20 research outputs found

    Status Penelitian Purwoceng (Pimpinella Alpina Molk.) Di Indonesia

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    Purwoceng was a commercial medicinal plant that could be used as aphrodisiac, diuretic, and body fit enhancer. The plant was indigenous of Indonesia that grew endemically at Dieng Plateau in Central Java, Pangrango Mountain in West Java, and mountaineos area in East Java. Recently the population was getting rare because of high genetic erosion. Based on the erosion level, the purwoceng was categorized as endangered species. In order to prevent from extinction, the conservation has to be done. The efforts of conservation could be conducted together with the efforts of its utilization optimally and sustainably. So far there were not many researches on purwoceng. Several aspects that had been reported were on agronomy, in vitro culture, phytochemistry, and pharmacology. However, the results of those researches had not been optimal and satisfying. Breeding research had not even been reported. This condition opened large opportunities for researchers to develop the researches that had been conducted to obtain the new technology. The supported technologies and the completed information would enhance the development of this commodity especially at industrial scale

    Pengaruh Pemupukan Terhadap Pertumbuhan, Produksi Dan Mutu Simplisia Purwoceng (Pimpinella Pruatjan Molkenb)

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    Effect of fertilizer application on production and qualityof Pimpinella pruatjan MolkenbPurwoceng (Pimpinella pruatjan Molkenb) is an Indonesianindigenous medicinal plant. Purwoceng is classified as an endangeredspecies, and its cultivation technology has not been devoleped. Theobjective of the research was to find out the effect of fertilizer applicationon the production and quality of purwoceng simplisia. The research wasconducted in Sikunang, Dieng, Wonosobo, Central Java from 2004 until2005. The treatments of fertilizer application on 2.4 m 2 were (1) control(without fertilizer); (2) 9.6 kg dung manure (dm); (3) 96 g urea + 48 gSP36 + 72 g KCl; (4) 9.6 kg pk + 96 g urea + 48 g SP36 + 72 g KCl; (5)9.6 kg pk + 96 g urea + 48 g SP36; (6) 96 kg pk + 9.6 g urea + 72 g KCl;(7) 9.6 kg pk + 48 g SP36 + 72 g KCl. The experiment was designed inrandomized block designed with four replications. The result of theresearch showed that the treatments of 9.6 kg dm + 96 g urea + 48 g SP36+ 72 g KCl/2.4 m 2 and 96 g urea + 48 g SP36 + 72 g KCl/2.4 m 2 increasedthe simplisia production and quality compared with control. The simplisiaproduction increased up to 40% and the stigma sterol content in the rootsincreased up to 11 – 14 times. The content of sitosterol in the plants withfertilizer application was 6.7 – 17.11 ppm but in the plants withoutfertilizer application was zero. The content of bergapten in shoot part ofplant with fertilizer application was 4.92 – 5.56 ppm, but in the shoot partwithout fertilizer application was zeros. The production and quality ofsimplisia with the fertilizer application of 96 g urea + 48 g SP36 + 72 gKCl/2.4 m 2 were not significantly different from those with fertilizerapplication of 9.6 kg pk + 96 g urea + 48 g SP36 + 72 gKCl/2.4 m 2 . Ithappened probably because the organic soil content was high, so that theapplication of 40 ton/ha of dung manure did not give any effect.Furthermore, to increase the optimum production of purwoceng simplisia(6.98 kwt/ha) with high quality it needs 283 mg N, 55 mg P dan 356 mgK/plant or 23.50 kg N, 6.30 kg P, and 38.90 K/ha

    Peningkatan Keberhasilan Sambungan Top-working Jambu Mete (Annacardium Occidentale L.) Dengan Aplikasi Asam Indol Butirat / Improve Grafting Success of Top Working on Cashew (Annacardium Occidentale L.) by Application of Indole Butyric Acid (Iba)

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    Produktivitas jambu mete (Annacardium occidentale L.) di Indonesia masih rendah yang disebabkan oleh penggunaan bahan tanaman dari biji dengan mutu genetik yang rendah. Salah satu upaya untuk meningkatkan produktivitas jambu mete adalah penerapan teknologi top-working yaitu teknologi menggantikan tanaman tidak unggul di lapang dengan varietas unggul secara cepat melalui cara penyambungan, tanpa harus membongkar tanaman. Tujuan penelitian adalah mendapatkan konsentrasi IBA yang tepat untuk meningkatkan persentase keberhasilan dan pertumbuhan sambungan top working pada tanaman jambu mete. Penelitian dilakukan di Kebun Percobaan (KP) Cikampek mulai bulan Januari sampai Juni 2016. Varietas yang digunakan untuk batang atas (entres) dan batang bawah yaitu B02, dan batang bawah berumur 7 tahun. Pada musim hujan dilakukan pemotongan batang pohon jambu mete setinggi 1,2 – 1,5 m di atas permukaan tanah. Batang atas yang digunakan berukuran panjang Β± 15 cm dan diameter 5 – 7 mm dengan mata tunas yang masih tidur (dorman). Rancangan yang digunakan adalah acak kelompok dengan empat perlakuan dan tujuh ulangan. Perlakuan yang diuji adalah konsentrasi IBA (0, 300, 600, dan 900 ppm). Peubah yang diamati adalah persentase sambungan hidup, panjang tunas, jumlah daun, kandungan klorofil, dan kompatibilitas berdasarkan nilai konstan field determination of compatibility constant (FCC). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi IBA 600 ppm dinilai cukup efisien dan efekftif dalam menghasilkan persentase sambungan hidup, panjang tunas, jumlah daun, dan kandungan klorofil

    In Vitro Culture Manipulation on Pruatjan for Secondary Metabolite Production

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    Purwoceng (Pimpinella pruatjan Molk. atau Pimpinellaalpina KDS.) adalah tanaman obat langka yang dapat dimanfaatkansebagai bahan obat afrodisik, diuretik, dan tonik.Kultur in vitro tidak hanya dapat digunakan untuk konservasidan perbanyakan tanaman, melainkan dapat juga diterapkanuntuk produksi metabolit sekunder. Melalui teknik ini,produksi metabolit sekunder tidak bergantung kepada sumbertanaman di lapang. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuanuntuk meningkatkan kadar stigmasterol melalui kultur invitro dengan menggunakan prekursor asam mevalonat. Penelitiandibagi menjadi dua tahap, yaitu induksi kalus danmanipulasi kultur in vitro untuk meningkatkan kadar stigmasterol.Pada tahap induksi kalus, terdapat 16 perlakuan yangmerupakan kombinasi perlakuan 2,4-D dan piklorammasing-masing pada taraf 0,5; 1,0; 1,5; dan 2,0 ppm. Untukmeningkatkan kadar stigmasterol, digunakan asam mevalonatpada taraf 0, 250, 500, dan 750 ppm dengan masa inkubasiselama 4 dan 6 minggu. Kandungan stigmasterol dianalisismenggunakan GC-MS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkanbahwa media P2 (DKW + 2,4-D 0,5 ppm + pikloram 1,0ppm) adalah media terbaik untuk induksi kalus. Eksplan daunlebih baik daripada eksplan petiol. Hasil analisis GC-MSmenunjukkan bahwa kandungan stigmasterol tertinggi(0,0356 ppm) diperoleh dari kalus dengan masa inkubasi 4minggu pada media dengan penambahan asam mevalonat250 ppm. Peningkatan taraf asam mevalonat tidak mampumeningkatkan kandungan stigmasterol. Kadar tersebut miripdengan kandungan stigmasterol pada planlet dari GunungPutri (0,0365 ppm) dan Dieng (0,0414 ppm). Dibandingkandengan kadarnya dalam akar tanaman dari lapang, kandungantersebut sekitar 10-100 kali lipat lebih tinggi

    Karakter Anatomi Daun Kultur Purwoceng Pascakonservasi in Vitro

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    Leaf Anatomy Characteristic of Pruatjan Cultures Post In Vitro. Evaluation of anatomical characteristics regenerant planlet of purwoceng (Pimpinella pruatjan Molk.) cultivated on conservation medium was observed to determine the difference of characteristics performance of the planlet grown on conservation medium and those that was maintained on the normal medium. Stomata was microscopically observed on abaxial leaf paradermal section that preparated by whole mount method and leaf structure on cross section by paraffin method. The result showed that stomata density was greater on the planlets regenerated in the conservation medium but stomata length was lower than those on the normal medium. Upper epidermis, mesofil and lower epidermis length of the regenerant on the conservation medium were lower than those on the normal medium. Sorbitol and paclobutrazol applied reduced the performance of regenerated spesies than those of planlet maintained on the normal medium. Combination of both application resulted in anatomical character differences on the plants regenerated on normal medium

    Pengaruh Bahan Setek dan Pupuk Daun Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Nilam

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    Influence of cutting material and loliage fertilizer on the growth and yield of patchouli.A study was carried out at the green house of Research Institute for Spice and Medicinal Crops Bogor in 1987, to evaluate the effect of cutting material and foliage fertilizer on the growth and yield of patchouli. This experiment was designed in a completely randomized block design arranged factorially with 3 replication. The factors were cutting material (basal, middle and top) and foliage fertilizer (control, Gandasil D, and Floran). The result showed that all observed variable were not significant affected by cutting material. Using foliage fertilizer were significantly affected on the number of leaves and dry weight of plant compared with control. However, no significant different between Gandasl D and Floran. Further study should be conducted in field condition