34 research outputs found

    Magnetosphere–Ionosphere Convection as a Compound System

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    Preclimacteric banana fruits were held for 8 days at chilling temperatures (S°c or 10°c) followed by storage at 16°c; or held continuously at a non-chilling temperature (16 °c). Yellow colour development of the banana peel was severely retarded in fruits held for 8 days at either 5°c or 10°c. After transfer to 16°c, abnormal colours developed in the form of grey, brown and black hues. Total soluble solids (TSS), titratable acidity (TA), and pulp to peel ratio were lower in fruits held at either 5°c or 10°c than in fruits held at 16°c. After transfer to 16 °c, the TA of fruits previously held at 5°c increased rapidly and remained significantly higher than that of unchilled fruits. The TA of fruits previously held at 10°c did not increase significantly until the 14th day. Pulp to peel ratios of chill-injured fruits eventually attained values which were typical of normal ripened fruits but by that time the appearance of the peel was unprepossessing. The development of chilling symptoms appeared to be greater in fruits held at 10°c than at 5°c. However, after the increase in temperature, fruits previously held at 5°c sustained a higher chilling index than fruits previously held at 10°c. ----- Se alrnacend unos frutos de banano preclimatericos a unas temperaturas frigorificas (S° 0 lQoC) por 8 Mas para trasladarios despues a 16°C; otros fueron almacenados continuamente a una temperatura no frigorifica (16°C). Se observo un grave retraso en el desarrollo del color amarillo en la piel en los frutos almacenados a s"c y 10°C por 8 dias, La temperatura fue elevada hasta 16°C, y la piel de los frutos daiiados por frfo presentaron un desarrollo anormal de color, es decir, hubo tonos de gris, marron, y negro. EI total de s61idos solubles (TSS), la acidez valorable (TA), y la coeficiente pulpa-piel fueron mas bajos en los trutos almacenados a 5°C y a lOoC que en los alrnacenados a 16°C. Tras el traslado a 16°C, se aumento' rapidamente la TA de los frutos anteriormente almacenados a 5 "c y se rnantuvo a un nivel significativamente mas alto que la de los frutos no refrigerados. En los frutos anteriormente almacenados a 10°C, la TA no sufrio' ningtin cambio significative hasta el decimocuarto dill. La coeficiente pulpapiel de los frutos daitados por frio terrninaron por alcanzar unos valores tipicos de frutos normalmente madurados, peru a esas alturas, la piel presentaba un aspecto poco atractivo. La evolucion de los sintornas de congelacion parecia rna's intensa en los frutos almacenados a lOoC que en los almacenados a 5°C. Sin embargo, tras un aumento de la temperatura, los frutos anteriormente almacenados a 5°C presentaron un Indice de congelacid'n mas alto que los anteriormente almacenados a 10°C

    Influence of controlled atmosphere storage on polyphenoloxidase activity in relation to colour changes of minimally processed ‘Jonagored’ apple

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    The effects of the storage atmosphere composition (2% O2 + 4% CO2; 2% O2 + 8% CO2; 2% O2 + 12% CO2) on polyphenoloxidase activity and phenolic content of the ‘Jonagored’ apple variety during cold storage was evaluated, and the relationship with enzymatic browning investigated. Controlled atmosphere storage inhibited the polyphenoloxidase (PPO) activity of apple cubes during storage. It seems that the higher the concentration of carbon dioxide in the storage atmosphere the higher inhibition of PPO and the lower browning achieved. At the substrate-enzyme levels investigated, the phenolic content, substrate level was the major factor determining darkening