267 research outputs found

    An 82-year-old Caucasian man with a ductal prostate adenocarcinoma with unusual cystoscopic appearance: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Ductal adenocarcinoma is a rare variety of the common acinar adenocarcinoma. It usually presents with refractory symptoms, and during cystoscopy, it is seen as an exophytic lesion at the area of the verumontanum.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>An 82-year-old Caucasian man was diagnosed with ductal adenocarcinoma of the prostate after undergoing transurethral resection of the prostate for urinary retention. Immunohistochemistry confirmed the nature of the tumor. The patient was treated with triptorelin, 3.75 mg once/month, and bicalutamide, 50 mg 1 × 1. The serum prostate-specific antigen at three, six and 12 months after transurethral resection of the prostate was 0.1 ng/ml. The patient remains asymptomatic, and he entered a six-month follow-up protocol.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Ductal adenocarcinoma often involves the central ducts of the gland and may present as an exophytic papillary lesion in the prostatic urethra. This is why it usually presents with refractory symptoms. The outcome for men with prostatic ductal adenocarcinoma is, in most studies, worse than the outcome for men with prostatic acinar adenocarcinoma. Aggressive management is indicated, even with low-volume metastatic disease.</p


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    As elevadas perdas econômicas ocasionadas pela coccidiose, em decorrência da baixa produtividade, atraso no desenvolvimento corporal dos animais e elevada mortalidade tornam relevante o conhecimento das espécies de Eimeria spp. de maior ocorrência nos pequenos ruminantes, para que se promova um controle estratégico eficiente. Foram analisadas 120 amostras fecais de ovinos participantes da 33a Exposição Internacional de Animais (Expointer), com o objetivo de identificar as espécies do gênero Eimeria spp. O método utilizado para o diagnóstico foi a Técnica de Sheather modificada e, posteriormente realizou-se a micrometria e a análise de parâmetros morfológicos para a identificação dos oocistos. Observaram-se oocistos em 36 amostras (30%) analisadas. As espécies encontradas foram: Eimeria ovinoidalis (43,2%), Eimeria ahsata (37%) e Eimeria parva (16 8%). A importância dos resultados encontrados é demonstrada pela presença das espécies Eimeria ovinoidalis e Eimeria ahsata que são consideradas de extrema patogenicidade para os ovinos.Palavras-chave: Ovinos. Eimeriose. Técnica de Sheather. 

    Preparation, structural characterisation and antibacterial properties of Ga-doped sol-gel phosphate-based glass

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    A sol-gel preparation of Ga-doped phosphate-based glass with potential application in antimicrobial devices has been developed. Samples of composition (CaO)(0.30)(Na2O)(0.20-x) (Ga2O3) (x) (P2O5)(0.50) where x = 0 and 0.03 were prepared, and the structure and properties of the gallium-doped sample compared with those of the sample containing no gallium. Analysis of the P-31 MAS NMR data demonstrated that addition of gallium to the sol-gel reaction increases the connectivity of the phosphate network at the expense of hydroxyl groups. This premise is supported by the results of the elemental analysis, which showed that the gallium-free sample contains significantly more hydrogen and by FTIR spectroscopy, which revealed a higher concentration of -OH groups in that sample. Ga K-edge extended X-ray absorption fine structure and X-ray absorption near-edge structure data revealed that the gallium ions are coordinated by six oxygen atoms. In agreement with the X-ray absorption data, the high-energy XRD results also suggest that the Ga3+ ions are octahedrally coordinated with respect to oxygen. Antimicrobial studies demonstrated that the sample containing Ga3+ ions had significant activity against Staphylococcus aureus compared to the control

    Epidemiological survey of orthopedic joint dislocations based on nationwide insurance data in Taiwan, 2000-2005

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The epidemiology of acute orthopedic dislocations is poorly understood. A nationwide database provides a valuable resource for examining this issue in the Taiwanese population.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A 6-year retrospective cohort study of 1,000,000 randomly-sampled beneficiaries from the year 2005 was used as the original population. Based on the hospitalized and ambulatory data, the concomitant ICD9-CM diagnosis codes and treatment codes were evaluated and classified into 8 and 3 major categories, respectively. The cases matching both inclusive criteria of dislocation-related diagnosis codes and treatment codes were defined as incident cases.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>During 2000-2005, the estimated annual incidence (per 100,000 population) of total orthopedic dislocations in Taiwan was 42.1 (95%CI: 38.1-46.1). The major cause of these orthopedic dislocations was traffic accidents (57.4%), followed by accident falls (27.5%). The annual incidence dislocation by location was shoulder, 15.3; elbow, 7.7; wrist, 3.5; finger, 4.6; hip, 5.2; knee, 1.4; ankle, 2.0; and foot, 2.4. Approximately 16% of shoulder dislocations occurred with other concomitant fractures, compared with 17%, 53%, 16%, 76% and 52%, respectively, of dislocated elbow, wrist, hip, knee, and ankle cases. Including both simple and complex dislocated cases, the mean medical cost was US612fortreatmentofashoulderdislocation,612 for treatment of a shoulder dislocation, 504 for the elbow, 1,232forthewrist,1,232 for the wrist, 1,103 for the hip, 1,888fortheknee,and1,888 for the knee, and 1,248 for the ankle.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>In Taiwan, three-quarters of all orthopedic dislocations were of the upper limbs. The most common complex fracture-dislocation was of the knee, followed by the wrist and the ankle. Those usually needed a treatment combined with open reduction of fractures and resulted in a higher direct medical expenditure.</p

    A population-based study of ambulatory and surgical services provided by orthopaedic surgeons for musculoskeletal conditions

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The ongoing process of population aging is associated with an increase in prevalence of musculoskeletal conditions with a concomitant increase in the demand of orthopaedic services. Shortages of orthopaedic services have been documented in Canada and elsewhere. This population-based study describes the number of patients seen by orthopaedic surgeons in office and hospital settings to set the scene for the development of strategies that could maximize the availability of orthopaedic resources.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Administrative data from the Ontario Health Insurance Plan and Canadian Institute for Health Information hospital separation databases for the 2005/06 fiscal year were used to identify individuals accessing orthopaedic services in Ontario, Canada. The number of patients with encounters with orthopaedic surgeons, the number of encounters and the number of surgeries carried out by orthopaedic surgeons were estimated according to condition groups, service location, patient's age and sex.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In 2005/06, over 520,000 Ontarians (41 per 1,000 population) had over 1.3 million encounters with orthopaedic surgeons. Of those 86% were ambulatory encounters and 14% were in hospital encounters. The majority of ambulatory encounters were for an injury or related condition (44%) followed by arthritis and related conditions (37%). Osteoarthritis accounted for 16% of all ambulatory encounters. Orthopaedic surgeons carried out over 140,000 surgeries in 2005/06: joint replacement accounted for 25% of all orthopaedic surgeries, whereas closed repair accounted for 16% and reductions accounted for 21%. Half of the orthopaedic surgeries were for arthritis and related conditions.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The large volume of ambulatory care points to the significant contribution of orthopaedic surgeons to the medical management of chronic musculoskeletal conditions including arthritis and injuries. The findings highlight that surgery is only one component of the work of orthopaedic surgeons in the management of these conditions. Policy makers and orthopaedic surgeons need to be creative in developing strategies to accommodate the growing workload of orthopaedic surgeons without sacrificing quality of care of patients with musculoskeletal conditions.</p

    Disturbance of Glucose Homeostasis After Pediatric Cardiac Surgery

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    This study aimed to evaluate the time course of perioperative blood glucose levels of children undergoing cardiac surgery for congenital heart disease in relation to endogenous stress hormones, inflammatory mediators, and exogenous factors such as caloric intake and glucocorticoid use. The study prospectively included 49 children undergoing cardiac surgery. Blood glucose levels, hormonal alterations, and inflammatory responses were investigated before and at the end of surgery, then 12 and 24 h afterward. In general, blood glucose levels were highest at the end of surgery. Hyperglycemia, defined as a glucose level higher than 8.3 mmol/l (>150 mg/dl) was present in 52% of the children at the end of surgery. Spontaneous normalization of blood glucose occurred in 94% of the children within 24 h. During surgery, glucocorticoids were administered to 65% of the children, and this was the main factor associated with hyperglycemia at the end of surgery (determined by univariate analysis of variance). Hyperglycemia disappeared spontaneously without insulin therapy after 12–24 h for the majority of the children. Postoperative morbidity was low in the study group, so the presumed positive effects of glucocorticoids seemed to outweigh the adverse effects of iatrogenic hyperglycemia

    Mesoporous monoliths of inverse bicontinuous cubic phases of block copolymer bilayers

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    Solution self-assembly of block copolymers into inverse bicontinuous cubic mesophases is a promising new approach for creating porous polymer films and monoliths with highly organized bicontinuous mesoporous networks. Here we report the direct self-assembly of block copolymers with branched hydrophilic blocks into large monoliths consisting of the inverse bicontinuous cubic structures of the block copolymer bilayer. We suggest a facile and scalable method of solution self-assembly by diffusion of water to the block copolymer solution, which results in the unperturbed formation of mesoporous monoliths with large-pore (&gt;25nm diameter) networks weaved in crystalline lattices. The surface functional groups of the internal large-pore networks are freely accessible for large guest molecules such as protein complexes of which the molecular weight exceeded 100kDa. The internal double-diamond (Pn3m) networks of large pores within the mesoporous monoliths could be replicated to self-supporting three-dimensional skeletal structures of crystalline titania and mesoporous silica.open2

    How to screen for non-adherence to antihypertensive therapy

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    The quality of assessment of non-adherence to treatment in hypertensive is poor. Within this review, we discuss the different methods used to assess adherence to blood-pressure-lowering medications in hypertension patients. Subjective reports such as physicians’ perceptions are inaccurate, and questionnaires completed by patients tend to overreport adherence and show a low diagnostic specificity. Indirect objective methods such as pharmacy database records can be useful, but they are limited by the robustness of the recorded data. Electronic medication monitoring devices are accurate but usually track adherence to only a single medication and can be expensive. Overall, the fundamental issue with indirect objective measures is that they do not fully confirm ingestion of antihypertensive medications. Detection of antihypertensive medications in body fluids using liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry is currently, in our view, the most robust and clinically useful method to assess non-adherence to blood-pressure-lowering treatment. It is particularly helpful in patients presenting with resistant, refractory or uncontrolled hypertension despite the optimal therapy. We recommend using this diagnostic strategy to detect non-adherence alongside a no-blame approach tailoring support to address the perceptions (e.g. beliefs about the illness and treatment) and practicalities (e.g. capability and resources) influencing motivation and ability to adhere

    Bayesian Integration and Non-Linear Feedback Control in a Full-Body Motor Task

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    A large number of experiments have asked to what degree human reaching movements can be understood as being close to optimal in a statistical sense. However, little is known about whether these principles are relevant for other classes of movements. Here we analyzed movement in a task that is similar to surfing or snowboarding. Human subjects stand on a force plate that measures their center of pressure. This center of pressure affects the acceleration of a cursor that is displayed in a noisy fashion (as a cloud of dots) on a projection screen while the subject is incentivized to keep the cursor close to a fixed position. We find that salient aspects of observed behavior are well-described by optimal control models where a Bayesian estimation model (Kalman filter) is combined with an optimal controller (either a Linear-Quadratic-Regulator or Bang-bang controller). We find evidence that subjects integrate information over time taking into account uncertainty. However, behavior in this continuous steering task appears to be a highly non-linear function of the visual feedback. While the nervous system appears to implement Bayes-like mechanisms for a full-body, dynamic task, it may additionally take into account the specific costs and constraints of the task