206 research outputs found

    On the nature of particle energization via resonant wave-particle interaction in the inhomogeneous magnetospheric plasma

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    When a quasi-monochromatic wave propagating in an inhomogeneous magnetoplasma has sufficiently large amplitude, there exist phase-trapped resonant particles whose energy increases or decreases depending on the "sign" of inhomogeneity. The variation of energy density of such particles can greatly exceed the wave energy density which contradicts energy conservation under the prevalent assumption that the wave serves as the energy source or sink. We show that, in fact, the energy increase (or decrease) of phase-trapped particles is related to energy transfer from (to) phase untrapped particles, while the wave basically mediates the energization process. Virtual importance of this comprehension consists in setting proper quantitative constraints on attainable particle energy. The results have immediate applications to at least two fundamental problems in the magnetospheric physics, i.e. particle dynamics in the radiation belts and whistler-triggered emissions

    LHR effects in nonducted whistler propagation ? new observations and numerical modelling

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    International audienceVLF-ELF broadband measurements onboard the MAGION 4 and 5 satellites at heights above 1 Re in plasmasphere provide new data on various known phenomena related to ducted and nonducted whistler wave propagation. Two examples are discussed: magnetospherically reflected (MR) whistlers and lower hybrid resonance (LHR) noise band. We present examples of rather complicated MR whistler spectrograms not reported previously and argue the conditions for their generation. Analytical consideration, together with numerical modelling, yield understanding of the main features of those spectrograms. LHR noise band, as well as MR whistlers, is a phenomenon whose source is the energy propagating in the nonducted way. At the plasmaspheric heights, where hydrogen (H+) is the prevailing ion, and electron plasma frequency is much larger than gyrofrequency, the LHR frequency is close to its maximumvalue in a given magnetic field. This frequency is well followed by the observed noise bands. The lower cutoff frequency of this band is somewhat below that maximum value. The reason for this, as well as the possibility of using the LHR noise bands for locating the plasma through position, are discussed

    Spectral features of lightning-induced ion cyclotron waves at low latitudes: DEMETER observations and simulation

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    International audience[1] We use a comprehensive analysis of 6-component ELF wave data from the DEMETER satellite to study proton whistlers, placing emphasis on low-latitude events originating from lightning strokes in the hemisphere opposite to the hemisphere of observation. In this case, the formation of proton whistlers does not involve mode conversion caused by a strong mode coupling at a crossover frequency, although a polarization reversal remains an important element in formation of the phenomenon. DEMETER measurements of the six electromagnetic field components in the frequency band below 1000 Hz make it possible to determine not only the dynamic spectrum, but also the wave polarization, the wave normal angle, and the normalized parallel component of the Poynting vector. This permits us to address fine features of proton whistlers, in particular, we show that the deviation of the upper cutoff frequency from the equatorial cyclotron frequency is related to the Doppler shift. Experimental study of proton whistlers is supplemented by an investigation of ion cyclotron wave propagation in a multicomponent magnetoplasma and by numerical modeling of spectrograms, both in the frame of geometrical optics

    Regularities of ultrasonography of suspensions of alumina nanoparticles in biological media

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    This paper studies the echo-contrast properties of an alumina nanopowder suspension using ultrasonography (US) fully corresponding in its characteristics to the techniques of medical ultrasound diagnostics of organs and tissues. The purpose of this study was to search for the possible effect of the ionic and protein composition of the biological medium on the intensity of the reflected echo signal of the contrast material based on nanoparticles. It was found that the pH of the blood promotes the maximum use of echo contrast options of alumina nanopowder suspensions. Particle size measurements in the suspension using the dynamic light scattering technique showed the stabilizing effect of blood serum and plasma on the nanopowder suspension, resulting in the attenuation of the echo signal. The data offer a basis for the development of new contrast materials based on nanoparticles for the ultrasound imaging of the heart and blood vessels. The considered mechanisms of the established phenomena make it possible to elucidate the processes of interaction of metal oxide nanoparticles with biological molecules. © 2013 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    Investigation of the mechanism of electromechanical activity of alginate hydrogel

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    The purpose of the study was to reveal the dependence of the response of AG to the applied AED on the composition of the surrounding solution.Цель исследования - выявить зависимость ответа АГ на приложенное ПЭП от состава окружающего раствора

    Fast transport of resonant electrons in phase space due to nonlinear trapping by whistler waves

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    International audienceWe present an analytical, simplified formulation accounting for the fast transport of relativistic electrons in phase space due to wave-particle resonant interactions in the inhomogeneous magnetic field of Earth's radiation belts. We show that the usual description of the evolution of the particle velocity distribution based on the Fokker-Planck equation can be modified to incorporate nonlinear processes of wave-particle interaction, including particle trapping. Such a modification consists in one additional operator describing fast particle jumps in phase space. The proposed, general approach is used to describe the acceleration of relativistic electrons by oblique whistler waves in the radiation belts. We demonstrate that for a wave power distribution with a hard enough power law tail inline image such that η < 5/2, the efficiency of nonlinear acceleration could be more effective than the conventional quasi-linear acceleration for 100 keV electrons