458 research outputs found

    A Potato cDNA Encoding a Homologue of Mammalian Multidrug Resistant P-Glycoprotein

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    A homologue of the multidrug resistance (MDR) gene was obtained while screening a potato stolon tip cDNA expression library with S-15-labeled calmodulin. The mammalian MDR gene codes for a membrane-bound P-glycoprotein (170-180 kDa) which imparts multidrug resistance to cancerous cells. The potato cDNA (PMDR1) codes for a polypeptide of 1313 amino acid residues (ca. 144 kDa) and its structural features are very similar to the MDR P-glycoprotein. The N-terminal half of the PMDR1-encoded protein shares striking homology with its C-terminal half, and each half contains a conserved ATP-binding site and six putative transmembrane domains. Southern blot analysis indicated that potato has one or two MDR-like genes. PMDR1 mRNA is constitutively expressed in all organs studied with higher expression in the stem and stolon tip. The PMDR1 expression was highest during tuber initiation and decreased during tuber development

    Regulated Expression of a Calmodulin Isoform Alters Growth and Development in Potato

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    A transgene approach was taken to study the consequences of altered expression of a calmodutin iso-form on plant growth and development. Eight genomic clones of potato calmodulin (PCM 1 to 8) have been isolated and characterized. Among the potato calmodulin isoforms studied, PCM 1 differs from the other isoforms because of its unique amino acid substitutions. Transgenic potato plants were produced carrying sense construct of PCM 1 fused to the CAMV 35S promoter. Transgenic plants showing a moderate increase in PCM 1 MRNA exhibited strong apical dominance, produced elongated tubers, and were taller than the controls. Interestingly, the plants expressing the highest level of PCM 1 MRNA did not form underground tubers. Instead, these transgenic plants produced aerial tubers when allowed to grow for longer periods. The expression of different calmodulin isoforms (PCM 1, 5, 6, and 8) was studied in transgenic plants. Among the four potato calmodulin isoforms, only the expression of PCM 1 MRNA was altered in transgenic plants, while the expression of other isoforms was not significantly altered. Western analysis revealed increased PCM 1 protein in transgenic plants, indicating that the expression of both MRNA and protein are altered in transgenic plants. These results suggest that increasing the expression of PCM 1 alters growth and development in potato plants

    London equation studies of thin-film superconductors with a triangular antidot lattice

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    We report on a study of vortex pinning in nanoscale antidot defect arrays in the context of the London Theory. Using a wire network model, we discretize the array with a fine mesh, thereby providing a detailed treatment of pinning phenomena. The use of a fine grid has enabled us to examine both circular and elongated defects, patterned in the form of a rhombus. The latter display pinning characteristics superior to circular defects constructed with the similar area. We calculate pinning potentials for defects containing zero and single quanta, and we obtain a pinning phase diagram for the second matching field, H=2ΦoH = 2 \Phi_{o}.Comment: 10 pages and 14 figure

    Renal pericytes: regulators of medullary blood flow

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    Regulation of medullary blood flow (MBF) is essential in maintaining normal kidney function. Blood flow to the medulla is supplied by the descending vasa recta (DVR), which arise from the efferent arterioles of juxtamedullary glomeruli. DVR are composed of a continuous endothelium, intercalated with smooth muscle-like cells called pericytes. Pericytes have been shown to alter the diameter of isolated and in situ DVR in response to vasoactive stimuli that are transmitted via a network of autocrine and paracrine signalling pathways. Vasoactive stimuli can be released by neighbouring tubular epithelial, endothelial, red blood cells and neuronal cells in response to changes in NaCl transport and oxygen tension. The experimentally described sensitivity of pericytes to these stimuli strongly suggests their leading role in the phenomenon of MBF autoregulation. Because the debate on autoregulation of MBF fervently continues, we discuss the evidence favouring a physiological role for pericytes in the regulation of MBF and describe their potential role in tubulo-vascular cross-talk in this region of the kidney. Our review also considers current methods used to explore pericyte activity and function in the renal medulla

    Temperature dependence and mechanisms for vortex pinning by periodic arrays of Ni dots in Nb films

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    Pinning interactions between superconducting vortices in Nb and magnetic Ni dots were studied as a function of current and temperature to clarify the nature of pinning mechanisms. A strong current dependence is found for a square array of dots, with a temperature dependent optimum current for the observation of periodic pinning, that decreases with temperature as (1-T/Tc)3/2. This same temperature dependence is found for the critical current at the first matching field with a rectangular array of dots. The analysis of these results allows to narrow the possible pinning mechanisms to a combination of two: the interaction between the vortex and the magnetic moment of the dot and the proximity effect. Moreover, for the rectangular dot array, the temperature dependence of the crossover between the low field regime with a rectangular vortex lattice to the high field regime with a square configuration has been studied. It is found that the crossover field increases with decreasing temperature. This dependence indicates a change in the balance between elastic and pinning energies, associated with dynamical effects of the vortex lattice in the high field range.Comment: 12 text pages (revtex), 6 figures (1st jpeg, 2nd-6th postscript) accepted in Physical Review

    The Photoreceptor Cell-Specific Nuclear Receptor Gene (PNR ) Accounts for Retinitis Pigmentosa in the Crypto-Jews from Portugal (Marranos), Survivors from the Spanish Inquisition

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    The last Crypto-Jews (Marranos) are the survivors of Spanish Jews who were persecuted in the late fifteenth century, escaped to Portugal and were forced to convert to save their lives. Isolated groups still exist in mountainous areas such as Belmonte in the Beira-Baixa province of Portugal. We report here the genetic study of a highly consanguineous endogamic population of Crypto-Jews of Belmonte affected with autosomal recessive retinitis pigmentosa (RP). A genome-wide search for homozygosity allowed us to localize the disease gene to chromosome 15q22-q24 (Zmax=2.95 at θ=0 at the D15S131 locus). Interestingly, the photoreceptor cell-specific nuclear receptor (PNR) gene, the expression of which is restricted to the outer nuclear layer of retinal photoreceptor cells, was found to map to the YAC contig encompassing the disease locus. A search for mutations allowed us to ascribe the RP of Crypto-Jews of Belmonte to a homozygous missense mutation in the PNR gene. Preliminary haplotype studies support the view that this mutation is relatively ancient but probably occurred after the population settled in Belmonte

    Psychological attachment to the group: Cross-cultural differences in organizational identification and subjective norms as predictors of workers' turnover intentions

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    Two studies wed the theory of reasoned action, social identity theory, and Ashforth and Mael's work on organizational identification to predict turnover intentions in Japanese and British commercial and academic organizations. In both studies and in both countries, the authors expected and found that identification with the organization substantially and significantly predicted turnover intentions. Attitudes predicted intentions only in Study 2, and subjective norms significantly predicted intentions across both studies. The authors hypothesized that subjective norms would be a significantly stronger predictor of turnover intentions in a collectivist setting. This prediction was supported. Although social identity is strongly associated with turnover intentions across both cultures, the subjective normative aspects of group membership are significantly more strongly associated in the Japanese organizations

    Epidemiological approach to nosocomial infection surveillance data: the Japanese Nosocomial Infection Surveillance System

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    Surveillance of nosocomial infection is the foundation of infection control. Nosocomial infection surveillance data ought to be summarized, reported, and fed back to health care personnel for corrective action. Using the Japanese Nosocomial Infection Surveillance (JANIS) data, we determined the incidence of nosocomial infections in intensive care units (ICUs) of Japanese hospitals and assessed the impact of nosocomial infections on mortality and length of stay. We also elucidated individual and environmental factors associated with nosocomial infections, examined the benchmarking of infection rates and developed a practical tool for comparing infection rates with case-mix adjustment. The studies carried out to date using the JANIS data have provided valuable information on the epidemiology of nosocomial infections in Japanese ICUs, and this information will contribute to the development of evidence-based infection control programs for Japanese ICUs. We conclude that current surveillance systems provide an inadequate feedback of nosocomial infection surveillance data and, based on our results, suggest a methodology for assessing nosocomial infection surveillance data that will allow infection control professionals to maintain their surveillance systems in good working order

    Bilingually motivated word segmentation for statistical machine translation

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    We introduce a bilingually motivated word segmentation approach to languages where word boundaries are not orthographically marked, with application to Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation (PB-SMT). Our approach is motivated from the insight that PB-SMT systems can be improved by optimizing the input representation to reduce the predictive power of translation models. We firstly present an approach to optimize the existing segmentation of both source and target languages for PB-SMT and demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach using a Chinese–English MT task, that is, to measure the influence of the segmentation on the performance of PB-SMT systems. We report a 5.44% relative increase in Bleu score and a consistent increase according to other metrics. We then generalize this method for Chinese word segmentation without relying on any segmenters and show that using our segmentation PB-SMT can achieve more consistent state-of-the-art performance across two domains. There are two main advantages of our approach. First of all, it is adapted to the specific translation task at hand by taking the corresponding source (target) language into account. Second, this approach does not rely on manually segmented training data so that it can be automatically adapted for different domains