8 research outputs found
PET studies of drugs affecting monoamine systems
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Co-pyrolysjs of DIPSbH and TMIn
- Author
- B.C. Harrison
- C.A. Larsen
- C.A. Larsen
- C.A. Larsen
- C.W. Hill
- D.J. Schlyer
- D.J. Schlyer
- D.S. Cao
- G. B. Stringfellow
- G.B. Stringfellow
- G.B. Stringfellow
- G.B. Stringfellow
- G.B. Stringfellow
- G.B. Stringfellow
- G.B. Stringfellow
- J. Shin
- J.A. Kerr
- K.F. Jensen
- K.Y. Ma
- N.I. Buchan
- N.I. Buchan
- R. Didchenko
- R. W. Gedridge
- V.N. Kondratiev
- Y. S. Chun
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Kinetics of GaAs growth by low pressure MO-CVD
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Investigations on low temperature mo-cvd growth of GaAs
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Laser-induced doping of GaAs
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Charged particle penetration in gas targets designed for accelerator production of radionuclides used in nuclear medicine
- Author
- A.P. Wolf
- B.W. Wieland
- Bromley
- Burrill
- Casella
- Casella
- Chavet
- D.J. Schlyer
- Deconninck
- Evans
- Foroughi
- Gindler
- Gorres
- Haight
- Jarmie
- Marmier
- McDaniels
- Millburn
- National Physical Laboratory Dept. of Scientific and Industrial Research
- National Physical Laboratory Dept. of Scientific and Industrial Research
- Neselius
- Nickles
- Nozaki
- Oselka
- Robertson
- Ruth
- Sayer
- Skaggs
- Smith
- Wieland
- Wieland
- Wieland
- Williamson
- Wolf
- Wolf
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study
MO-CVD growth of InGaAs using Me3Ga, AsMe3, AsH3 and Me3In or Et3 in and analyses of adducts formed during the growth process
- Author
- A. Leib
- B.J. Baliga
- C. H. Cheng
- C.E. Coates
- D. Battat
- D.J. Schlyer
- E. Lee
- E. Wilberg
- E.L. Amma
- G. Bouquet
- G.E. Coates
- G.E. Coates
- H. Hartmann
- H. Renz
- H.M. Manasevit
- J.P. Duchemin
- J.P. Noad
- J.R. Hall
- J.S. Whiteley
- J.S. Whiteley
- K. A. Jones
- K. M. Motyl
- L.H. Long
- L.M. Dennis
- M. Oishi
- M. Razeghi
- M.G. Jacko
- M.J. Ludowise
- N. Susa
- P.J.D. Park
- R. Didchenko
- R.D. Dupuis
- R.D. Dupuis
- R.H. Moss
- R.S. Drago
- R.S. Drago
- R.T. Sanderson
- S.B. Hyder
- T. Fukui
- W.B. Jensen
- W.T. Dietze
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Radiochemistry and Radiopharmacy
- Author
- A. Sols
- A.D. Nunn
- A.F. Shields
- A.J. Hughes
- A.R. Fritzberg
- A.R. Wafelman
- B. Higley
- B. Langstrom
- C. Anderson
- C. Baeken
- C. Decristoforo
- C.A. Boswell
- C.A. Mathis
- C.J. Anderson
- D. Bars Le
- D. Block
- D. Kocher
- D.A. Pearson
- D.F. Wong
- D.J. Schlyer
- D.L. Bailey
- D.M. Jewett
- D.S. Wilbur
- E. Hess
- E.-L. Kamarainen
- E.D. Hostetler
- E.O. Lawrence
- E.P. Krenning
- F. Dolle
- F. Joliot
- F. Schmitz
- F.A. Alrabiah
- F.L. Moolten
- G. Antoni
- G. Firnau
- G. Stöcklin
- G.J. Forster
- G.L. Clary
- H. F. Brocklin Van
- H.F. Kung
- H.R. Maecke
- H.R. Schelbert
- I. Virgolini
- I. Virgolini
- J. Mukherjee
- J.C. Reubi
- J.G. Tjuvajev
- J.L. Lim
- J.M. Jeong
- J.Q. Trojanowski
- J.R. Barrio
- J.R. Grierson
- J.S. Fowler
- J.S. Fowler
- J.S. Lewis
- J.T. Kuikka
- J.Y. Cho
- K. Harnacher
- K. Nagren
- K. Ohtsuki
- K. Shogi-Jadid
- K. Suga
- K.I. Hashimoto
- K.J. Langen
- L. Farde
- L.A. Bass
- L.R. Chervu
- M. Bangard
- M. Ginj
- M. Happaranta
- M. Henze
- M. Hofmann
- M. Lamelle
- M. Namavari
- M. Yun
- M.A. Green
- M.A. Mintum
- M.B. Parliament
- M.E. Phelps
- M.E. Raichle
- M.J. Adam
- M.M. Alauddin
- M.R. Kilbourn
- M.R. Zalutsky
- N. Satyamurthy
- N. Shikano
- N.D. Volkow
- N.M. Bartolo Di
- O. Langer
- O.T. Jesus De
- P. Bjurling
- P. Vaupel
- P.A.M. Dirac
- P.J. Blower
- P.J. Blower
- P.J. Kothari
- P.L. Jager
- P.S. Conti
- P.Z. Tan
- R. Alberto
- R. Innis
- R. Iwata
- R. Nutt
- R. Schibli
- R. Taillefer
- R.B. Banati
- R.F. Dannals
- R.J. Nickels
- R.J. Nickels
- R.L. Post
- R.R. Sciacca
- R.S. Brown
- S. Makiko
- S. Meegalla
- S. Thorpe
- S. Vallabhajosula
- S.J. Martin
- S.M. Qaim
- S.R. Bergmann
- S.S. Gambhir
- S.S. Gambhir
- T. Gronroos
- T. Hara
- T. Ido
- T.J. Inoue
- T.J. Ruth
- T.J. Ruth
- T.M. Shoup
- T.R. Grado De
- T.R. Grado De
- U. Haberkorn
- V. Jovanovic
- V. Tolmachev
- W.A. Volkert
- W.A. Volkert
- W.E. Klunk
- W.J. Koh
- Y. Sheh
- Z.P. Zhuang
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2007
- Field of study