273 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Keaktifan dan Prestasi Belajar Siswa Tentang Memecahkan Soal Cerita Matematika melalui Model Cooperative Learning Siswa Kelas V Sdn Pleret Kidul, Panjatan.

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    The purpose of this research is to describe improve the activity and learning achievement of mathematics solve story question using a cooperative learning model in five grade students of State Primery School ofPleret Kidul Panjatan. The type of research is Classroom Action Research (CAR). The subjects were students in five grade students of State Primery School of Pleret Kidul Panjatan, the number of students 23 people. The object of this study was the increase in activity and learning achievement of solving story questions using of cooperative learning model. Data collection technique used tests to obtain data on student achievement, observation to obtain data on student activity and documentation to strengthen data have been obtained from observation and learning outcomes. Learning achievement data analysis techniques performed by calculating the average value of students who meet KKM observation and analysis of the activity is done by calculating the percentage of aspects of the activity of each student. The validity of the item using the product moment, the reliability problem by using KR-20. The results showed an increase in activity and learning achievement of students. This can be demonstrated by an increase in average pratindakan student activity by 42% and after a given action first cycle increased to 72%. Then the second cycle the average activity of students increased significantly to 88%. Mathematics learning achievement of students also increased, namely on pratindakan there are 8 students or 35% of students have met KKM with an average value of 59. In the first cycle increased with an average value of 69, there were 13 students or 57% of students have met the KKM. In the second cycle a significant increase, the number of students who meet KKM as many as 17 students or 74% of students with an average value of 76. Thus, teachers are advised to apply the model of cooperative learning as an alternative to improve the activity and learning achievement of students

    Penerapan Sistem Budikdamber pada Pakan Probiotik Dalam Memperkuat Ketahanan Pangan di Era Covid-19

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    Malik D, Rahmawati NO, Puspitasari O, Aprilensia D, Annisa P, Yonarta D. 2021. Application of the budikdamber system to probiotic feed in strengthening food security in the Covid-19 era. In: Herlinda S et al. (Eds), Prosiding Seminar Nasional Lahan Suboptimal ke-9 Tahun 2021, Palembang 20 Oktober 2021. pp. 476-481. Palembang: Penerbit & Percetakan Universitas Sriwijaya (UNSRI).Human needs for animal protein are increasing, but the availability of fish farming land is getting narrower. Fish farming also requires feed other than land, but fish feed is getting more expensive. Steps need to be taken to reduce feed costs and creativity for alternative cultivation areas, as well as apply appropriate techniques to meet animal needs in the Covid-19 era. This paper was to develop a bucket fish farming system on probiotic feed to increase food production in the community. The writing of this scientific paper uses a qualitative descriptive method. Descriptive method is a method used to create a sequential description of the relationship between the phenomenon under investigation and the results that are not expressed in numbers. Catfish rearing in 80 L bucket media for 30 days resulted in catfish SR 41–70%, fish harvest was 2440 g (71.76 g/head), and mustard harvest produced as much as 30 bunches. However, these results are not appropriate and it is still necessary to optimize the cultivation container in order to avoid death due to predators and fish that come out of the rearing container. The catfish cultivation system can be a potential solution for fish cultivation, especially in narrow areas and aquaponic vegetable growing media such as mustard greens as additional community food in the Covid-19 era


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    Objective: The definitive treatment of preeclampsia until the fetus and placenta are delivered with magnesium sulfate (MgSO4) is a modality for the prevention and treatment of eclampsia. This study aims to determine the differences in serum magnesium (Mg) levels between before and after administration of MgSO4 in preeclampsia patients. Methods: This research was an analytical study with experimental design with one group pre and post-test control group design in 4 hospitals in Medan City, North Sumatera, Indonesia from July to November 2019, the preeclampsia group and as a control group is the normal pregnant women. Statistical analysis was performed to determine differences in initial serum Mg levels in the two groups, and differences in serum Mg levels before and after administration of MgSO4 in the preeclampsia group. Results: The study was conducted on 50 samples, divided into 2 groups with a total of 25 samples each. The mean Mg of serum in the preeclampsia group was 1,39 mEq/l (SD±0,28) lower than the control group, which was 1,53 mEq/l (SD±0,17) (p = 0.004). The average Mg level in preeclampsia patients before administration of MgSO4 was 1,39 mEq/l (SD±0,28), after MgSO4 administration, the average Mg level became 4,90 mEq/l (SD±0,37) (p<0,001). Conclusion: MgSO4 administration provides a significant increase in serum Mg levels in preeclampsia women. Serum Mg levels in preeclampsia patients are significantly lower than in women with normal pregnancies

    The in vivo effect of chelidonine on the stem cell system of planarians

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    The presence of adult pluripotent stem cells and the amazing regenerative capabilities make planarian flatworms an extraordinary experimental model to assess in vivo the effects of substances of both natural and synthetic origin on stem cell dynamics. This study focuses on the effects of chelidonine, an alkaloid obtained from Chelidonium majus. The expression levels of molecular markers specific for stem or differentiated cells were compared in chelidonine-treated and control planarians. The use of these markers demonstrates that chelidonine produces in vivo a significant anti-proliferative effect on planarian stem cells in a dosedependent fashion. In response to chelidonine treatment mitotic abnormalities were also observed and the number of cells able to proceed to anaphase/telophase appeared significantly reduced with respect to the controls. Our results support the possibility that chelidonine acts on cell cycle progression by inhibition of tubulin polymerization. These studies provide a basis for preclinical evaluation in vivo of the effects of chelidonine on physiologically proliferating stem cells

    Planarians as a model to assess in vivo the role of matrix metalloproteinase genes during homeostasis and regeneration

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    Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are major executors of extracellular matrix remodeling and, consequently, play key roles in the response of cells to their microenvironment. The experimentally accessible stem cell population and the robust regenerative capabilities of planarians offer an ideal model to study how modulation of the proteolytic system in the extracellular environment affects cell behavior in vivo. Genome-wide identification of Schmidtea mediterranea MMPs reveals that planarians possess four mmp-like genes. Two of them (mmp1 and mmp2) are strongly expressed in a subset of secretory cells and encode putative matrilysins. The other genes (mt-mmpA and mt-mmpB) are widely expressed in postmitotic cells and appear structurally related to membrane-type MMPs. These genes are conserved in the planarian Dugesia japonica. Here we explore the role of the planarian mmp genes by RNA interference (RNAi) during tissue homeostasis and regeneration. Our analyses identify essential functions for two of them. Following inhibition of mmp1 planarians display dramatic disruption of tissues architecture and significant decrease in cell death. These results suggest that mmp1 controls tissue turnover, modulating survival of postmitotic cells. Unexpectedly, the ability to regenerate is unaffected by mmp1(RNAi). Silencing of mt-mmpA alters tissue integrity and delays blastema growth, without affecting proliferation of stem cells. Our data support the possibility that the activity of this protease modulates cell migration and regulates anoikis, with a consequent pivotal role in tissue homeostasis and regeneration. Our data provide evidence of the involvement of specific MMPs in tissue homeostasis and regeneration and demonstrate that the behavior of planarian stem cells is critically dependent on the microenvironment surrounding these cells. Studying MMPs function in the planarian model provides evidence on how individual proteases work in vivo in adult tissues. These results have high potential to generate significant information for development of regenerative and anti cancer therapies


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    Background: The pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2 also caused infection in some pregnant women. Some reports say this viral infection can show symptoms of preeclampsia. Material and Methods: We analyzed 25 pregnant women with SARS-CoV-2 infection with 4 patients presenting with symptoms of preeclampsia. we performed routine blood analysis, renal function, liver function, and IHC examination to see the expression of viral proteins in the placenta. Results: we obtained 4 patients with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection by RT-PCR. In these 4 cases, none of the cases showed expression of the SARS-CoV-2 viral protein in the placenta, and all 4 mothers were declared dead after treatment, and 2 babies delivered out of these 4 cases died. In one case we had fetal death in pregnancy while in one case prematurity. 2 babies born to mothers with SARS-CoV-2 infection with preeclampsia were born in good condition. There were no babies infected with SARS-CoV-2 Conclusion: We conclude that SAR-CoV-2 infection in pregnant women with comorbidities can lead to a poor prognosis for both mother and baby. We cannot yet conclude whether SARS-CoV-2 infection can cause preeclampsia, but SARS-CoV-2 infection can exacerbate preeclampsia symptoms

    Differentiation and fiber type-specific activity of a muscle creatine kinase intronic enhancer

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    Background: Hundreds of genes, including muscle creatine kinase (MCK), are differentially expressed in fast- and slow-twitch muscle fibers, but the fiber type-specific regulatory mechanisms are not well understood. Results: Modulatory region 1 (MR1) is a 1-kb regulatory region within MCK intron 1 that is highly active in terminally differentiating skeletal myocytes in vitro. A MCK small intronic enhancer (MCK-SIE) containing a paired E-box/myocyte enhancer factor 2 (MEF2) regulatory motif resides within MR1. The SIE's transcriptional activity equals that of the extensively characterized 206-bp MCK 5'-enhancer, but the MCK-SIE is flanked by regions that can repress its activity via the individual and combined effects of about 15 different but highly conserved 9- to 24-bp sequences. ChIP and ChIP-Seq analyses indicate that the SIE and the MCK 5'-enhancer are occupied by MyoD, myogenin and MEF2. Many other E-boxes located within or immediately adjacent to intron 1 are not occupied by MyoD or myogenin. Transgenic analysis of a 6.5-kb MCK genomic fragment containing the 5'-enhancer and proximal promoter plus the 3.2-kb intron 1, with and without MR1, indicates that MR1 is critical for MCK expression in slow- and intermediate-twitch muscle fibers (types I and IIa, respectively), but is not required for expression in fast-twitch muscle fibers (types IIb and IId). Conclusions: In this study, we discovered that MR1 is critical for MCK expression in slow- and intermediate-twitch muscle fibers and that MR1's positive transcriptional activity depends on a paired E-box MEF2 site motif within a SIE. This is the first study to delineate the DNA controls for MCK expression in different skeletal muscle fiber types
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