939 research outputs found

    Random Sierpinski network with scale-free small-world and modular structure

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    In this paper, we define a stochastic Sierpinski gasket, on the basis of which we construct a network called random Sierpinski network (RSN). We investigate analytically or numerically the statistical characteristics of RSN. The obtained results reveal that the properties of RSN is particularly rich, it is simultaneously scale-free, small-world, uncorrelated, modular, and maximal planar. All obtained analytical predictions are successfully contrasted with extensive numerical simulations. Our network representation method could be applied to study the complexity of some real systems in biological and information fields.Comment: 7 pages, 9 figures; final version accepted for publication in EPJ

    Electronic States in Two-Dimensional Triangular Cobalt Oxides: Role of Electronic Correlation

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    We obtain the electronic states and structures of two-dimensional cobalt oxides, Nax_{x}CoO2_{2} (x=0, 0.35, 0.5 and 0.75) by utilizing the full-potential linear muffin-tin orbitals (FP-LMTO) methods, from which some essential electronic interaction parameters are estimated: the bare on-site Coulomb interaction of cobalt Udd_{dd}=7.5 eV renormalizes to 5 eV for x=0.35, the pdpd hybridizations tpdσ_{pd\sigma} and tpdπ_{pd\pi} are -1.40 and 0.70 eV, respectively. The density of states at EF_{F} decreases from 6-7 states/eV in the local density approximation (LDA) to about 1.0 states/eV in the LDA+U scheme. The role of the intercalation of water molecules and the microscopic mechanism of the superconductivity in Na0.35_{0.35}CoO2_{2}\cdotmH2_{2}O is discussed.Comment: minor errors correcte

    The discovery and comparative expression analysis of three distinct type I interferons in the perciform fish, meagre (Argyrosomus regius)

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    Type I interferons (IFN) play an important role in anti-viral responses. In teleost fish multiple genes exist, that are classified by group/subgroup. That multiple subgroups are present in Acanthopterygian fish has only become apparent recently, and 3 subgroups are now known to be expressed, including a new subgroup termed IFNh. However, the potential to express multiple IFN subgroups and their interplay is not well defined. Hence this study aims to clarify the situation and undertook the first in-depth analysis into the nature and expression of IFNc, IFNd and IFNh in the perciform fish, meagre. Constitutive expression was analysed initially during larval development and in adult tissues (gills, mid-gut, head kidney, spleen). During early ontogeny IFNc was the highest expressed IFN, and this was also the case in adult tissues with the exception of gills where IFNd was highest. However, comparison between tissues for individual isoforms showed that spleen had high transcript levels of all three IFNs, IFNd/IFNh were also highly expressed in gills. The expression of each sub-group was increased significantly in the four tissues following injection of poly I:C, however, this increase was only seen in the mid-gut for IFNh. Following in vitro stimulation with poly I:C again all three isoforms were upregulated, although with differences in kinetics and the cell source used. For example, early induction was seen for IFNc/IFNh in gill cells, IFNd/IFNh in splenocytes and all three isoforms in head kidney cells. Induction was sustained in splenocytes and head kidney cells, but in gut cells only a late induction was seen. These results demonstrate a complex pattern of regulation between the different IFN isoforms present in meagre and highlights potential sub-functionalisation of these IFN subgroups during perciform anti-viral responses.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Onset of magnetism in B2 transition metals aluminides

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    Ab initio calculation results for the electronic structure of disordered bcc Fe(x)Al(1-x) (0.4<x<0.75), Co(x)Al(1-x) and Ni(x)Al(1-x) (x=0.4; 0.5; 0.6) alloys near the 1:1 stoichiometry, as well as of the ordered B2 (FeAl, CoAl, NiAl) phases with point defects are presented. The calculations were performed using the coherent potential approximation within the Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker method (KKR-CPA) for the disordered case and the tight-binding linear muffin-tin orbital (TB-LMTO) method for the intermetallic compounds. We studied in particular the onset of magnetism in Fe-Al and Co-Al systems as a function of the defect structure. We found the appearance of large local magnetic moments associated with the transition metal (TM) antisite defect in FeAl and CoAl compounds, in agreement with the experimental findings. Moreover, we found that any vacancies on both sublattices enhance the magnetic moments via reducing the charge transfer to a TM atom. Disordered Fe-Al alloys are ferromagnetically ordered for the whole range of composition studied, whereas Co-Al becomes magnetic only for Co concentration >0.5.Comment: 11 pages with 9 embedded postscript figures, to be published in Phys.Rev.

    Investigating the topology of interacting networks - Theory and application to coupled climate subnetworks

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    Network theory provides various tools for investigating the structural or functional topology of many complex systems found in nature, technology and society. Nevertheless, it has recently been realised that a considerable number of systems of interest should be treated, more appropriately, as interacting networks or networks of networks. Here we introduce a novel graph-theoretical framework for studying the interaction structure between subnetworks embedded within a complex network of networks. This framework allows us to quantify the structural role of single vertices or whole subnetworks with respect to the interaction of a pair of subnetworks on local, mesoscopic and global topological scales. Climate networks have recently been shown to be a powerful tool for the analysis of climatological data. Applying the general framework for studying interacting networks, we introduce coupled climate subnetworks to represent and investigate the topology of statistical relationships between the fields of distinct climatological variables. Using coupled climate subnetworks to investigate the terrestrial atmosphere's three-dimensional geopotential height field uncovers known as well as interesting novel features of the atmosphere's vertical stratification and general circulation. Specifically, the new measure "cross-betweenness" identifies regions which are particularly important for mediating vertical wind field interactions. The promising results obtained by following the coupled climate subnetwork approach present a first step towards an improved understanding of the Earth system and its complex interacting components from a network perspective

    Existence and uniqueness of solutions for systems of fractional differential equations with Riemann–Stieltjes integral boundary condition

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    In this article, we first establish an existence and uniqueness result for a class of systems of nonlinear operator equations under more general conditions by means of the cone theory and monotone iterative technique. Furthermore, the iterative sequence of the solution and the error estimation of the system are given. Then we use this new result to study the existence and uniqueness of the solution for boundary value problems of systems of fractional differential equations with a Riemann–Stieltjes integral boundary condition in real Banach spaces. The results obtained in this paper are more general than many previous results and complement them

    О неустойчивости решений динамических уравнений на временной шкале

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    В роботi наведено результати аналiзу нестiйкостi динамiчних рiвнянь на часовiй шкалi. Застосовнiсть отриманого результату iлюструється на прикладi системи другого порядку.We present new results on the instability for dynamic equations on time scales. To demonstrate the applicability, we use some examples of dynamic equations of the second order