1,266 research outputs found

    Conversational Exploratory Search via Interactive Storytelling

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    Conversational interfaces are likely to become more efficient, intuitive and engaging way for human-computer interaction than today's text or touch-based interfaces. Current research efforts concerning conversational interfaces focus primarily on question answering functionality, thereby neglecting support for search activities beyond targeted information lookup. Users engage in exploratory search when they are unfamiliar with the domain of their goal, unsure about the ways to achieve their goals, or unsure about their goals in the first place. Exploratory search is often supported by approaches from information visualization. However, such approaches cannot be directly translated to the setting of conversational search. In this paper we investigate the affordances of interactive storytelling as a tool to enable exploratory search within the framework of a conversational interface. Interactive storytelling provides a way to navigate a document collection in the pace and order a user prefers. In our vision, interactive storytelling is to be coupled with a dialogue-based system that provides verbal explanations and responsive design. We discuss challenges and sketch the research agenda required to put this vision into life.Comment: Accepted at ICTIR'17 Workshop on Search-Oriented Conversational AI (SCAI 2017

    Cascade Model-based Propensity Estimation for Counterfactual Learning to Rank

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    Unbiased CLTR requires click propensities to compensate for the difference between user clicks and true relevance of search results via IPS. Current propensity estimation methods assume that user click behavior follows the PBM and estimate click propensities based on this assumption. However, in reality, user clicks often follow the CM, where users scan search results from top to bottom and where each next click depends on the previous one. In this cascade scenario, PBM-based estimates of propensities are not accurate, which, in turn, hurts CLTR performance. In this paper, we propose a propensity estimation method for the cascade scenario, called CM-IPS. We show that CM-IPS keeps CLTR performance close to the full-information performance in case the user clicks follow the CM, while PBM-based CLTR has a significant gap towards the full-information. The opposite is true if the user clicks follow PBM instead of the CM. Finally, we suggest a way to select between CM- and PBM-based propensity estimation methods based on historical user clicks.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, 43rd International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR '20

    ViTOR: Learning to Rank Webpages Based on Visual Features

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    The visual appearance of a webpage carries valuable information about its quality and can be used to improve the performance of learning to rank (LTR). We introduce the Visual learning TO Rank (ViTOR) model that integrates state-of-the-art visual features extraction methods by (i) transfer learning from a pre-trained image classification model, and (ii) synthetic saliency heat maps generated from webpage snapshots. Since there is currently no public dataset for the task of LTR with visual features, we also introduce and release the ViTOR dataset, containing visually rich and diverse webpages. The ViTOR dataset consists of visual snapshots, non-visual features and relevance judgments for ClueWeb12 webpages and TREC Web Track queries. We experiment with the proposed ViTOR model on the ViTOR dataset and show that it significantly improves the performance of LTR with visual featuresComment: In Proceedings of the 2019 World Wide Web Conference (WWW 2019), May 2019, San Francisc

    What Should We Teach in Information Retrieval?

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    Contextual Feedback to Superficial Layers of V1

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    Neuronal cortical circuitry comprises feedforward, lateral, and feedback projections, each of which terminates in distinct cortical layers [1-3]. In sensory systems, feedforward processing transmits signals from the external world into the cortex, whereas feedback pathways signal the brain's inference of the world [4-11]. However, the integration of feedforward, lateral, and feedback inputs within each cortical area impedes the investigation of feedback, and to date, no technique has isolated the feedback of visual scene information in distinct layers of healthy human cortex. We masked feedforward input to a region of V1 cortex and studied the remaining internal processing. Using high-resolution functional brain imaging (0.8 mm(3)) and multivoxel pattern information techniques, we demonstrate that during normal visual stimulation scene information peaks in mid-layers. Conversely, we found that contextual feedback information peaks in outer, superficial layers. Further, we found that shifting the position of the visual scene surrounding the mask parametrically modulates feedback in superficial layers of V1. Our results reveal the layered cortical organization of external versus internal visual processing streams during perception in healthy human subjects. We provide empirical support for theoretical feedback models such as predictive coding [10, 12] and coherent infomax [13] and reveal the potential of high-resolution fMRI to access internal processing in sub-millimeter human cortex

    Safe Exploration for Optimizing Contextual Bandits

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    Contextual bandit problems are a natural fit for many information retrieval tasks, such as learning to rank, text classification, recommendation, etc. However, existing learning methods for contextual bandit problems have one of two drawbacks: they either do not explore the space of all possible document rankings (i.e., actions) and, thus, may miss the optimal ranking, or they present suboptimal rankings to a user and, thus, may harm the user experience. We introduce a new learning method for contextual bandit problems, Safe Exploration Algorithm (SEA), which overcomes the above drawbacks. SEA starts by using a baseline (or production) ranking system (i.e., policy), which does not harm the user experience and, thus, is safe to execute, but has suboptimal performance and, thus, needs to be improved. Then SEA uses counterfactual learning to learn a new policy based on the behavior of the baseline policy. SEA also uses high-confidence off-policy evaluation to estimate the performance of the newly learned policy. Once the performance of the newly learned policy is at least as good as the performance of the baseline policy, SEA starts using the new policy to execute new actions, allowing it to actively explore favorable regions of the action space. This way, SEA never performs worse than the baseline policy and, thus, does not harm the user experience, while still exploring the action space and, thus, being able to find an optimal policy. Our experiments using text classification and document retrieval confirm the above by comparing SEA (and a boundless variant called BSEA) to online and offline learning methods for contextual bandit problems.Comment: 23 pages, 3 figure
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