63 research outputs found

    General Forms of Wave Functions for Dipositronium, Ps2

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    The consequences of particle interchange symmetry for the structure of wave functions of the states of dipositronium was recently discussed by the author [I]. In the present work, the methodology is simply explained, and the wave functions are explicitly given

    To wet or not to wet: that is the question

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    Wetting transitions have been predicted and observed to occur for various combinations of fluids and surfaces. This paper describes the origin of such transitions, for liquid films on solid surfaces, in terms of the gas-surface interaction potentials V(r), which depend on the specific adsorption system. The transitions of light inert gases and H2 molecules on alkali metal surfaces have been explored extensively and are relatively well understood in terms of the least attractive adsorption interactions in nature. Much less thoroughly investigated are wetting transitions of Hg, water, heavy inert gases and other molecular films. The basic idea is that nonwetting occurs, for energetic reasons, if the adsorption potential's well-depth D is smaller than, or comparable to, the well-depth of the adsorbate-adsorbate mutual interaction. At the wetting temperature, Tw, the transition to wetting occurs, for entropic reasons, when the liquid's surface tension is sufficiently small that the free energy cost in forming a thick film is sufficiently compensated by the fluid- surface interaction energy. Guidelines useful for exploring wetting transitions of other systems are analyzed, in terms of generic criteria involving the "simple model", which yields results in terms of gas-surface interaction parameters and thermodynamic properties of the bulk adsorbate.Comment: Article accepted for publication in J. Low Temp. Phy

    Configuration-interaction calculations of positron binding to group-II elements

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    The configuration-interaction (CI) method is applied to the study of positronic magnesium (e+Mg), positronic calcium (e+Ca), and positronic strontium (e+Sr). The CI expansion was seen to converge slowly with respect to Lmax, the maximum angular momentum of any orbital used to construct the CI basis. Despite doing explicit calculations with Lmax=10, extrapolation corrections to the binding energies for the Lmax→∞ limit were substantial in the case of e+Ca (25%) and e+Sr (50%). The extrapolated binding energies were 0.0162 hartree for e+Mg, 0.0165 hartree for e+Ca, and 0.0101 hartree for e+Sr. The static-dipole polarizabilities for the neutral parent atoms were computed as a by-product, giving 71.7a03, 162a03, and 204a03 for Mg, Ca, and Sr, respectively

    Experimental progress in positronium laser physics

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    Heterogeneous nucleation and microstructure formation: Steps towards a system and scale bridging understanding

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    Crossed beam measurement of binding energies of positronium compounds : a preliminary study

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    We describe an experimental method which will enable one to establish the chemical stability and measure the binding energies of compounds containing positronium atoms. The method consists of crossing a monoenergetic beam of very low energy (1 - 25 eV) positrons with a supersonic expansion molecular beam, and detecting a signature ion while measuring its kinetic energy. Except for the use of a positron beam instead of an electron beam, this is conventional MS/IKES (mass spectrometry/ion kinetic energy spectrometry), and the process involved is dissociative attachment