185 research outputs found

    Enabling FAIR research in Earth Science through research objects

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    Data-intensive science communities are progressively adopting FAIR practices that enhance the visibility of scientific breakthroughs and enable reuse. At the core of this movement, research objects contain and describe scientific information and resources in a way compliant with the FAIR principles and sustain the development of key infrastructure and tools. This paper provides an account of the challenges, experiences and solutions involved in the adoption of FAIR around research objects over several Earth Science disciplines. During this journey, our work has been comprehensive, with outcomes including: an extended research object model adapted to the needs of earth scientists; the provisioning of digital object identifiers (DOI) to enable persistent identification and to give due credit to authors; the generation of content-based, semantically rich, research object metadata through natural language processing, enhancing visibility and reuse through recommendation systems and third-party search engines; and various types of checklists that provide a compact representation of research object quality as a key enabler of scientific reuse. All these results have been integrated in ROHub, a platform that provides research object management functionality to a wealth of applications and interfaces across different scientific communities. To monitor and quantify the community uptake of research objects, we have defined indicators and obtained measures via ROHub that are also discussed herein.Published550-5645IT. Osservazioni satellitariJCR Journa

    A despistagem do VIH/sida: saúde pública e motivações dos utentes do teste rápido no Nordeste de Portugal

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    The article examines the adherence of citizens to the quick test for HIV in the Counseling and Early Detection of HIV/AIDS Center (CAD), in the city of Bragança (Northeast Portugal). Specifically, it seeks to examine the role of a fast diagnosis in the fight against AIDS within the Portuguese public health system, to understand the circumstances underlying the demand for the service and to interpret the perceptions and practices of CAD users. In terms of methodology, it was a case study based on ethnographic inquiry, linking direct observation, informal conversations and interviews, which was associated with extensive documental and statistic research. The results obtained allow us to state that the quick test gave a very positive contribution to the fight against HIV/AIDS infection, facilitating citizen access to knowledge of their serological status almost instantly and improving their follow-up by health technicians. The so-called “dissipation of uncertainty”, following sexual risk behavior, is the main reason that leads users to perform a quick test.O artigo analisa a adesão dos cidadãos ao teste rápido de despistagem do VIH no Centro de Aconselhamento e Deteção Precoce do VIH/sida (CAD) da cidade de Bragança (Nordeste de Portugal). Em concreto, procura-se examinar o papel do diagnóstico rápido na luta contra a infeção pelo VIH/sida no quadro do sistema público de saúde português, compreender as circunstâncias subjacentes à procura do serviço e interpretar as percepções e práticas dos utentes do CAD objecto desta pesquisa. Em termos metodológicos, tratou-se de um estudo de caso assente em inquirição etnográfica, articulando observação direta, diálogos informais e entrevistas, a que se associou uma extensa pesquisa documental e estatística. Os resultados apurados permitem afirmar que o teste rápido proporcionou um contributo muito positivo para a luta contra a infeção pelo VIH/sida, facilitando o acesso dos cidadãos ao conhecimento praticamente imediato do seu estado serológico e melhorando o seguimento destes por parte dos técnicos de saúde. A chamada “dissipação da incerteza”, na sequência de uma situação de risco, é o principal motivo que leva os utentes a realizar o teste rápido


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    A brief explanation and overview of constitutivism

    The twilight of the Liberal Social Contract? On the Reception of Rawlsian Political Liberalism

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    This chapter discusses the Rawlsian project of public reason, or public justification-based 'political' liberalism, and its reception. After a brief philosophical rather than philological reconstruction of the project, the chapter revolves around a distinction between idealist and realist responses to it. Focusing on political liberalism’s critical reception illuminates an overarching question: was Rawls’s revival of a contractualist approach to liberal legitimacy a fruitful move for liberalism and/or the social contract tradition? The last section contains a largely negative answer to that question. Nonetheless the chapter's conclusion shows that the research programme of political liberalism provided and continues to provide illuminating insights into the limitations of liberal contractualism, especially under conditions of persistent and radical diversity. The programme is, however, less receptive to challenges to do with the relative decline of the power of modern states

    Adverse pregnancy outcomes are associated with Plasmodium vivax malaria in a prospective cohort of women from the Brazilian Amazon.

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    BACKGROUND: Malaria in Brazil represents one of the highest percentages of Latin America cases, where approximately 84% of infections are attributed to Plasmodium (P.) vivax. Despite the high incidence, many aspects of gestational malaria resulting from P. vivax infections remain poorly studied. As such, we aimed to evaluate the consequences of P. vivax infections during gestation on the health of mothers and their neonates in an endemic area of the Amazon. METHODS AND FINDINGS: We have conducted an observational cohort study in Brazilian Amazon between January 2013 and April 2015. 600 pregnant women were enrolled and followed until delivery. After applying exclusion criteria, 329 mother-child pairs were included in the analysis. Clinical data regarding maternal infection, newborn's anthropometric measures, placental histopathological characteristics, and angiogenic and inflammatory factors were evaluated. The presence of plasma IgG against the P. vivax (Pv) MSP119 protein was used as marker of exposure and possible associations with pregnancy outcomes were analyzed. Multivariate logistic regression analysis revealed that P. vivax infections during the first trimester of pregnancy are associated with adverse gestational outcomes such as premature birth (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] 8.12, 95% confidence interval [95%CI] 2.69-24.54, p < 0.0001) and reduced head circumference (aOR 3.58, 95%CI 1.29-9.97, p = 0.01). Histopathology analysis showed marked differences between placentas from P. vivax-infected and non-infected pregnant women, especially regarding placental monocytes infiltrate. Placental levels of vasomodulatory factors such as angiopoietin-2 (ANG-2) and complement proteins such as C5a were also altered at delivery. Plasma levels of anti-PvMSP119 IgG in infected pregnant women were shown to be a reliable exposure marker; yet, with no association with improved pregnancy outcomes. CONCLUSIONS: This study indicates that P. vivax malaria during the first trimester of pregnancy represents a higher likelihood of subsequent poor pregnancy outcomes associated with marked placental histologic modification and angiogenic/inflammatory imbalance. Additionally, our findings support the idea that antibodies against PvMSP119 are not protective against poor pregnancy outcomes induced by P. vivax infections

    The management of women with ductal carcinoma in situ of the breast in Australia and New Zealand between 2007 and 2016

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    Background: The incidence of detected ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) continues to increase and now accounts for 14% of all breast cancer, and 20%–25% of screen-detected cases. Treatment trends of DCIS are important in order to inform the ongoing debate about possible overdiagnosis and overtreatment, but have not been investigated for over a decade in Australia and New Zealand. Against this background, we aimed to describe the temporal trends in management of DCIS in Australian and New Zealander women. Methods: Using the BreastSurgANZ Quality Audit (BQA) database, we conducted a descriptive study of the trends of management of DCIS in Australia and New Zealand from 2007 to 2016. We assessed the frequency of surgical treatments, adjuvant therapies, and axillary surgery conducted in women with pure DCIS. Results: There were 17 883 cases of pure DCIS in 2007–2016 in Australia and New Zealand recorded in the BQA database. The treatment patterns were consistent with no changes over time. The most common surgical treatment was breast-conserving surgery (66%), followed by mastectomy (37%), and 36% of women with DCIS received sentinel node biopsy (SNB). Conclusion: The clinical management of women diagnosed with DCIS in Australia and New Zealand, appears stable over time. A substantial proportion of women with DCIS receive SNB and this aspect of surgical care warrants further exploration to determine whether it represents appropriate care. These results, alongside the outcomes of the ongoing clinical trials on the management of DCIS, will help inform if any changes to best practice treatment are required.Sofia Omling, Nehmat Houssami, Kevin McGeechan, Sophia Zackrisson, Gemma Jacklyn, David Walters, Alexandra Barratt, and Rachel Farbe

    Empathy as resistance in an age of protest: Turning the other cheek

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    In today’s ‘age of protest’, people have the right to publically resist what they perceive to be unjust and abusive. Sometimes, public protest is non-violent, but often it becomes destructive. People get hurt and property is damaged. Those who have the least are often affected most. This article explores the potential of the centuries old ethics of the Jesus tradition coupled with recent insights from psychology on empathy, for effective and necessary resistance against injustice and power abuse, but without the futility of the violence and destruction. This way of love resists all evil, oppression and injustice, and has the power to break the spiral of violence