9,545 research outputs found

    Noise transmission through flat rectangular panels into a closed cavity

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    Five panels backed by a closed cavity were studied experimentally and analytically to determine the noise transmission characteristics of the coupled panel-cavity system. The closed cavity was studied both with and without fiber-glass lining to provide either an absorbent or a reverberant acoustic space. The effects on noise reduction of cavity absorption, measurement location within the cavity, panel mass, and panel stiffness were examined. Results indicated that both measurement location and absorption in the cavity have significant effects on the noise reduction. Increasing panel mass improves the noise reduction at almost all frequencies, and increasing panel stiffness improves nose reduction below the fundamental resonance frequency. A simple, one dimensional analytical model was developed which provided good agreement with the experimental results

    Experimental study of noise reduction for an unstiffened cylindrical model of an airplane fuselage

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    Noise reduction measurements were made for a simplified model of an airplane fuselage consisting of an unstiffened aluminum cylinder 0.5 m in diameter by 1.2 m long with a 1.6-mm-thick wall. Noise reduction was first measured with a reverberant field pink-noise load on the cylinder exterior. Next, noise reduction was measured by using a propeller to provide a more realistic noise load on the cylinder. Structural resonance frequencies and acoustic reverberation times for the cylinder interior volume were also measured. Comparison of data from the relatively simple test using reverberant-field noise with data from the more complex propeller-noise tests indicates some similarity in both the overall noise reduction and the spectral distribution. However, all of the test parameters investigated (propeller speed, blade pitch, and tip clearance) had some effect on the noise-reduction spectra. Thus, the amount of noise reduction achieved appears to be somewhat dependent upon the spectral and spatial characteristics of the flight conditions. Information is also presented on cyclinder resonance frequencies, damping, and characteristics of propeller-noise loads

    Computer program for a four-cylinder-Stirling-engine controls simulation

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    A four cylinder Stirling engine, transient engine simulation computer program is presented. The program is intended for controls analysis. The associated engine model was simplified to shorten computer calculation time. The model includes engine mechanical drive dynamics and vehicle load effects. The computer program also includes subroutines that allow: (1) acceleration of the engine by addition of hydrogen to the system, and (2) braking of the engine by short circuiting of the working spaces. Subroutines to calculate degraded engine performance (e.g., due to piston ring and piston rod leakage) are provided. Input data required to run the program are described and flow charts are provided. The program is modular to allow easy modification of individual routines. Examples of steady state and transient results are presented

    Polarographic study of cadmium 5-hydroxy 2-(hydroxymethyl) 4H-pyran-4-one complex

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    A polarographic study was performed on the products formed in the interaction of cadmium (II) with a 5-hydroxy 2-(hydroxymethyl) 4H-Pyran-4-one, using varying conditions of pH, supporting electrolytes, and concentrations. Measurements using the differential pulse method show that cadmium (II) exhibits a molar combining ratio of complexing agents to cation ranging from 1 to 1 to 3 to 1 depending on the pH and the supporting electrolyte employed

    Fibers on a graph with local load sharing

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    We study a random fiber bundle model with tips of the fibers placed on a graph having co-ordination number 3. These fibers follow local load sharing with uniformly distributed threshold strengths of the fibers. We have studied the critical behaviour of the model numerically using a finite size scaling method and the mean field critical behaviour is established. The avalanche size distribution is also found to exhibit a mean field nature in the asymptotic limit.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, To appear in International Journal of Modern Physics

    ActiveTrans Priority Tool: An Analysis of the San Luis Obispo Council of Government’s Regional Transportation Plan Active Transportation Project List and Step-by-Step Methodology

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    This is the first effort by SLOCOG to systematically rank and prioritize existing proposed active transportation projects through a GIS methodology across the county. The methodology demonstrates to member agencies and SLOCOG with a step-by-step approach to allocate limited resources to desired active transportation projects in an equitable way. The variables were selected by a Steering Committee. The report also includes suggestions for improved future analysis. This information can help to inform future plans and allocate funds. The Regional Active Transportation Project Selection & Ranking Tool Methodology combines data from six factors to create a priority score. The six factors are: Opportunities, Safety, Existing Conditions, Demand, Connectivity, and Equity. Each factor score was weighted based on stakeholder input. The final table ranks projects by their composite priority score but projects can also be considered by each factor individually depending on priorities

    Preliminary feasibility study of a multi-Phobos encounter experiment during the Viking extended mission

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    The Viking '75 Mission to Mars is reported which permits a truly unique opportunity to explore the natural satellite, Phobos, from distances measured in tens of kilometers. A preliminary feasibility study has been made which shows that a science mission involving a Phobos close encounter is technically feasible and within the capabilities of the current Viking design. For less than 20 m/s, the Viking Orbiter can provide approximately two 40-day periods of close observation of Phobos, with the first encounter period in January and the second in March, 1977. Multi-pass images of the entire satellite from nearly all aspect angles and with resolution on the order of 10 meters are possible. Close encounters will permit mass determinations to an accuracy of tens of percent. These experiments can be performed in series with the nominal mission; thus, providing complementary scientific information without compromising the original mission and science objectives

    Predicted and measured strain responses of isotropic panels to base excitation

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    The accuracy of classical linear theory for predicting acceleration and strain for cantilevered and Clamped-Free-Clamped-Free (C-F-C-F) panels excited through the base is studied. Aluminum, steel and titanium plates of various dimensions and thicknessess were vibration tested, using a broadband random signal applied through a shaker mounting fixture. The strains were measured at 9 locations on the cantilevered panels and at 5 locations on the C-F-C-F panels. Predictions were based on the Ritz method. The measured accelerations of the base were input to the analysis for the forcing function. Comparisons between predicted and measured strain acceleration spectra were within an average error of 20 percent for both the cantilevered and C-F-C-F panels

    Thin shell wormhole due to dyadosphere of a charged black hole

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    To explain Gamma Ray Bursts, Ruffini argued that the event horizon of a charged black hole is surrounded by a special region called, the Dyadosphere where electric field exceeds the critical value for e+e^+ e−e^- pair production. In the present work, we construct a thin shell wormhole by performing a thought surgery between two dadospheres. Several physical properties of this thin shell wormhole have been analyzed.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures. Accepted in Mod.Phys.Lett.

    Dynamic model of fiber bundles

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    A realistic continuous-time dynamics for fiber bundles is introduced and studied both analytically and numerically. The equation of motion reproduces known stationary-state results in the deterministic limit while the system under non-vanishing stress always breaks down in the presence of noise. Revealed in particular is the characteristic time evolution that the system tends to resist the stress for considerable time, followed by sudden complete rupture. The critical stress beyond which the complete rupture emerges is also obtained
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