2,607 research outputs found

    Characterization and device physics of polymer semiconducting devices with metal oxide contacts

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    Dit proefschrift beschrijft de fabricatie en karakterisatie van organische elektronische devices met metaal oxide contacten. Voornamelijk zijn zink oxide en vanadium pentoxide onderzocht. Manieren om op lage temperatuur dunne lagen te maken van deze metaal oxides zijn onderzocht om ze verenigbaar te maken met organische half-geleiders, die gevoelig zijn voor hoge temperaturen. De karakteristieken van organische licht-emitterende diodes and zonnecellen in verschillende structuren met deze contacten zijn onderzocht. De belangrijkste prestatie kenmerken van de verschillende types devices komen overeen met devices met een meer conventionele contact structuur. Ook zijn de metaal oxide contacten beter bestand tegen degradatie onder normale atmosferische omstandigheden dan de reactieve metalen die vaak gebruikt worden als cathode materiaal. De klassieke vergelijkingen voor de diffusie stroom in halfgeleider devices zijn aangepast aan de specifieke randvoorwaarden van contacten aan organische halfgeleiders. In het bijzonder is de rol van de Gaussische toestandsdichtheid van organische halfgeleiders en de hoogte van de energetische barriere in het geval een een non-ohmisch contact aan de organische halfgeleider uitgelicht. Deze resultaten zijn vervolgens gebruikt om een vergelijking voor de injectie stroomdichtheid vanuit een non-ohmisch contact in een organische halfgeleider op te stellen. Deze vergelijkingen voor de diffusie- en injectiestroomdichtheid in organische halfgeleiders zijn experimenteel gevalideerd voor verschillende materialen en devices

    Characterization and device physics of polymer semiconducting devices with metal oxide contacts

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    The main management objective of ICCAT is to maintain the populations of tuna and tuna-like fishes at levels which will permit the maximum sustainable catch. Scientific advice designed to meet this objective, in common with other tuna Regional Fisheries Management Organisations (tRFMO) scientific committees, is presented in the form of the Kobe II Strategy Matrix (K2SM). A decision table is given showing the time taken to achieve management objectives (e.g., stock recovery) for different levels of TAC or effort. However, substantial uncertainties still remain in assessments and therefore a key area of research is to show how uncertainty and improvements in information, consistent with the principles of the precautionary approach, can be incorporated into advice, so that for any level of uncertainty there is the same risk of depletion.JRC.G.4-Maritime affair

    Evolutionary history of a Scottish harbour seal population

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    ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors wish to thank Shaneve Tripp (NYU School of Law) and Wendy West (DAFF) for their english corrections. Ludovic Hoarau (IFREMER) for his help on ArcGis. Katia Feve (INRAE) for her help with the DNA extraction protocol. DNA samples were extracted at INRAE and genotyped at the Toulouse Genopole Platform (http://www.genotoul.fr/). Anonymous reviewers provided many helpful comments on an earlier version of the manuscript. Funding This work was supported by INRAE (FRANCE), Genotoul platform (FRANCE), and University of Aberdeen. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. Data Availability The following information was supplied regarding data availability: Data is available at INRAE: Nikolic, Natacha; Thompson, Paul; De Bruyn, Mark; MacĂ©, Matthias; Chevalet, Claude, 2020, ‘‘Microsatellite data from: Evolutionary history of a Scottish harbour seal population’’, https://doi.org/10.15454/AOZ7JI, Portail Data INRAE, V2.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Pattern Formation and Dynamics in Rayleigh-B\'{e}nard Convection: Numerical Simulations of Experimentally Realistic Geometries

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    Rayleigh-B\'{e}nard convection is studied and quantitative comparisons are made, where possible, between theory and experiment by performing numerical simulations of the Boussinesq equations for a variety of experimentally realistic situations. Rectangular and cylindrical geometries of varying aspect ratios for experimental boundary conditions, including fins and spatial ramps in plate separation, are examined with particular attention paid to the role of the mean flow. A small cylindrical convection layer bounded laterally either by a rigid wall, fin, or a ramp is investigated and our results suggest that the mean flow plays an important role in the observed wavenumber. Analytical results are developed quantifying the mean flow sources, generated by amplitude gradients, and its effect on the pattern wavenumber for a large-aspect-ratio cylinder with a ramped boundary. Numerical results are found to agree well with these analytical predictions. We gain further insight into the role of mean flow in pattern dynamics by employing a novel method of quenching the mean flow numerically. Simulations of a spiral defect chaos state where the mean flow is suddenly quenched is found to remove the time dependence, increase the wavenumber and make the pattern more angular in nature.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figure

    Frequency of Th17 CD20+ cells in the peripheral blood of rheumatoid arthritis patients is higher compared to healthy subjects

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    addresses: Peninsula Medical School, University of Exeter, Heavitree Road, Exeter EX1 2LU, UK. [email protected]: PMCID: PMC3334661types: Journal Article; Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov'tRheumatoid arthritis (RA) is considered a T cell driven autoimmune disease, therefore, the ability of B cell depleting biologics, e.g., anti-CD20 antibodies, to alleviate RA is unclear. This study examined the proportions of IL-17-secreting lymphocytes in the blood of healthy subjects and RA patients and determined if Th17 cells belong to a CD20+ subset of T cells

    Self-Healing Polyphosphonium Ionic Networks

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    Self healing, ionically crosslinked networks were prepared from poly(acrylic acid) (PAA) and poly(triethyl(4-vinylbenzyl)phosphonium chloride (P-Et-P) and their properties were studied. Three different ratios of PAA/P-Et-P were incorporated into the networks by varying the addition orders of the components. Swelling of the networks increased with increasing NaCl concentration when they were immersed in aqueous solution. All networks retained their structural integrity in 0.1 M NaCl. Studies of the rheological and tensile properties of the networks swelled in 0.1 M NaCl showed that PAA\u3eP-Et-Pexhibited high elongation and viscoelastic properties suitable for self-healing with a relaxation time of ~30 s, whereas the other networks exhibited predominantly elastic behavior. The moduli were similar to those of soft tissues. Self-healing of PAA\u3eP-Et-Pin 0.1 M NaCl was demonstrated through repair of a 0.5 mm diameter puncture in the material whereas healing was incomplete for the other networks and also for PAA\u3eP-Et-Pin the absence of NaCl. Healing after completely severing a tensile testing sample showed significant recovery of the modulus, strength, and elongation. The properties of these materials and their ability to self-heal in low and physiologically relevant salt concentrations make them promising candidates for a variety of applications, particularly in the biomedical area

    Wavelength Scaling and Square/Stripe and Grain Mobility Transitions in Vertically Oscillated Granular Layers

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    Laboratory experiments are conducted to examine granular wave patterns near onset as a function of the container oscillation frequency f and amplitude A, layer depth H, and grain diameter D. The primary transition from a flat grain layer to standing waves occurs when the layer remains dilated after making contact with the container. With a flat layer and increasing dimensionless peak container acceleration G = 4 pi^2 f^2 A/g (g is the acceleration due to gravity), the wave transition occurs for G=2.6, but with decreasing G the waves persist to G=2.2. For 2.2<G<3.8, patterns are squares for f<f_ss and stripes for f>f_ss; H determines the square/stripe transition frequency f_ss=0.33(g/H)^0.5. The dispersion relations for layers with varying H collapse onto the curve L/H=1.0+1.1[f(H/g)^0.5]^(-1.32 +/- 0.03) (L is the wavelength) when the peak container velocity v exceeds a critical value v_gm of approximately 3 (Dg)^0.5. Local collision pressure measurements suggest that v_gm is associated with a transition in the horizontal grain mobility: for v>v_gm, there is a hydrodynamic-like horizontal sloshing motion, while for v<v_gm, the grains are essentially immobile and the stripe pattern apparently arises from a bending of the granular layer. For f at v_gm less than f_ss and v<v_gm, patterns are tenuous and disordered.Comment: 21 pages, 15 figures, submitted to Physica

    Ecosystem services provided by agroforestry home gardens in Bengkulu, Indonesia: Smallholder utilization, biodiversity conservation, and carbon storage

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    Wiryono, Kristiansen P, Bruyn LLD, Saprinurdin, Nurliana S. 2023. Ecosystem services provided by agroforestry home gardens in Bengkulu, Indonesia: Smallholder utilization, biodiversity conservation, and carbon storage. Biodiversitas 24: 2657-2665. Agroforestry system provides ecosystem services such as conserving biodiversity and providing smallholder farmers with food and other daily needs. It can also generate income for the owners. This study was conducted in 105 home gardens of four villages in Bengkulu Province, Indonesia, to analyze tree species diversity and composition, uses, and potential carbon storage in the agroforestry system of home gardens. Tree data were collected on individual trees from 200 plots (10×10 m). Home garden owners were interviewed on the uses of each tree species. The species richness of trees in each village ranged from 18 to 36, with a total of 57 species (29 introduced and 28 native) for four villages. Most trees (30 species) provided food. The above-ground carbon storage of trees ranged from 29 Mg ha-1 to 127 Mg ha-1, with an average of 87 Mg ha-1. This study found that the agroforestry system in home gardens serves some ecosystem services, i.e., providing food, medicines, and other daily needs, conserving plant species and the habitat they provide, and storing carbon. These ecosystem services help villagers build resilience to changing environmental and socio-economic conditions
