1,855 research outputs found

    Fight to Win! Tools for Confronting Capital

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    activism anarchism capital as power political-economic disruption campaigns (PEDCs)Anarchists have generally rejected the idea that there is or ought to be a pure or inherently revolutionary strategy or tactic. In this chapter we make use of the capital-as-power theory of value and capital in a way that informs and supports the ad hoc perspective on struggle and fighting to win. Our primary purpose is to propose a method based on this theory as a means for social justice activists to assess political-economic disruption campaigns (PEDCs). Such an analysis is a needed component of an anarchist economics

    Devonian and Carboniferous stratigraphical correlation and interpretation in the Central North Sea, Quadrants 25 – 44

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    This report details the stratigraphy and palaeogeography of Devonian and Carboniferous rocks of the UK Central North Sea for the 21CXRM Palaeozoic project. The 21CXRM Palaeozoic project results are delivered as a series of reports and digital datasets for each area. This report describes the stratigraphical correlation of Devonian and Carboniferous strata south of, and over, the Mid North Sea High (Quadrants 25-44) using both well and seismic data. It builds on the work of Cameron (1993a) and others, and uses lithostratigraphy to understand how facies vary across the area. A major outcome of this work is the detailed description of the Cleveland Group, the basinal correlative of the Scremerston, Yoredale and Millstone Grit formations within the offshore extension of the Cleveland Basin

    Experimental observations of tsunami induced scour at onshore structures

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    Tsunami inundation of the coastal environment can induce scour at structure foundations leading to failure. A series of experiments are made using a unique Pneumatic Long Wave Generator to generate tsunami wave periods of 25 - 147 s equating to 3 - 17.3 mins at 1:50 Froude scale. The waves propagate over a sloping bathymetry and impinge upon a square structure founded onshore in a flat sediment bed. Flow velocity, height and scour are recorded as a function of time during tsunami inundation. The rate of scour is observed to be time dependent. Equilibrium, which is not attained, is argued to be an inappropriate measure for time-dependent transient flows such as tsunami in which the flow velocity, depth and direction are variable. The maximum scour depth is recorded and critically is observed not to be equal to the final depth due to significant sediment slumping when flow velocities reduce in the latter stages of inundation. Current and wave scour predictor equations over predict the scour, while the ASCE 7-16 method under predicts. Comparisons with available data in the literature show longer inundation durations increase the amount of scour

    Collaborative coaching and learning in midwifery clinical placements: an evaluation

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    The model of coaching and collaborative learning is based on the nursing model of collaborative learning in practice developed at University of East Anglia and support by Health Education, East of England. The model was adapted to fit the midwifery antenatal and postnatal ward where it was trialled between September 2016 and August 2017. During the implementation students, coaches, mentors and other staff on the ward areas were supported by the practice development midwife. Evaluation data was collected in the normal module evaluations and showed overall satisfaction with the model and the opportunities for sharing learning. The model is now being rolled out to other placement areas. Keys to success include good preparation of the clinical placement areas and supported from a practice educator

    A Candidate Protoplanet in the Taurus Star Forming Region

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    HST/NICMOS images of the class I protostar TMR-1 (IRAS04361+2547) reveal a faint companion with 10.0" = 1400 AU projected separation. The central protostar is itself resolved as a close binary with 0.31" = 42 AU separation, surrounded by circumstellar reflection nebulosity. A long narrow filament seems to connect the protobinary to the faint companion TMR-1C, suggesting a physical association. If the sources are physically related then we hypothesize that TMR-1C has been ejected by the protobinary. If TMR-1C has the same age and distance as the protobinary then current models indicate its flux is consistent with a young giant planet of several Jovian masses.Comment: 16 pages, 1 figure, Accepted by Astrophysical Journal Letters, Related information is available at http://www.extrasolar.co

    An experimental demonstration that early-life competitive disadvantage accelerates telomere loss

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    Adverse experiences in early life can exert powerful delayed effects on adult survival and health. Telomere attrition is a potentially important mechanism in such effects. One source of early-life adversity is the stress caused by competitive disadvantage. Although previous avian experiments suggest that competitive disadvantage may accelerate telomere attrition, they do not clearly isolate the effects of competitive disadvantage from other sources of variation. Here, we present data from an experiment in European starlings ( Sturnus vulgaris ) that used cross-fostering to expose siblings to divergent early experience. Birds were assigned either to competitive advantage (being larger than their brood competitors) or competitive disadvantage (being smaller than their brood competitors) between days 3 and 12 post-hatching. Disadvantage did not affect weight gain, but it increased telomere attrition, leading to shorter telomere length in disadvantaged birds by day 12. There were no effects of disadvantage on oxidative damage as measured by plasma lipid peroxidation. We thus found strong evidence that early-life competitive disadvantage can accelerate telomere loss. This could lead to faster age-related deterioration and poorer health in later life. </jats:p

    Tectonic synthesis and contextual setting for the Central North Sea and adjacent onshore areas, 21CXRM Palaeozoic Project

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    This report is designed simply to provide a summary tectonic outline and contextual setting against which offshore seismic and well data relating to the Devono-Carboniferous evolution of the Central North Sea, Forth Approaches, and adjacent UK onshore region can be considered. This summary is intended to help better frame the questions that will arise during interrogation of that data; the findings that result from that analysis are presented elsewhere in the report series (Arsenikos et al., 2015; Kimbell & Williamson, 2015; Monaghan et al., 2015). Apparently contradictory, wrench- or extension-dominated patterns of Lower Carboniferous basin development are recorded in the Forth Approaches, Quadrant 29, North Dogger and Silverpit basins of the Central North Sea, as well as the Midland Valley of Scotland (MVS) and Northumberland and Solway basins onshore. Partitioning Carboniferous deformation across inherited pre-existing Caledonian or Tornquist structures is likely to be an important control on the tectonic architecture developed in these regions during intervals of the geological record in the Carboniferous. Onshore, spatially separate but contemporaneous domains of extension-dominated tectonics versus wrench-dominated tectonics explain the contrasting tectonic framework of the MVS/Forth Approaches region (wrench-dominated) compared with Northumberland Basin (classic ‘stags head’ structure). NE-SW trending Caledonian inheritance strongly controls the domain boundaries and the patterns of deformation created in each of these domains. Offshore, in the Devono-Carboniferous basins of the Central North Sea, the likelihood that strain is partitioned in a similar way across features inherited from the NW-SE Tornquist trend is proposed and examined. The data currently under consideration suggests that a NW-SE trending wrench-dominated domain is spatially associated with the region underlain by the Dogger Granite pluton; domains affected by extension-dominated tectonics appear to be arranged on either side of that feature, namely the Quadrant 29 and North Dogger basins to the NE, and the Silverpit Basin to the SW. Extension is expressed as a NE-SW directed stretch in both of these domains. Patterns of broadly N-S trending fold axes need to be carefully assessed in terms of their structural setting, as folding cannot implicitly be linked with inversion/compression when partitioned strains are developed. Superficially similar features can develop in the MVS in dextral transpression, in north Northumberland buttressed around the Cheviot Granite in overall dextral wrench, and as superimposed late compressional folds in end-Variscan convergence, for example in the Boldon syncline of County Durham. Offshore, similar inversion effects can be seen in the patterns of transpressive faulting associated with features such as the Murdoch Ridge, and with examples of superimposed NE-SW trending extensional faults active in the latest Carboniferous to early Permian

    Feynman graph polynomials

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    The integrand of any multi-loop integral is characterised after Feynman parametrisation by two polynomials. In this review we summarise the properties of these polynomials. Topics covered in this article include among others: Spanning trees and spanning forests, the all-minors matrix-tree theorem, recursion relations due to contraction and deletion of edges, Dodgson's identity and matroids.Comment: 35 pages, references adde

    A framework for realistic 3D tele-immersion

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    Meeting, socializing and conversing online with a group of people using teleconferencing systems is still quite differ- ent from the experience of meeting face to face. We are abruptly aware that we are online and that the people we are engaging with are not in close proximity. Analogous to how talking on the telephone does not replicate the experi- ence of talking in person. Several causes for these differences have been identified and we propose inspiring and innova- tive solutions to these hurdles in attempt to provide a more realistic, believable and engaging online conversational expe- rience. We present the distributed and scalable framework REVERIE that provides a balanced mix of these solutions. Applications build on top of the REVERIE framework will be able to provide interactive, immersive, photo-realistic ex- periences to a multitude of users that for them will feel much more similar to having face to face meetings than the expe- rience offered by conventional teleconferencing systems

    Radiative transfer and the energy equation in SPH simulations of star formation

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    We introduce and test a new and highly efficient method for treating the thermal and radiative effects influencing the energy equation in SPH simulations of star formation. The method uses the density, temperature and gravitational potential of each particle to estimate a mean optical depth, which then regulates the particle's heating and cooling. The method captures -- at minimal computational cost -- the effects of (i) the rotational and vibrational degrees of freedom of H2, H2 dissociation, H0 ionisation, (ii) opacity changes due to ice mantle melting, sublimation of dust, molecular lines, H-, bound-free and free-free processes and electron scattering; (iv) external irradiation; and (v) thermal inertia. The new algorithm reproduces the results of previous authors and/or known analytic solutions. The computational cost is comparable to a standard SPH simulation with a simple barotropic equation of state. The method is easy to implement, can be applied to both particle- and grid-based codes, and handles optical depths 0<tau<10^{11}.Comment: Submitted to A&A, recommended for publicatio
