44 research outputs found

    Wildfire risk for main vegetation units in a biodiversity hotspot : modeling approach in New Caledonia, South Pacific

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    Wildfire has been recognized as one of the most ubiquitous disturbance agents to impact on natural environments. In this study, our main objective was to propose a modeling approach to investigate the potential impact of wildfire on biodiversity. The method is illustrated with an application example in New Caledonia where conservation and sustainable biodiversity management represent an important challenge. Firstly, a biodiversity loss index, including the diversity and the vulnerability indexes, was calculated for every vegetation unit in New Caledonia and mapped according to its distribution over the New Caledonian mainland. Then, based on spatially explicit fire behavior simulations (using the FLAMMAP software) and fire ignition probabilities, two original fire risk assessment approaches were proposed: a one-off event model and a multi-event burn probability model. The spatial distribution of fire risk across New Caledonia was similar for both indices with very small localized spots having high risk. The patterns relating to highest risk are all located around the remaining sclerophyll forest fragments and are representing 0.012% of the mainland surface. A small part of maquis and areas adjacent to dense humid forest on ultramafic substrates should also be monitored. Vegetation interfaces between secondary and primary units displayed high risk and should represent priority zones for fire effects mitigation. Low fire ignition probability in anthropogenic-free areas decreases drastically the risk. A one-off event associated risk allowed localizing of the most likely ignition areas with potential for extensive damage. Emergency actions could aim limiting specific fire spread known to have high impact or consist of on targeting high risk areas to limit one-off fire ignitions. Spatially explicit information on burning probability is necessary for setting strategic fire and fuel management planning. Both risk indices provide clues to preserve New Caledonia hot spot of biodiversity facing wildfires

    Assessment of Deep Learning Techniques for Land Use Land Cover Classification in Southern New Caledonia

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    Land use (LU) and land cover (LC) are two complementary pieces of cartographic information used for urban planning and environmental monitoring. In the context of New Caledonia, a biodiversity hotspot, the availability of up-to-date LULC maps is essential to monitor the impact of extreme events such as cyclones and human activities on the environment. With the democratization of satellite data and the development of high-performance deep learning techniques, it is possible to create these data automatically. This work aims at determining the best current deep learning configuration (pixel-wise vs. semantic labelling architectures, data augmentation, image prepossessing, …), to perform LULC mapping in a complex, subtropical environment. For this purpose, a specific data set based on SPOT6 satellite data was created and made available for the scientific community as an LULC benchmark in a tropical, complex environment using five representative areas of New Caledonia labelled by a human operator: four used as training sets, and the fifth as a test set. Several architectures were trained and the resulting classification was compared with a state-of-the-art machine learning technique: XGboost. We also assessed the relevance of popular neo-channels derived from the raw observations in the context of deep learning. The deep learning approach showed comparable results to XGboost for LC detection and over-performed it on the LU detection task (61.45% vs. 51.56% of overall accuracy). Finally, adding LC classification output of the dedicated deep learning architecture to the raw channels input significantly improved the overall accuracy of the deep learning LU classification task (63.61% of overall accuracy). All the data used in this study are available on line for the remote sensing community and for assessing other LULC detection techniques