20 research outputs found
Proline and ions accumulation in four Passiflora species under water-saline stress
Water-saline stress is one of the factors limiting growth and crop production, with the induction of morphological, structural and metabolic changes in higher plants. This study aimed to evaluate the response of four species with ten accessions of Passiflora to saline stress and drought stress, and the accumulation of proline and content of cationic macronutrients and their relationships with sodium. The plants were grown under controlled conditions for seven months, watered with nutrient solution with additions of NaCl (100 mM) to achieve the desired conductivities (1.5, 2.5, 4.0, and 5.5 dS m-1) and constant substrate humidity of 100%, 66% and 33%. The concentrations of Na+, K+, Ca++, Mg++ and proline in the leaves were determined. Proline accumulation increased in salinized plants, especially in young leaves. Proline increase was evident in accessions tolerant and moderately tolerant to salinity. These results indicate that tolerance to salinity and water stress in Passiflora relates to an improved ability to exclude sodium and greater ability to accumulate proline for osmotic adjustment. The increased salinity of the nutrient solution increased sodium contents, relations Na+/Ca++, Na+/Mg++, Na+/K+, and decreased Ca++, Mg++ and K+ levels, reflecting the nutritional imbalance caused by progressive saline stress.Water-saline stress is one of the factors limiting growth and crop production, with the induction of morphological, structural and metabolic changes in higher plants. This study aimed to evaluate the response of four species with ten accessions of Passiflora to saline stress and drought stress, and the accumulation of proline and content of cationic macronutrients and their relationships with sodium. The plants were grown under controlled conditions for seven months, watered with nutrient solution with additions of NaCl (100 mM) to achieve the desired conductivities (1.5, 2.5, 4.0, and 5.5 dS m-1) and constant substrate humidity of 100%, 66% and 33%. The concentrations of Na+, K+, Ca++, Mg++ and proline in the leaves were determined. Proline accumulation increased in salinized plants, especially in young leaves. Proline increase was evident in accessions tolerant and moderately tolerant to salinity. These results indicate that tolerance to salinity and water stress in Passiflora relates to an improved ability to exclude sodium and greater ability to accumulate proline for osmotic adjustment. The increased salinity of the nutrient solution increased sodium contents, relations Na+/Ca++, Na+/Mg++, Na+/K+, and decreased Ca++, Mg++ and K+ levels, reflecting the nutritional imbalance caused by progressive saline stress
Tolerancia a la salinidad de Passiflora tarminiana Coppens & Barney
1 recurso en línea (páginas 11-19).Passiflora tarminiana es una glicofita trepadora, nativa de la región andina que tiene tolerancia a la salinidad y estrés hídrico moderado. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la capacidad para la excreción de sodio como una posible estrategia de esta especie para la tolerancia a la salinidad y a la sequía. La excreción de sal y las concentraciones de iones excretados se examinaron en plantas cultivadas durante siete meses bajo varios niveles de salinidad [(NaCl) 2,5; 4,0 y 5,5 dS m-1 (25, 40 y 55 mM)] y de estrés hídrico moderado (33 y 100% de humedad en el sustrato). El experimento fue llevado a cabo en un diseño completamente al azar con un arreglo de parcelas subdivididas, donde la parcela constituye el porcentaje de saturación de agua (33 y 100%), la subparcela los niveles de saturación de sal (CE: 2,5; 4,0 y 5,5 dS m-1), con cinco repeticiones, y la unidad experimental compuesta por una planta. Se evaluaron los cristales de sal y las estructuras de la epidermis foliar. Las sales fueron excretadas en la superficie adaxial de la hoja, posiblemente debido a las glándulas secretoras de sal especializadas. Se observaron otras estructuras como tricomas y papilas, que se cree que también están implicadas en la tolerancia a la salinidad en P. tarminiana.moderate water stress. The aim of this study was to evaluate its capacity for sodium excretion as a possible strategy for salinity tolerance and the drought. Salt excretion and excreted ion concentrations were evaluated in plants grown for seven months under various levels of salinity [(NaCl) 2.5, 4.0, and 5.5 dS m-1 (25, 40 and 55 mM)] and moderate water stress (33 and 100% moisture in the substrate). The experiment design was completely randomized in a split-plot array, where the plot was determined by the percentage of water saturation (33% and 100%). The ubplot had saturation levels of salinity (EC: 2.5, 4.0, and 5.5 dS m-1), with five
replicates. The experiment unit consisted of one plant. Salt crystals and structures of the leaf epidermis were evaluated. Salts were excreted in the adaxial leaf surface, possibly because of specialized salt secreting glands. Other structures, such as trichomes and papillae, were also observed, which are believed to also be involved in the salt tolerance of P. tarminiana.Bibliografía: páginas 18-1
Initial physiological development of four species of passion flower (Passifloraceae) with productive and ornamental potential in minas Gerais, Brazil.
El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar el vigor y el Desarrollo fisiológico inicial de cuatro especies de pasifloras (passiflora cincinnata mast., p. Gibertii n.E. Brown, p. Mucronata Lam y p. Quadrangularis l.) con potencial productivo y Ornamental. El estudio se llevó a cabo en la colección De pasifloráceas in vivo del departamento de fitotecnia De la universidad federal de viçosa, brasil. El diseño Experimental fue en bloques completos al azar (bca) Con cuatro especies de pasifloras como tratamiento, tres Repeticiones y diez plantas como unidad experimental. Para la medición del desarrollo fisiológico y el vigor de las Plantas fueron medidas las siguientes variables: diámetro del Tallo (mm); diámetros de las ramas primarias, secundarias y Terciarias (mm); longitud de las ramas (m); número de nudos De las ramas y longitud de entrenudos de las ramas (cm). La especie p. Quadrangularis presentó los valores más altos En diámetro del tallo (17,33 mm), de las ramas primarias (8,85 mm), de las secundarias (6,33 mm) y de las terciarias (5,06 mm); mientras que p. Cincinnata mostró las mayores Longitudes en las ramas primarias (4,67 m), secundarias (2,23 M) y mayores longitudes de entrenudos de las ramas (7,75 Cm). La especie evaluada de p. Quadrangularis evidenció ser una Planta de un vigor vegetativo alto y las especies p. Cincinnata Y p. Gibertii presentaron características de ser plantas con Un vigor vegetativo intermedio. Dada la función de estas Ventajas pueden ser utilizadas como planta ornamental, una Alternativa dentro del grupo de las enredaderas indicadas Para cercas vivas o arbóreas.The objective of this study was to evaluate the vigor and the initial physiological development of four wild species of Passion flower (Passiflora cincinnata Mast., P. gibertii NE Brown, P. mucronata Lam and P. quadrangularis L.) with productive and ornamental potential. The study was conducted in the in vivo Passifloraceae collection in the Plant Science Department at Universidade Federal de Viçosa. The experimental design was randomized complete blocks (RCB), with four species of Passion flower as a treatment, three replications and ten plants as experimental unit. For the measurement of the physiological development and vigor of the plants, the following variables were measured: a) stem diameter (mm), b) diameters of primary, secondary and tertiary branches (mm), c) length of the branches (m), d) number of nodes of branches; e) length of internodes of the branches (cm). The species P. quadrangularis showed the highest values in stem diameter (17.33 mm) of the primary branches (8.85 mm), the secondary (6.33 mm) and the tertiary branches (5.06 mm), while P. cincinnata showed the greatest lengths in the primary branches (4.67 m) and the secondary branches (2.23 m) and longer lengths between branch knots (7.75 cm). The species P. quadrangularis evaluated evidenced being a plant of a high vegetative vigor and the species P. cincinnata and P. gibertti exhibited features of being plants with an intermediate vegetative vigor. Based on these advantages, they can be used as ornamental plants, an alternative within the group of climbing plants suitable for living or tree fences
Desarrollo y morfología de la raíz del maracuyá en diferentes substratos
1 recurso en línea (páginas 514-520).Entre los factores que contribuyen para un correcto desarrollo inicial de las plantas, está el sustrato utilizado, por tanto, el objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar el efecto del sustrato en la formación inicial y morfología de las raíces de dos especies de maracuyá. El experimento fue realizado en vivero con polisombra de interceptación luminosa (60%), en la Universidad Federal de Goiás (UFG), Regional Jataí, Brasil. Los materiales utilizados fueron maracuyá (Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa) y el cultivar FB 200 (Flora Brasil). Se utilizaron semillas de frutos recolectados del huerto experimental de la UFG. Se sembraron en tres tipos de sustratos: Suelo I (mezcla de 2 partes de suelo + 1 parte de gallinaza + 1 parte de arena), Suelo II (suelo de barranco) y Bioplant®; se utilizó bolsas perforadas para plántulas con capacidad de 1,5 L. El diseño experimental utilizado fue completamente aleatorio con seis tratamientos, ocho repeticiones y cuatro plántulas por parcela. Después de 30 días de siembra, se evaluó: peso fresco de la raíz, peso seco de raíz y morfología de la raíz. El sustrato tuvo efecto en el desarrollo inicial de las plantas de maracuyá, donde se obtuvo los mejores resultados con Bioplant®. Este sustrato sobresalió en todas las características evaluadas mostrando
su potencialidad en la propagación de esta especie.Among the factors that contribute to better initial development of plants, it is the substrate used. Therefore,
this study aimed to evaluate the effect of substrate in initial formation and morphology of the roots of two
species of passion fruits. The analyses were done in the nursery of the Federal University of Goiás (UFG),
Regional Jataí, Brazil, with a light interception of 60%. The material used were seeds of yellow passion fruit
(Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa) and the cultivar FB 200 (Flora Brasil), harvested in the UFG experimental field.
They were sown in three types of substrates: Soil I (mixture of soil, chicken manure and sand in a ratio of
2:1:1 by volume), soil II (steep bank), and Bioplant®, using for plants perforated bags with a capacity of 1.5
L. The experimental design was a completely randomized design with six treatments, eight replications and
four plants per plot. After 30 days of sowing, fresh matter of root, root dry matter and morphology were
evaluated. The substrate affected the initial development of yellow passion fruit, obtaining the best results
with Bioplant®, showing as promising for the development of all the evaluated characteristics.Bibliografía: página 52
Qualidade pós-colheita de oito variedades de pêssego
The fruit physical and chemical characteristics can vary during the maturation period and this variation depends, among other factors, on the weather conditions during fruit development. This study aimed to evaluate the changes in physical and chemical characteristics of eight peach cultivars during two seasons. The cultivars Campinas 1, Coral, Maciel, Marli, Premier, Regis, Rei da Conserva and Tropic Beauty were planted on Okinawa rootstock at the experimental orchard of the Federal University of Viçosa (UFV), Viçosa-MG, Brazil, in 2008 and the following characteristics were evaluated: fruit weight, skin color, firmness, soluble solids, titratable acidity, ascorbic acid and total carotenoids. The experiment was conducted during 2011 and 2012 growing seasons in a completely randomized design with eight treatments (cultivars), three repetitions and 10 fruits per plot. There were differences between the variables for the two seasons, with the largest variations observed for firmness, ascorbic acid and total carotenoids. Cultivars Maciel and Marli produced fruit with higher mass, Tropic Beauty with greater firmness and Rei da Conserva, Coral and Marli with higher soluble solids contents. The cultivar Rei da Conserva presented higher values for most of the evaluated variables in both seasons. The yellow color, evaluated by the hue angle, is associated with total carotenoids content in peaches.As características físicas e químicas dos frutos variam durante o período de pós-colheita, e essa variação depende, entre outros fatores, das condições meteorológicas durante o desenvolvimento dos frutos. Este trabalho objetivou avaliar as alterações nas características físicas e químicas de oito cultivares de pêssego em duas safras. As cultivares Campinas 1, Coral, Maciel, Marli, Premier, Régis, Rei da Conserva e Tropic Beauty foram plantadas sobre o porta-enxerto Okinawa no pomar experimental da Universidade Federal de Viçosa (UFV), Viçosa-MG em 2008 e avaliadas quanto às características massa de fruto, cor da epiderme, firmeza, teor de sólidos solúveis, acidez titulável, teor de ácido ascórbico e carotenoides totais. O experimento foi conduzido durante as safras de 2011 e 2012, em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com oito tratamentos (cultivares), três repetições e 10 frutos por parcela. Houve diferenças entre as características avaliadas nas duas safras, sendo as maiores variações observadas na firmeza da polpa e nos teores de ácido ascórbico e de carotenóides totais. As cultivares Maciel e Marli produzem frutos com maiores valores de massa, Tropic Beauty com maior firmeza e Rei da Conserva, Coral e Marli com maiores teores de sólidos solúveis. A cultivar Rei da Conserva se destacou em relação à maioria das características em ambas as safras. A tonalidade amarela no pêssego está associada com carotenóides totais
RESUMO O mercado de frutas frescas do maracujá-amarelo valoriza as qualidades interna e externa dos frutos. O uso de espécies silvestres como porta-enxertos tem sido preconizado como possível medida de controle de doenças. São escassas as informações sobre o efeito de espécies silvestres do gênero Passiflora como porta-enxertos sobre as características físicas e químicas em frutos de maracujazeiro. O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar a influência de duas espécies de passifloráceas silvestres P. mucronata Lam e P. gibertii N.E. Brow como porta-enxertos sobre as características físicas e químicas dos frutos do maracujazeiro-amarelo em ambiente protegido. Adotou-se o delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com quatro tratamentos e 25 repetições, consistindo em 100 parcelas. Cada parcela foi representada por uma planta conduzida em vaso de 30 L. Os porta-enxertos avaliados foram: Passiflora edulis Sims, Passiflora gibertii N.E. Brow e Passiflora mucronata Lam. Comotratamento-testemunha, foram utilizadas plantas de P. edulis Sims provenientes de sementes. Avaliaram-se a massa fresca do fruto (MF), a massa fresca da casca (MC), a massa fresca da polpa (MP), o diâmetro do fruto (DF), o comprimento longitudinal do fruto (CF), a espessura da casca dos frutos (EC), a coloração do suco e da casca dos frutos, o teor de sólidos solúveis (SS), a acidez titulável (AT), a relação SS/AT, a relação MP/MF e o teor de vitamina C (ácido ascórbico). As plantas enxertadas sobre espécies silvestres produziram frutos mais alongados que as plantas provenientes de sementes, porém dentro dos padrões de comercialização
Characterization of white-fleshed peach cultivars grown in the ‘Zona da Mata’ area of Minas Gerais State, Brazil
There are few information on the physical and chemical characteristics of peach fruit in subtropical climate regions and the majority of the studies were developed in the southern region of Brazil. In this study, physical and chemical characteristics of 12 white-fleshed peach cultivars (Cristal, Cristal Tacoari, Colibri, Delicioso Precoce, Jóia 1, Jóia 2, Jóia 4, Marli, Okinawa, Pérola de Itaquera, Premier and Tropical) were evaluated. The cultivars were planted in the experimental orchard of the Federal University of Viçosa (UFV), Viçosa – MG, Brazil. The experiment was conducted during the 2011 harvest season, in a completely randomized design with 12 treatments (cultivars), three replications and 10 fruits per plot. The cultivars Delicioso Precoce and Marli showed, in general, higher mass and fruit diameter. Fruits of cultivars Jóia 2 and Tropical presented higher firmness. Cultivar Tropical stood out with better balance between acidity and soluble solids and higher vitamin C and carotenoids contents.Existem poucas informações sobre as características físicas e químicas de frutos de pessegueiro
em regiões de clima subtropical, sendo a maioria dos trabalhos desenvolvidos na região Sul do
Brasil. Desta forma, este trabalho objetivou avaliar características físicas e químicas de frutos de
12 cultivares de pessegueiro de polpa branca, a saber: Cristal, Cristal Tacoari, Colibri, Delicioso
Precoce, Jóia 1, Jóia 2, Jóia 4, Marli, Okinawa, Pérola de Itaquera, Premier, Tropical. Elas foram
introduzidas no pomar experimental da Universidade Federal de Viçosa (UFV), Viçosa-MG. O
experimento foi conduzido durante a safra 2011, em delineamento inteiramente casualisado, com
12 tratamentos (cultivares), três repetições e 10 frutos por parcela. As cultivares Delicioso Precoce
e Marli apresentaram, no geral, maior massa e diâmetros de frutos. Os frutos das cultivares Jóia
2 e Tropical apresentaram maior firmeza de polpa. Tropical se destacou por apresentar melhor
balanço entre sólidos solúveis e acidez e maiores teores de vitamina C e de carotenoides
Chlorophyll content and degrees day accumulation in passion fruit species in the Southwest of Goias, Brazil
Brazil is considered the world’s largest passion fruit producer, which benefits the entire crop chain of production and generates demand for production. The aim of this study was to evaluate the growth, thermal requirements and leaf morphological aspects of passion fruit species. The experiment was conducted at the Federal University of Goias (UFG)- Jataí, evaluating the following characteristics: leaf area, chlorophyll content (TCC) and thermal accumulation, being expressed in days after planting. To determine the total chlorophyll content, assessments were made in the middle third of the leaf blade, evaluating the accumulation of thermal units until flowering, from the average temperatures of the region. The daily temperature data were obtained from the meteorological station of the UFG - Jataí (17º53’08” S and 51º40’12” O). The cultivar FB 200 and Maracujazeiro-azedo presented higher leaf area, having the last one higher chlorophyll content in leaves and FB 200 presented lower demand in thermal units accumulation, proving its precocity