183 research outputs found

    Far infrared supplement: Catalog of infrared observations

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    The development of a new generation of orbital, airborne and ground-based infrared astronomical observatory facilities, including the infrared astronomical satellite (IRAS), the cosmic background explorer (COBE), the NASA Kuiper airborne observatory, and the NASA infrared telescope facility, intensified the need for a comprehensive, machine-readable data base and catalog of current infrared astronomical observations. The Infrared Astronomical Data Base and its principal data product, this catalog, comprise a machine-readable library of infrared (1 micrometer to 1000 micrometers) astronomical observations published in the scientific literature since 1965

    Catalog of infrared observations including: Bibliography of infrared astronomy and index of infrared source positions

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    The Catalog of Infrared Observations and its Far Infrared Supplement summarize all infrared astronomical observations at infrared wavelengths published in the scientific literature between 1965 and 1982. The Catalog includes as appendices the Bibliography of infrared astronomy which keys observations in the Catalog with the original journal references, and the index of infrared source positions which gives source positions for alphabetically listed sources in the Catalog. The Catalog data base contains over 85,000 observations of about 10,000 infrared sources, of which about 2,000 have no known visible counterpart

    Far infrared supplement: Catalog of infrared observations

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    The Far Infrared Supplement: catalog of infrared observations summarizes all infrared astronomical observations at far infrared wavelengths published in the scientific literature between 1965 and 1982. The Supplement list contains 25% of the observations in the full catalog of infrared observations (C10), and essentially eliminates most visible stars from the listings. The Supplement is more compact than the main Catalog (it does not contain the bibliography and position index of the C10), and is intended for easy reference during astronomical observations

    MOSAIC: Software for creating mosaics from collections of images

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    We have developed a powerful, versatile image processing and analysis software package called MOSAIC, designed specifically for the manipulation of digital astronomical image data obtained with (but not limited to) two-dimensional array detectors. The software package is implemented using the Interactive Data Language (IDL), and incorporates new methods for processing, calibration, analysis, and visualization of astronomical image data, stressing effective methods for the creation of mosaic images from collections of individual exposures, while at the same time preserving the photometric integrity of the original data. Since IDL is available on many computers, the MOSAIC software runs on most UNIX and VAX workstations with the X-Windows or Sun View graphics interface

    Catalog of infrared observations

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    The infrared astronomical data base and its principal data product, the catalog of Infrared Observations (CIO), comprise a machine readable library of infrared (1 microns to 1000 microns astronomical observations. To date, over 1300 journal articles and 10 major survey catalogs are included in this data base, which contains about 55,000 individual observations of about 10,000 different infrared sources. Of these, some 8,000 sources are identifiable with visible objects, and about 2,000 do not have known visible counterparts

    Can CCM law properly represent all extinction curves?

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    We present the analysis of a large sample of lines of sight with extinction curves covering wavelength range from near-infrared (NIR) to ultraviolet (UV). We derive total to selective extinction ratios based on the Cardelli, Clayton and Mathis (1989, CCM) law, which is typically used to fit the extinction data both for diffuse and dense interstellar medium. We conclude that the CCM law is able to fit most of the extinction curves in our sample. We divide the remaining lines of sight with peculiar extinction into two groups according to two main behaviors: a) the optical/IR or/and UV wavelength region cannot be reproduced by the CCM formula; b) the optical/NIR and UV extinction data are best fit by the CCM law with different values of R_V. We present examples of such curves. The study of both types of peculiar cases can help us to learn about the physical processes that affect dust in the interstellar medium, e.g., formation of mantles on the surface of grains, evaporation, growing or shattering.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, in "Light, dust and chemical evolution", Journal of Physics: Conference Serie

    High Angular Resolution Mid-infrared Imaging of Young Stars in Orion BN/KL

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    We present Keck LWS images of the Orion BN/KL star forming region obtained in the first multi-wavelength study to have 0.3-0.5" resolution from 4.7 to 22 microns. The young stellar objects designated infrared source-n and radio source-I are believed to dominate the BN/KL region. We have detected extended emission from a probable accretion disk around source-n but infer a stellar luminosity on the order of only 2000 Lsun. Although source-I is believed to be more luminous, we do not detect an infrared counterpart even at the longest wavelengths. However, we resolve the closeby infrared source, IRc2, into an arc of knots ~1000 AU long at all wavelengths. Although the physical relation of source-I to IRc2 remains ambiguous, we suggest these sources mark a high density core (10^7-10^8 pc^-3 over 1000 AU) within the larger BN/KL star forming cluster. The high density may be a consequence of the core being young and heavily embedded. We suggest the energetics of the BN/KL region may be dominated by this cluster core rather than one or two individual sources.Comment: 13 pages including 3 color figures. Accepted to The Astrophysical Journal Letters pending slight reduction in length. High resolution figures (jpeg) may be found at http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/~lincoln/keck.bnkl.midir.ppr

    Submillimeter wavelength survey of the galactic plane from l = -5 deg to l = +62 deg: Structure and energetics of the inner disk

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    Results from a large scale survey of the first quadrant of the Milky Way galactic plane at wavelengths of 150, 250, and 300 microns with a 10x10 arcmin beam are presented. The emission detected in the survey arises from compact sources, most of which are identified with known peaks of 5 GHz and/or CO emission, and from an underlying diffuse background with a typical angular width of approximately 0.9 deg (FWHM) which accounts for most of the emission. A total of 80 prominent discrete sources were identified and characterized, of which about half were not previously reported at far infrared wavelengths. The total infrared luminosity within the solar circle is approximately 1 to 2x10 to the 10th power L sub 0, and is probably emitted by dust that resides in molecular clouds

    Structure in the nucleus of NGC 1068 at 10 microns

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    New 8 to 13 micron array camera images of the central kiloparsec of Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 1068 resolve structure that is similar to that observed at visible and radio wavelengths. The images reveal an infrared source which is extended and asymmetric, with its long axis oriented at P.A. 33 deg. Maps of the spatial distribution of 8 to 13 micron color temperature and warm dust opacity are derived from the multiwavelength infrared images. The results suggest that there exist two pointlike luminosity sources in the central regions of NGC 1068, with the brighter source at the nucleus and the fainter one some 100 pc to the northeast. This geometry strengthens the possibility that the 10 micron emission observed from grains in the nucleus is powered by a nonthermal source. In the context of earlier visible and radio studies, these results considerably strengthen the case for jet induced star formation in NGC 1068

    The 8.3 and 12.4 micron imaging of the Galactic Center source complex with the Goddard infrared array camera

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    A 30 x 30 arcsec field at the Galactic Center (1.5 x 1.5 parsec) was mapped at 8.3 microns and 12.41 microns with high spatial resolution and accurate relative astrometry, using the 16 x 16 Si:Bi accumulation mode charge injection device Goddard infrared array camera. The design and performance of the array camera detector electronics system and image data processing techniques are discussed. Color temperature and dust opacity distributions derived from the spatially accurate images indicate that the compact infrared sources and the large scale ridge structure are bounded by warmer, more diffuse material. None of the objects appear to be heated appreciably by internal luminosity sources. These results are consistent with the model proposing that the complex is heated externally by a strong luminosity source at the Galactic Center, which dominates the energetics of the inner few parsecs of the galaxy