convenience or necessity. In Anglo-Hindu law the traditional institution may have suffered from over-specialisation of rules, deficient selection or application of sastric material, and conflicting decisions. But judge-made law has essentially supported greater individuality without destroying basic jointness and has in fact supported the preservation of the joint family. Even legislation has not abrogated the basic jointness between agnates and especially between father and son. This process represents an example of the adaptation of a traditional legal institution to modern demands

    Dentro ou AlĂ©m da Universidade? ExperiĂȘncias de ensino superior alternativo = Within or Beyond the University? Experiences of alternative higher education

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    RESUMO Apesar de um importante processo de expansĂŁo e crescimento, as instituiçÔes de ensino superior em todo o mundo ainda enfrentam a exclusĂŁo, a discriminação e a desigualdade no que diz respeito Ă s comunidades e povos sub-representados e desfavorecidos, seus conhecimentos e suas lĂ­nguas. Neste texto, apresentamos brevemente alternativas contemporĂąneas ao ensino superior regular, que – algumas dentro das universidades existentes, outras alĂ©m das estruturas convencionais de ensino superior – estĂŁo trabalhando contra a corrente para resolver essas falhas. Ao apresentar os estudos de caso das universidades alternativas, interculturais, indĂ­genas, descoloniais, cooperativas e/ou de movimentos sociais que compĂ”em esta seção temĂĄtica, identificamos tendĂȘncias institucionais e organizacionais, questĂ”es temĂĄticas e contribuiçÔes teĂłricas emergentes, com o objetivo de aprofundar a compreensĂŁo da orientação e do papel dessas instituiçÔes, seus impactos e os desafios enfrentados. // Despite an important process of expansion and growth, higher education institutions around the world still reproduce exclusion, discrimination and inequality with regard to underrepresented and underprivileged communities and peoples, their knowledges and their languages. In this text, we briefly frame contemporary alternatives to mainstream higher education that – some within existing universities, some beyond conventional higher education structures - are working against the grain to address these failings. By introducing the case studies of alternative, intercultural, indigenous, decolonial, co-operative and/or social movement universities that make up this special issue, we identify institutional and organisational tendencies, topic issues and emerging theoretical contributions, thus aiming to develop a deeper understanding of the orientation and role of these institutions, their impacts and challenges faced

    How Intercultural is an “Intercultural University”? Some lessons from Veracruz, Mexico

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    Since the beginning of the 21st century, a new institutional figure starts to appear in the arena of Mexican higher education: the socalled “intercultural university”. What was first presented and conceived just as another link in the chain of preschool, primary and increasingly also post-primary schools “with an intercultural and bilingual approach”, created in and for the indigenous and multilingual regions of Mexico, now starts to have characteristics of a new uni- versity subsystem destined to provide an academic training which is supposed to be culturally relevant to students who are defined as diverse and different in ethnic, linguistic and/or cultural terms. In practice, this new educational offer is focused on students from indigenous regions who have been excluded from formal higher education and have had access only recently to complete basic education and also gradual access to upper secondary education. In this contribution, we briefly sketch the general tendencies that characterize this emerg- ing educational subsystem, before illustrating a case study which stems from a collaborative ethnography that we are conducting with one of the intercultural universities, the Universidad Veracruzana Intercultural (UVI), in order to finally draw some conclusions on the allegedly “intercultural” character of this new educational institution. Key words: intercultural education; intercultural university; collaborative ethnography; Veracruz

    Titel wissenschaftlicher Texte

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    Mikrohören und authentische Hörmaterialien - zur EinfĂŒhrung in den Tagungsband

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    In der fremdsprachlichen Hörverstehensdidaktik wird seit geraumer Zeit eine Fokusverschiebung diskutiert – von den traditionellen „Fragen zum Text“ hin zu Aufgaben/Übungen, die stĂ€rker Prozesse des Dekodierens in den Blick nehmen. Damit tritt auch verstĂ€rkt die Forderung nach Nutzung authentischer Hörmaterialien in den Vordergrund. Die Tagung „Mikro-HörĂŒbungen und authentische Hörmaterialien. Impulse fĂŒr eine alternative fremd- und zweitsprachliche Hörverstehensdidaktik und ihre Beforschung“ hatte sich als Ziel gesetzt, relevante Fragestellungen hierzu aufgreifen und Impulse fĂŒr eine Neuausrichtung im Bereich der DaF-/ DaZ-Hörverstehensdidaktik zu geben. Dieser EinfĂŒhrungsartikel skizziert den theoretischen Rahmen und stellt die BeitrĂ€ge vor.In L2 listening comprehension didactics, a shift in focus has been discussed for some time – from the traditional “questions about the text” to tasks/exercises that focus more on decoding processes. With this, the demand for the use of authentic listening materials also increasingly comes to the fore. The conference “Micro listening exercises and authentic listening materials. Impulses for an alternative foreign and second language listening didactics and its research” had the aim to take up relevant questions and to give impulses for a new orientation in the field of GFL/GSL listening didactics. This introductory article outlines the theoretical framework and presents contributions to the conference

    Mikro-HörĂŒbungen und authentische Hörmaterialien – Impulse fĂŒr eine alternative fremd- und zweitsprachliche Hörverstehensdidaktik und ihre Beforschung

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    Unter Schlagwörtern wie „Micro-Listening“ und „Bottom-up skills“ wird in der fremdsprachlichen Hör-(Seh-)Verstehensdidaktik seit geraumer Zeit eine Fokusverschiebung diskutiert – von den traditionellen (inhaltlich orientierten) „Fragen zum Text“ hin zu Aufgaben / Übungen, die stĂ€rker auf die Arbeit an der lautlichen Substanz des Gehörten abzielen. Damit tritt auch verstĂ€rkt die Forderung nach Nutzung authentischer Hörmaterialien in den Vordergrund. Der Tagungsband möchte relevante Fragestellungen hierzu aufgreifen und Impulse fĂŒr eine Neuausrichtung im Bereich der fremdsprachlichen Hörverstehensdidaktik geben.Under buzzwords such as "micro-listening" and "bottom-up skills", a shift in focus has been discussed for some time in foreign language listening comprehension didactics - from the traditional (content-oriented) "questions about the text" to tasks/exercises that aim more strongly at working on the sound substance of what is heard. Thus, the demand for the use of authentic listening materials comes to the fore. The conference volume would like to take up relevant questions and give impulses for a new orientation in the area of foreign language listening comprehension didactics

    Lehreinheit zum Hörtext "Nachmittagsplanung" (PGD 895) - Mikro-HörĂŒbungen in der DaF-Vermittlungspraxis

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    Der Beitrag stellt einen Unterrichtsentwurf zum Hörverstehenstraining ab GER-Niveau B1 an einem authentischen Alltagsdialog der "Plattform gesprochenes Deutsch" vor. Die Lerneinheit zu "Nachmittagsplanung" umfasst neben Fragen zum TextverstĂ€ndnis auch sog. Mikro-HörĂŒbungen, mit denen die Aufmerksamkeit der Hörer-LernerIinnen auf spontansprachliche Strukturen und Wortformen gelenkt werden können. Die Lerneinheit beinhaltet eine PDF-Version mit Lösungen und eine Powerpoint-PrĂ€sentationsversion, mit der auch die Audiodateien angehört werden können
