294 research outputs found

    Localization of Software and Web Pages

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    Diferentes autores têm diferentes ideias em relação às competências de um tradutor e de um localizador e às diferenças entre ambos. A tradução é uma atividade que se centra mais no texto e na transmissão do seu significado de uma língua de partida para uma língua de chegada, para que este seja facilmente entendido nesta última. A localização, para além de se preocupar com os aspetos relacionados com a tradução, preocupa-se com a forma como esse texto é apresentado, para que se integre não só na língua mas também na cultura de chegada e que seja apresentado como se fosse criado para aquela cultura, país ou região. Para alcançar esse objetivo, mais especificamente no caso da localização de páginas web, o localizador deverá ter competências não só ao nível de software de processamento de texto e gestão de projetos, mas também ao nível de programas específicos para a criação de páginas web e software de design. Por vezes, o localizador necessita de alterar não só o texto como também possíveis imagens ou a forma como estas são apresentadas, sendo o exemplo mais óbvio o caso de localização de páginas web para países onde a orientação da escrita se faz da direita para a esquerda, o que leva a que seja necessário uma alteração do design e da interface da página para além da própria tradução do texto. No entanto, estes conceitos são interdependentes, pois uma boa localização começa numa boa tradução e uma boa tradução tem de ter em conta a localização. Todos estes aspetos são essenciais para a globalização de um produto.Different authors have different opinions about the competencies of a translator and a localizer and the differences between both. Translation focuses on the text and transmitting its meaning from a source language into a target language, so that this text is easily understood on said target language. Localization, besides being concerned with the translation aspect, it is also concerned with the way this text is presented, so that this text feels natural not only in the source language but in the source culture as well, as if it had been written originally in the target language, its culture, country or region. To accomplish that, more specifically ininfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Efeito da minociclina em Mus Musculus infectados com Trypanosoma brucei brucei

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    As patologias provocadas tanto em humanos como em outros mamíferos, pelo parasita hemoflagelado Trypanosoma brucei são um verdadeiro flagelo em África, ma-tando milhares de pessoas e cabeças de gado todos os anos. No caso da terapêutica hu-mana, todas as drogas foram implementadas em meados do século XX, sem novas pa-tentes desde 1981. Urge portanto a descoberta de novas moléculas, que em esquema monoterapêutico ou em associação, possam de alguma forma intervir no controlo do parasita ou contra a inflamação provocada pelas sucessivas ondas de parasitémia. Em estudos anteriores a minociclina, tetraciclina de 2ª geração, provou ser eficaz na protecção do sistema nervoso central (SNC) de ratos infectados com Trypanosoma brucei brucei (T.b.brucei), diminuindo a passagem pela barreira hemato-encefálica (BHE) de leucócitos e parasitas. No presente estudo, o efeito dessa droga parece estar relacionado com uma maior resistência à perda de vários componentes hematológicos como eritrócitos, leucócitos ou granulócitos em amostras de animais com vinte dias (20 DPI) de progressão de infecção com o parasita. Também as parasitémias são substanci-almente mais baixas (cerca de dez vezes menores) nos animais tratados em 20 DPI. Em termos das citocinas interleucina 4 (IL-4), interferão gama (IFN-γ) e óxido nítrico (NO), parece existir um padrão de secreção diferente nos animais tratados e não tratados. A IL-4 parece neste caso estar associada a um perfil anti-inflamatório; o NO, importante no controlo do parasita, existe em maiores quantidades nos animais tratados, ao contrá-rio do IFN-γ com quantidades mais elevadas nos animais controlos. Esta última citocina está escrita na literatura como factor de crescimento parasitário. A expressão de metaloproteinases é aparentemente superior no baço quando comparada com tecido hepático, contudo sem aparentes diferenças entre os dois grupos persisitindo um sistema de dupla banda compreendidas entre r de 30 e 40 kDa, valores de massa molecular, na maioria dos animais dos dois grupos. As metaloproteinases po-dem se endógenas do hospedeiro, mas com elevada possibilidade de serem secretadas pelo parasita no seu processo de invasão tecidular.The pathologies of humans and other mammals caused by the haemoflagelate parasite Trypanosoma brucei are a true burden in Africa, killing thousands of people and cattle every year. In the case of human therapeutics, every drug was implemented in the mid-twentieth century, with no new patents being registered since 1981. It is urgent, therefore, to discover new molecules which in a monotherapeutical scheme or in associ-ation with other drugs can somehow intervene in the control of the parasite or the in-flammation caused by successive waves of parasitaemia. In previous studies, minocycline, which is a second generation tetracycline, has proven effective in the protection of the central nervous system (CNS) of infected mice, impeding the passage of the blood-brain barrier (BBB) for both leukocytes and para-sites. In the present study, the effect of this drug seems to correlate with a greater re-sistance to the loss of several haematological components like erythrocytes, leukocytes or granulocytes in samples from animals with 20 days of progression of T. brucei infec-tion. Also, the parasitaemias seem to be substantially lower (10 fold) in treated animals for the same time of infection and for the cytokine pattern, interleukine 4 (IL-4), inter-feron gamma (IFN-γ) and nitric oxid (NO), for which there seems to be a different se-cretion pattern when comparing treated and untreated animals. IL-4, which has a dubi-ous role in the infection by trypanosomes, seems to be related with an anti-inflammatory profile, and NO, essential to control the parasite, exists in greater quanti-ties in treated animals, unlike IFN-γ which displays higher levels in control animals. The latter is described in the literature as a parasite growth factor. The proteinase expression is greater in the spleen, however there are no obvious differences between the two groups, while there is a persistence of a system of two pro-teinases with molecular masses comprised between 30 and 40 kDa in almost all of the samples, which can be endogenous. Yet, there is a strong possibility that this metallo-proteinases can be secreted also by parasites, helping their tissue invasion

    Reconstruction of a genome-scale metabolic model for the riboflavin producer fungus Ashbya gossypii

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    Metabolic models are an important tool for in silico simulation of cells’ behavior. Until now, a considerable number of metabolic models have been released for a wide range of microorganisms. Ashbya gossypii is an industrial-relevant fungus intensively used for riboflavin production with no model reported until now. Despite its high similarity with Saccharomyces cerevisiae genome, A. gossypii contains only 4726 protein-coding genes and, contrarily to S. cerevisiae, has a filamentous growth. Here, we describe the first genome-scale metabolic reconstruction for Ashbya gossypii. Initially the whole genome was functionally re-annotated and each metabolic gene was assigned to an EC number using several databases such as UniProt, SGD, AGD, ExPASy and BRENDA. A total of 1429 genes were assigned to the different enzymatic families: 35.4 % hydrolases; 35.8 % transferases; 28.8 % other enzymatic families. Of the 1429 genes, 59 were assigned to multiple EC numbers and among these 36 % had EC numbers from different enzymatic families. The next step of the reconstruction was the elaboration of the reactions set. Re-annotation data was crossed with the curated models iMM904 and iIN800 from S. cerevisiae. Some databases like BRENDA, KEGG or Metacyc were used in the cases where data were not available and an in-house tool was used to predict the transport reactions from A. gossypii genome sequences. At the end of this step, a set with 1755 reactions and 926 metabolites was obtained. Using the obtained set of reactions the metabolic network was analyzed for possible gaps. All the gaps were filled by adding specific reactions leading to a model able to predict cell growth. Current efforts aim model’s validation against experimental data in order to allow more accurate predictions of cell’s phenotype. More specifically, it is expected a final model able to provide valuable genetic strategies that could lead to significant improvements on A. gossypii as a cell factory

    Reconstruction of a genome-scale metabolic model for the filamentous fungus Ashbya gossypii

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    Systems biology has recently arisen as a promising and powerful tool for process development and optimization. Metabolic models are one of its different methodologies with high interest and applicability since it allows the simulation of cells behavior under different environments and/or specific genetic variations. The fast-growing number of sequenced genomes may have contributed to this phenomenon, as the sequenced genome is the starting point from where it is possible to associate by homology a specific function to the genes of a microorganism. Afterwards, from this entire set of enzymatic functions we can possibly identify the main metabolic pathways of a specific microorganism allowing this way the construction of its metabolic network. One of the genomes already sequenced is from the fungus Ashbya gossypii, an industrially relevant microorganism intensively used for riboflavin production. Despite the high similarity with Saccharomyces cerevisiae genome A. gossypii presents a lower level of complexity containing only 4726 protein-coding genes distributed over seven chromosomes. The aim of this work is to construct a metabolic model for A. gossypii based on its genome and from which we can retrieve valuable information concerning specific metabolic pathways and the optimum conditions for the production of interesting compounds such as riboflavin. The initial stage of this process consisted in the collection of all metabolic-relevant genes through a manual re-annotation of A. gossypii genome. Despite being a manual procedure, this step was performed using the user-friendly software – merlin – that provided an automatic annotation for each gene, speeding up the entire process. The function automatically assigned by this application was manually analyzed, being accepted or replaced by another one. Each metabolic gene was assigned to an Enzyme Commission(EC) number that corresponds to a specific enzyme. For such procedure several databases were used such as UniProt, SGD, AGD, ExPASy and BRENDA. At the end of this phase, a total of 1429 genes were assigned among the different enzymatic families. Such distribution was considerably heterogeneous: 35,4 % hydrolases; 35,8 % transferases; 28,8 % other enzymatic families. Of the 1429 genes 59 were assigned to different EC numbers and among these 36 % have EC numbers from different enzymatic families. The next stage of the reconstruction process, being performed at present, involves the elaboration of the set of metabolic reactions and their curation regarding stoichiometry, balance of charges and localization inside the cell. For this purpose, information from genome re-annotation is crossed with curated models from closely related microorganisms such as the iMM904 (Mo et al., 2009) and the iIN800 (Nookaew et al., 2008) from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. To complete this process regarding information that was not found in the curated models, reactions databases like BRENDA or KEGG will be used to retrieve such data. At the end of this phase, once we have the complete set of curated metabolic reactions, we will be able to construct a system of m equations (metabolites) and n variables (reactions) that is the base for the optimization studies. The next step will be the determination of biomass composition that encounters another key element for the optimization studies

    Genome-wide metabolic re-annotation of Ashbya gossypii: new insights into its metabolism through a comparative analysis with Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Kluyveromyces lactis

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    BACKGROUND:Ashbya gossypii is an industrially relevant microorganism traditionally used for riboflavin production. Despite the high gene homology and gene order conservation comparatively with Saccharomyces cerevisiae, it presents a lower level of genomic complexity. Its type of growth, placing it among filamentous fungi, questions how close it really is from the budding yeast, namely in terms of metabolism, therefore raising the need for an extensive and thorough study of its entire metabolism. This work reports the first manual enzymatic genome-wide re-annotation of A. gossypii as well as the first annotation of membrane transport proteins.RESULTS:After applying a developed enzymatic re-annotation pipeline, 847 genes were assigned with metabolic functions. Comparatively to KEGG's annotation, these data corrected the function for 14% of the common genes and increased the information for 52 genes, either completing existing partial EC numbers or adding new ones. Furthermore, 22 unreported enzymatic functions were found, corresponding to a significant increase in the knowledge of the metabolism of this organism. The information retrieved from the metabolic re-annotation and transport annotation was used for a comprehensive analysis of A. gossypii's metabolism in comparison to the one of S. cerevisiae (post-WGD - whole genome duplication) and Kluyveromyces lactis (pre-WGD), suggesting some relevant differences in several parts of their metabolism, with the majority being found for the metabolism of purines, pyrimidines, nitrogen and lipids. A considerable number of enzymes were found exclusively in A. gossypii comparatively with K. lactis (90) and S. cerevisiae (13). In a similar way, 176 and 123 enzymatic functions were absent on A. gossypii comparatively to K. lactis and S. cerevisiae, respectively, confirming some of the well-known phenotypes of this organism.CONCLUSIONS:This high quality metabolic re-annotation, together with the first membrane transporters annotation and the metabolic comparative analysis, represents a new important tool for the study and better understanding of A. gossypii's metabolism.Research described in this article was financially supported by FEDER and "Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia" (FCT): Project AshByofactory (PTDC/EBB-EBI/101985/2008 - FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-009701), Strategic Project PEst-OE/EQB/LA0023/2013, Project "BioInd - Biotechnology and Bioengineering for improved Industrial and Agro-Food processes, REF.NORTE-07-0124-FEDER-000028" Co-funded by the Programa Operacional Regional do Norte (ON.2 - O Novo Norte), QREN, FEDER and the PhD grant to DG (SFRH/BD/88623/2012)


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    O presente artigo apresenta a experiência realizada com crianças de 03 a 12 anos de idade do Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais (MST) no Rio Grande do Sul (RS), investigando as formas de participação e de auto-organização das crianças Sem-Terra no Encontro Regional das Crianças Sem-Terrinha, na Região Metropolitana de Porto Alegre no ano de 2017. O estudo fundamentou-se no materialismo histórico dialético (TRIVIÑOS, 1987; VÁZQUEZ, 2007). Como resultados apontamos que a auto-organização e a participação das crianças têm protagonizado novas estratégias educativas do Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra, quando articula a experiência do brincar com as lutas sociais em defesa da Reforma Agrária Popular e da Educação do Campo

    Voluntary project “For Others” provides recreation and social interaction by implementing the activity assisted by animals / Projeto voluntário “Pelos Outros” proporciona recreação e interação social mediante implantação da atividade assistida por animais

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    Animal-assisted activity is characterized by informal visits to schools, daycare centers, nursing homes and hospitals with the presence of animals, trained or not, for recreation with educational, social and motivational purposes. This activity can be applied in isolation or in association with other complementary ones such as therapy and animal-assisted education. In this context, in the activity assisted by animals several species are used, but the one of choice is the canine, due to indole and dressage facility. It is essential that the participating animals have an updated health certificate so that they do not transmit infectious diseases, in addition to the importance for their own health. Scientifically, it has been proven that human-animal interaction provides social reintegration, reduction of anxiety, loneliness, depression and psychological disorders, in addition to improving self-esteem, reasoning and concentration. Thus, the association of these adjuvant factors with conventional therapies favors the quality of life and longevity of the participating individuals. In view of the promising results attributed to the activity assisted by animals, the objective of the present work is to describe the performance of the social project “For Others” in the implementation of this modality with the help of trained dogs, helping the elderly, children, disabled, sick and homeless people in the city of Franca (SP) and region. The results of this voluntary category demonstrate satisfaction not only from participants in the activity assisted by animals, but also from their families and caregivers.

    Apresentação do processo de formação da estratégia: um estudo de caso em empresa inovadora

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    This paper presents a study of strategy formation process with the following starting question: "How the strategy is shaped in an innovative company and how the factors manifesting in the process?". The research builds on a case study of a company considered innovative leader in its industry and a pioneer in providing various services in the area of mobile phone in Brazil. Data collection was through interviews semi-structured with directors and managers involved in strategy formation, supplemented by documents and direct observation. Data analysis is based on the techniques of discourse analysis, from the persuasion strategies suggested by Linhares and Faria (1993). The company's strategy studied can be defined as an entrepreneurial vision, focused on growth supported by a process of diversification of product lines from a new direction composed of three elements: (i) componentization; (ii) segmentation by products chain and; (iii) external to finance leverage in order to resumption of innovative projects. It was concluded that the company's strategy focused on these three factors, supported by a deliberate vision of the future, conditions its historical trajectory type standard cultural, its core values, which acts as a motivator and guide for members of the organization decisions and actions.http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/198346597192O presente trabalho apresenta um estudo sobre processo de formação de estratégia com a seguinte pergunta de partida: “Como se forma a estratégia em uma empresa inovadora e quais fatores se manifestam neste processo?”. A pesquisa apoia-se no estudo de caso de uma empresa considerada inovadora, líder em seu setor e pioneira na prestação de diversos serviços na área de telefonia móvel no Brasil. A coleta de dados foca entrevistas semi-estruturadas com diretores e gerentes envolvidos no processo de formação da estratégia, complementada pela coleta de documentos e observação direta. A análise dos dados baseia-se nas técnicas de análise do discurso, a partir das estratégias de persuasão sugeridas por Faria e Linhares (1993). A estratégia da empresa estudada pode ser definida como uma visão empreendedora, voltada para o crescimento apoiado por um processo de diversificação das linhas de produto a partir de um novo direcionamento composto por três elementos: (i) “componentização”; (ii) segmentação por cadeia de produtos e; (iii) alavancagem externa para financiar a sua retomada de projetos inovadores. Concluiu-se que essa estratégia da empresa de focar nos três fatores, apoiada por uma visão deliberada do futuro, condiciona sua trajetória histórica tipo padrão cultural, -seus valores centrais -, que atua como fator motivador e guia para as decisões e ações dos membros da organização