7,927 research outputs found

    Non-Abelian Geometric Phase, Floquet Theory, and Periodic Dynamical Invariants

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    For a periodic Hamiltonian, periodic dynamical invariants may be used to obtain non-degenerate cyclic states. This observation is generalized to the degenerate cyclic states, and the relation between the periodic dynamical invariants and the Floquet decompositions of the time-evolution operator is elucidated. In particular, a necessary condition for the occurrence of cyclic non-adiabatic non-Abelian geometrical phase is derived. Degenerate cyclic states are obtained for a magnetic dipole interacting with a precessing magnetic field.Comment: Plain LaTeX, 13 pages, accepted for publication in J. Phys. A: Math. Ge

    Re-structuring lentiviral vectors to express genomic RNA via cap-dependent translation

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    Lentiviral (LV) vectors based on human immunodeficiency virus type I (HIV-1) package two copies of their single-stranded RNA into vector particles. Normally, this RNA genome is reverse transcribed into a double-stranded DNA provirus that integrates into the cell genome, providing permanent gene transfer and long-term expression. Integration-deficient LV vectors have been developed to reduce the frequency of genomic integration and thereby limit their persistence in dividing cells. Here, we describe optimization of a reverse-transcriptase-deficient LV vector, which enables direct translation of LV RNA genomes upon cell entry, for transient expression of vector payloads as mRNA without a DNA intermediate. We have engineered a novel LV genome arrangement in which HIV-1 sequences are removed from the 5′ end, to enable ribosomal entry from the 5′ 7-methylguanylate cap for efficient translation of the vector payload. We have shown that this LV-mediated mRNA delivery platform provides transient transgene expression in vitro and in vivo. This has a potential application in gene and cell therapy scenarios requiring temporary payload expression in cells and tissues that can be targeted with pseudotyped LV vectors

    Algebraic approach in the study of time-dependent nonlinear integrable systems: Case of the singular oscillator

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    The classical and the quantal problem of a particle interacting in one-dimension with an external time-dependent quadratic potential and a constant inverse square potential is studied from the Lie-algebraic point of view. The integrability of this system is established by evaluating the exact invariant closely related to the Lewis and Riesenfeld invariant for the time-dependent harmonic oscillator. We study extensively the special and interesting case of a kicked quadratic potential from which we derive a new integrable, nonlinear, area preserving, two-dimensional map which may, for instance, be used in numerical algorithms that integrate the Calogero-Sutherland-Moser Hamiltonian. The dynamics, both classical and quantal, is studied via the time-evolution operator which we evaluate using a recent method of integrating the quantum Liouville-Bloch equations \cite{rau}. The results show the exact one-to-one correspondence between the classical and the quantal dynamics. Our analysis also sheds light on the connection between properties of the SU(1,1) algebra and that of simple dynamical systems.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures, Accepted in PR

    Observation of An Evolving Magnetic Flux Rope Prior To and During A Solar Eruption

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    Explosive energy release is a common phenomenon occurring in magnetized plasma systems ranging from laboratories, Earth's magnetosphere, the solar corona and astrophysical environments. Its physical explanation is usually attributed to magnetic reconnection in a thin current sheet. Here we report the important role of magnetic flux rope structure, a volumetric current channel, in producing explosive events. The flux rope is observed as a hot channel prior to and during a solar eruption from the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) telescope on board the Solar Dynamic Observatory (SDO). It initially appears as a twisted and writhed sigmoidal structure with a temperature as high as 10 MK and then transforms toward a semi-circular shape during a slow rise phase, which is followed by fast acceleration and onset of a flare. The observations suggest that the instability of the magnetic flux rope trigger the eruption, thus making a major addition to the traditional magnetic-reconnection paradigm.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figure

    Observation of the Dynamical Casimir Effect in a Superconducting Circuit

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    One of the most surprising predictions of modern quantum theory is that the vacuum of space is not empty. In fact, quantum theory predicts that it teems with virtual particles flitting in and out of existence. While initially a curiosity, it was quickly realized that these vacuum fluctuations had measurable consequences, for instance producing the Lamb shift of atomic spectra and modifying the magnetic moment for the electron. This type of renormalization due to vacuum fluctuations is now central to our understanding of nature. However, these effects provide indirect evidence for the existence of vacuum fluctuations. From early on, it was discussed if it might instead be possible to more directly observe the virtual particles that compose the quantum vacuum. 40 years ago, Moore suggested that a mirror undergoing relativistic motion could convert virtual photons into directly observable real photons. This effect was later named the dynamical Casimir effect (DCE). Using a superconducting circuit, we have observed the DCE for the first time. The circuit consists of a coplanar transmission line with an electrical length that can be changed at a few percent of the speed of light. The length is changed by modulating the inductance of a superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) at high frequencies (~11 GHz). In addition to observing the creation of real photons, we observe two-mode squeezing of the emitted radiation, which is a signature of the quantum character of the generation process.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    The molecular characterisation of Escherichia coli K1 isolated from neonatal nasogastric feeding tubes

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    Background: The most common cause of Gram-negative bacterial neonatal meningitis is E. coli K1. It has a mortality rate of 10–15%, and neurological sequelae in 30– 50% of cases. Infections can be attributable to nosocomial sources, however the pre-colonisation of enteral feeding tubes has not been considered as a specific risk factor. Methods: Thirty E. coli strains, which had been isolated in an earlier study, from the residual lumen liquid and biofilms of neonatal nasogastric feeding tubes were genotyped using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, and 7-loci multilocus sequence typing. Potential pathogenicity and biofilm associated traits were determined using specific PCR probes, genome analysis, and in vitro tissue culture assays. Results: The E. coli strains clustered into five pulsotypes, which were genotyped as sequence types (ST) 95, 73, 127, 394 and 2076 (Achman scheme). The extra-intestinal pathogenic E. coli (ExPEC) phylogenetic group B2 ST95 serotype O1:K1:NM strains had been isolated over a 2 week period from 11 neonates who were on different feeding regimes. The E. coli K1 ST95 strains encoded for various virulence traits associated with neonatal meningitis and extracellular matrix formation. These strains attached and invaded intestinal, and both human and rat brain cell lines, and persisted for 48 h in U937 macrophages. E. coli STs 73, 394 and 2076 also persisted in macrophages and invaded Caco-2 and human brain cells, but only ST394 invaded rat brain cells. E. coli ST127 was notable as it did not invade any cell lines. Conclusions: Routes by which E. coli K1 can be disseminated within a neonatal intensive care unit are uncertain, however the colonisation of neonatal enteral feeding tubes may be one reservoir source which could constitute a serious health risk to neonates following ingestion

    HE4 and CA125 as a diagnostic test in ovarian cancer: prospective validation of the Risk of Ovarian Malignancy Algorithm

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    BACKGROUND: Recently, a Risk of Ovarian Malignancy Algorithm (ROMA) utilising human epididymis secretory protein 4 (HE4) and CA125 successfully classified patients as presenting a high or low risk for epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC). We validated this algorithm in an independent prospective study. METHODS: Women with a pelvic mass, who were scheduled to have surgery, were enrolled in a prospective study. Preoperative serum levels of HE4 and CA125 were measured in 389 patients. The performance of each of the markers, as well as that of ROMA, was analysed. RESULTS: When all malignant tumours were included, ROMA (receiver operator characteristic (ROC)-area under curve (AUC) = 0.898) and HE4 (ROC-AUC) = 0.857) did not perform significantly better than CA125 alone (ROC-AUC = 0.877). Using a cutoff for ROMA of 12.5% for pre-menopausal patients, the test had a sensitivity of 67.5% and a specificity of 87.9%. With a cutoff of 14.4% for post-menopausal patients, the test had a sensitivity of 90.8% and a specificity of 66.3%. For EOC vs benign disease, the ROC-AUC of ROMA increased to 0.913 and for invasive EOC vs benign disease to 0.957. CONCLUSION: This independent validation study demonstrated similar performance indices to those recently published. However, in this study, HE4 and ROMA did not increase the detection of malignant disease compared with CA125 alone. Although the initial reports were promising, measurement of HE4 serum levels does not contribute to the diagnosis of ovarian cancer. British Journal of Cancer (2011) 104, 863-870. doi:10.1038/sj.bjc.6606092 www.bjcancer.com Published online 8 February 2011 (C) 2011 Cancer Research U

    The Efficacy of Sequential Biologic Agents in Refractory Rheumatoid Arthritis After Failure of Initial DMARD and Anti-Tumor Necrosis Factor Therapy

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    Introduction/Objective: The efficacy of biologic therapy in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) has been well-established but, in practice, a quarter of patients will either not respond to the first biologic agent or will suffer an adverse event requiring a switch to a different drug. While clinical guidelines exist to help guide therapy and previous studies have examined sequential use of anti-TNF agents, there is little data to inform a multiple switch strategy. Our aim was to measure the efficacy of multiple switches of biologic in severe refractory RA. Methods: We enrolled 111 patients whose therapy with one anti-TNF agent had failed in this open-label observational study. These patients were all treated with a second biologic agent and 27 ultimately required treatment with a third. The response to the therapy and disease activity were assessed at 6 and 12 months after each switch. Results: The remission rates at 6 months were lower than previously reported and the initiation of a second biologic agent resulted in significant improvement at 12 months, including DAS remission in 36% of patients. The response in those receiving a third biologic was less pronounced, as might be expected in this relatively treatment-refractory population. In this group, only patients treated with tocilizumab had maintained remission at one year. Conclusion: Patients who do not respond to an anti-TNF agent often benefit from being switched to a second, or even third, biologic. Importantly, it may take longer than expected to fully assess the effectiveness of a second or third agent in patients with refractory disease

    A statistical network analysis of the HIV/AIDS epidemics in Cuba

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    The Cuban contact-tracing detection system set up in 1986 allowed the reconstruction and analysis of the sexual network underlying the epidemic (5,389 vertices and 4,073 edges, giant component of 2,386 nodes and 3,168 edges), shedding light onto the spread of HIV and the role of contact-tracing. Clustering based on modularity optimization provides a better visualization and understanding of the network, in combination with the study of covariates. The graph has a globally low but heterogeneous density, with clusters of high intraconnectivity but low interconnectivity. Though descriptive, our results pave the way for incorporating structure when studying stochastic SIR epidemics spreading on social networks
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