2,951 research outputs found

    Factors associated with absenteeism-illness in rural workers in a timber company

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    O acompanhamento do absenteísmo-doença tem revelado altas prevalências e forte relação com o trabalho. Objetivou-se analisar os fatores associados ao absenteísmo-doença dos trabalhadores rurais de uma empresa florestal em Minas Gerais, Brasil. Trata-se de estudo transversal, analítico, realizado com 883 trabalhadores. Foram levantados os atestados médicos desses trabalhadores, durante um ano. Utilizaram-se, para análise estatística descritiva, análises bi e multivariadas. A força de associação foi medida pelo odds ratio (OR) com auxílio da regressão logística (pEl acompañamiento del absentismo-enfermedad ha revelado altas prevalencias y fuerte relación con el trabajo. Se objetivó analizar los factores asociados al absentismo-enfermedad de los trabajadores rurales de una empresa forestal en Minas Gerais- Brasil. Se trata de un estudio transversal, analítico, realizado con 883 trabajadores. Fueron levantados los testificados médicos durante un año. Se utilizó para análisis estadístico descriptivo, análisis bi y multivariadas. La fuerza de asociación fue medida por el odds ratio (OR) con auxilio de la regresión logística (pThe monitoring of absenteeism-illness has revealed its high prevalence, and a strong relationship with work. This study aimed to analyze the factors associated with absenteeism-illness among the rural workers in a timber company in Minas Gerais, Brazil. It is an analytical cross-sectional study, carried out among 883 workers. The medical certificates issued in the company over one year were surveyed. For the analysis, use was made of descriptive statistics and bi- and multivariable analyses. The strength of association was measured by the odds ratio (OR) with help from logistic regression (

    O trabalho em turnos alternados e seus efeitos no cotidiano do trabalhador no beneficiamento de grãos

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    This study aimed to investigate the effects of alternating shift work in the daily life of grain processing workers. A quantitative data collection research was carried out at a grain processing company in Goiás - Brazil. Research participants were 53 alternating shift workers. A questionnaire was developed and used for data collection, based on the principles of chronobiology and Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, with 31 closed and one open question. The result showed dissatisfactory sleep quality for approximately 50% of the participants. The most evidenced physiological changes referred to the digestive tract. As for behavioral aspects, irritability was highlighted. Among the research participants, 70% considered that their work hours affect their leisure and social life. In conclusion, negative manifestations exist in the daily life of people working in alternating shifts, which can affect their physical, mental and social health.Se tuvo por objetivo identificar los efectos del trabajo en turnos alternados en lo cotidiano de los trabajadores que benefician granos. Fue realizada una investigación de recolección de datos con abordaje cuantitativo en una empresa de beneficio de granos en Goiás - Brasil. Participaron de la investigación 53 trabajadores de turnos alternados. Fue elaborado y utilizado un cuestionario para la recolección de datos, basado en los principios de la cronobiología y en el Índice de Calidad del Sueño de Pittsburgh, con 31 preguntas cerradas y una abierta. El resultado evidenció que la calidad del sueño no es satisfactoria para 50% de los participantes. Las alteraciones fisiológicas más evidenciadas se refirieron al tracto digestivo. En cuanto a los aspectos de comportamiento, la irritabilidad fue destacada. De los investigados, 70% consideraron que el descanso y la vida social quedan perjudicados por el horario de trabajo. Se concluye que existen manifestaciones negativas en lo cotidiano de personas que trabajan en turnos alternados, lo que puede afectar su salud física, mental y social.Objetivou-se identificar os efeitos do trabalho em turnos alternados, no cotidiano dos trabalhadores no beneficiamento de grãos. Foi realizada pesquisa de coleta de dados, com abordagem quantitativa, em uma empresa de beneficiamento de grãos em Goiás, Brasil. Participaram da pesquisa 53 trabalhadores de turnos alternados. Foi elaborado e utilizado um questionário para a coleta de dados, baseado nos princípios da cronobiologia e no índice de qualidade do sono de Pittsburgh, com 31 questões fechadas e uma aberta. O resultado evidenciou que a qualidade de sono não é satisfatória para 50% dos participantes. As alterações fisiológicas mais evidenciadas se referiram ao trato digestivo. Quanto aos aspectos comportamentais, a irritabilidade foi destacada. Dos pesquisados, 70% consideraram que o lazer e a vida social ficam prejudicados pelo horário de trabalho. Conclui-se que existem manifestações negativas no cotidiano de pessoas que trabalham em turnos alternados, podendo afetar sua saúde física, mental e social

    A regional-scale conceptual and numerical groundwater flow model in fluvio-glacial sediments for the Milan Metropolitan area (Northern Italy)

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    Study region: The Milan metropolitan area lies on one of the most important aquifer in Italy, heavily exploited for public and industrial water supply. The area, covering 3135 km2 in the Po Plain (Northern Italy) with a continental climate, is bounded by the Po, the Adda and the Ticino rivers and by the prealpine foothills. Regional hydrology is characterised by a network of natural and man-made elements, and lowland springs. The sedimentary sequence, from bottom to top, is formed by meandering river plain deposits, the distal fringe of the glacial outwash plains and proximal braid-plain deposits. Study focus: This study proposes a general approach for aquifer geometry reconstruction and hydrodynamic parametrization of hydrofacies in fluvio-glacial deposits, and their implementation into a 3D regional groundwater flow model. This approach is based on sedimentologically-defined lithofacies/hydrofacies and their correlation in space to obtain nearly homogeneous subunits starting from available data (i.e. 8628 borehole logs, grain size distributions, well tests) and sedimentological knowledge. New hydrological insights for the region: The calibrated 3D FEM groundwater model allows quantifying the main components of the hydrogeological budget at the regional scale, and the fluxes among the different hydro-stratigraphic units. A sensitivity analysis of groundwater levels to the main recharge components suggests importance of anthropogenic disturbances with respect to natural recharge, and that land-use change may impact water resources more than climate change

    Effects of a 3-Week Inpatient Multidisciplinary Body Weight Reduction Program on Body Composition and Physical Capabilities in Adolescents and Adults With Obesity

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    BackgroundThe aim of the present study was to examine the short-term changes in body composition and physical capabilities in subjects with obesity during a multidisciplinary inpatient body weight reduction program (BWRP). MethodsOne hundred thirty-nine adolescents (56 boys and 83 girls; BMI: 37.1 +/- 6.5 kg/m(2); Fat Mass, FM: 45.3 +/- 7.2%) and 71 adults (27 males and 44 females; BMI: 44 +/- 4.7 kg/m(2); FM: 51.4 +/- 4.7%) followed a 3-week inpatient BWRP consisting of regular physical activity, moderate energy restriction, nutritional education and psychological counseling. Before (T0) and after the end of the BWRP (T21), body composition was assessed with an impedancemeter, lower limb muscle power with Margaria Stair Climbing Test (SCT), lower limb functionality with Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB), and the capacity of performing activity of daily living (ADL) with Physical Performance Test (PPT). ResultsAt T21, obese adolescents showed a 4% reduction in body mass (BM) (p < 0.001), associated with a FM reduction in boys (-10%) and girls (-6%) (p < 0.001) and with a 3% reduction in fat-free mass (FFM) recorded only in boys (p = 0.013). Obese adults showed a 5% BM reduction (p < 0.001), associated with a 2% FFM and 9% FM reduction (p < 0.001) in males, and 7% FM reduction in females (p < 0.001). Regarding physical capabilities, at T21 in obese adolescents, PPT score increased by 4% (p < 0.001), SCT decreased by -5% (boys) and -7% (girls) (p < 0.001), while SPPB score did not change significantly. In obese adults at T21, PPT score increased by 9% (p < 0.001), SCT decreased by -16% (p < 0.001) only in females, and SPPB score increased by 7% (males) and 10% (females) (p < 0.01). ConclusionIn conclusion, moderate energy restriction and regular physical activity determine a 4-5% BM reduction during a 3-week inpatient BWRP, improve physical capabilities and induce beneficial changes in body composition in adolescents and adults with obesity

    Altitudinal training sets of pollen rain – vegetation cover and modelled climate as a tool for the interpretation of paleoecological records

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    To improve our ability to reconstruct past environments and climate from fossil pollen records, modern proxy calibration studies along climatic and ecological gradients are needed. Here we present the first training set of modern pollen rain, vegetation, climate and terrain parameters developed along a 1700m-high transect in the western Italian Alps. The accurate knowledge on the relationships between these factors is essential for robust and sound reconstructions of past ecosystems based on microscopic plant remains

    Protocollo operativo per la validazione geometrica di immagini satellitari ad alta risoluzione

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    Nel corso degli ultimi anni, la crescente disponibilità di scene acquisite da satelliti ad alta risoluzione spaziale (come GeoEye-1, WorldView-1 e 2 o Pleiades-1A e 1B) ha aperto nuovi scenari di applicazioni realizzabili a scala medio-piccola, avvicinando così il Telerilevamento alla Fotogrammetria

    Itch/β-arrestin2-dependent non-proteolytic ubiquitylation of SuFu controls Hedgehog signalling and medulloblastoma tumorigenesis

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    Suppressor of Fused (SuFu), a tumour suppressor mutated in medulloblastoma, is a central player of Hh signalling, a pathway crucial for development and deregulated in cancer. Although the control of Gli transcription factors by SuFu is critical in Hh signalling, our understanding of the mechanism regulating this key event remains limited. Here, we show that the Itch/β-arrestin2 complex binds SuFu and induces its Lys63-linked polyubiquitylation without affecting its stability. This process increases the association of SuFu with Gli3, promoting the conversion of Gli3 into a repressor, which keeps Hh signalling off. Activation of Hh signalling antagonises the Itch-dependent polyubiquitylation of SuFu. Notably, different SuFu mutations occurring in medulloblastoma patients are insensitive to Itch activity, thus leading to deregulated Hh signalling and enhancing medulloblastoma cell growth. Our findings uncover mechanisms controlling the tumour suppressive functions of SuFu and reveal that their alterations are implicated in medulloblastoma tumorigenesis

    Itch/β-arrestin2-dependent non-proteolytic ubiquitylation of SuFu controls Hedgehog signalling and medulloblastoma tumorigenesis

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    Suppressor of Fused (SuFu), a tumour suppressor mutated in medulloblastoma, is a central player of Hh signalling, a pathway crucial for development and deregulated in cancer. Although the control of Gli transcription factors by SuFu is critical in Hh signalling, our understanding of the mechanism regulating this key event remains limited. Here, we show that the Itch/β-arrestin2 complex binds SuFu and induces its Lys63-linked polyubiquitylation without affecting its stability. This process increases the association of SuFu with Gli3, promoting the conversion of Gli3 into a repressor, which keeps Hh signalling off. Activation of Hh signalling antagonises the Itch-dependent polyubiquitylation of SuFu. Notably, different SuFu mutations occurring in medulloblastoma patients are insensitive to Itch activity, thus leading to deregulated Hh signalling and enhancing medulloblastoma cell growth. Our findings uncover mechanisms controlling the tumour suppressive functions of SuFu and reveal that their alterations are implicated in medulloblastoma tumorigenesis