158 research outputs found

    Tau functions, Prym-Tyurin classes and loci of degenerate differentials

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    We study the rational Picard group of the projectivized moduli space PM‾g(n)P\overline{{\mathfrak {M}}}_{g}^{(n)} of holomorphic nn-differentials on complex genus gg stable curves. We define n−1n-1 natural classes in this Picard group that we call Prym-Tyurin classes. We express these classes as linear combinations of boundary divisors and the divisor of nn-differentials with a double zero. We give two different proofs of this result, using two alternative approaches: an analytic approach that involves the Bergman tau function and its vanishing divisor and an algebro-geometric approach that involves cohomological computations on the universal curve

    Masur-Veech volumes and intersection theory: the principal strata of quadratic differentials

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    We describe a conjectural formula via intersection numbers for the Masur-Veech volumes of strata of quadratic differentials with prescribed zero orders, and we prove the formula for the case when the zero orders are odd. For the principal strata of quadratic differentials with simple zeros, the formula reduces to compute the top Segre class of the quadratic Hodge bundle, which can be further simplified to certain linear Hodge integrals. An appendix proves that the intersection of this class with ψ\psi-classes can be computed by Eynard-Orantin topological recursion. As applications, we analyze numerical properties of Masur-Veech volumes, area Siegel-Veech constants and sums of Lyapunov exponents of the principal strata for fixed genus and varying number of zeros, which settles the corresponding conjectures due to Grivaux-Hubert, Fougeron, and elaborated in [the7]. We also describe conjectural formulas for area Siegel-Veech constants and sums of Lyapunov exponents for arbitrary affine invariant submanifolds, and verify them for the principal strata

    European guidelines for quality assurance in colorectal cancer screening and diagnosis: overview and introduction to the full supplement publication

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    Population-based screening for early detection and treatment of colorectal cancer (CRC) and precursor lesions, using evidence-based methods, can be effective in populations with a significant burden of the disease provided the services are of high quality. Multidisciplinary, evidence-based guidelines for quality assurance in CRC screening and diagnosis have been developed by experts in a project co-financed by the European Union. The 450-page guidelines were published in book format by the European Commission in 2010. They include 10 chapters and over 250 recommendations, individually graded according to the strength of the recommendation and the supporting evidence. Adoption of the recommendations can improve and maintain the quality and effectiveness of an entire screening process, including identification and invitation of the target population, diagnosis and management of the disease and appropriate surveillance in people with detected lesions. To make the principles, recommendations and standards in the guidelines known to a wider professional and scientific community and to facilitate their use in the scientific literature, the original content is presented in journal format in an open-access Supplement of Endoscopy. The editors have prepared the present overview to inform readers of the comprehensive scope and content of the guidelines.Fil: Arrossi, Silvina. Centro de Estudios de Estado y Sociedad; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: von Karsa, Lawrence. International Agency for Research on Cancer; FranciaFil: Patrick, J.. NHS Cancer Screening Programmes Sheffield; Reino Unido. University of Oxford; Reino UnidoFil: Segnan, N.. International Agency for Research on Cancer; Francia. AO Città della Salute e della Scienza di Torino; ItaliaFil: Atkin, W.. Imperial College London; Reino UnidoFil: Halloran, S.. University of Surrey; Reino UnidoFil: Saito, H.. National Cancer Centre; JapónFil: Sauvaget, C.. International Agency for Research on Cancer; FranciaFil: Scharpantgen, A.. Ministry of Health; LuxemburgoFil: Schmiegel, W.. Ruhr-Universität Bochum; AlemaniaFil: Senore, C.. AO Città della Salute e della Scienza di Torino; ItaliaFil: Siddiqi, M.. Cancer Foundation of India; IndiaFil: Sighoko, D.. University of Chicago; Estados Unidos. Formerly International Agency for Research on Cancer; FranciaFil: Smith, R.. American Cancer Society; Estados UnidosFil: Smith S.. University Hospitals Coventry & Warwickshire NHS Trust; Reino UnidoFil: Suchanek, S.. Charles University; República ChecaFil: Suonio, E.. International Agency for Research on Cancer; FranciaFil: Tong, W.. Chinese Academy of Sciences; República de ChinaFil: Törnberg, S.. Stockholm Gotland Regional Cancer Centre. Department of Cancer Screening; SueciaFil: Van Cutsem, E.. Katholikie Universiteit Leuven; BélgicaFil: Vignatelli, L.. Agenzia Sanitaria e Sociale Regionale; ItaliaFil: Villain, P.. University of Oxford; Reino UnidoFil: Voti, L.. Formerly International Agency for Research on Cancer; Francia. University of Miami; Estados UnidosFil: Watanabe, H.. Niigata University; JapónFil: Watson, J.. University of Oxford; Reino UnidoFil: Winawer, S.. Memorial Sloan–Kettering Cancer Center; Estados UnidosFil: Young, G.. Flinders University. Gastrointestinal Services; AustraliaFil: Zaksas, V.. State Patient Fund; LituaniaFil: Zappa, M.. Cancer Prevention and Research Institute; ItaliaFil: Valori, R.. NHS Endoscopy; Reino Unid

    Movies and TV Influence Tobacco Use in India: Findings from a National Survey

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    Background: Exposure to mass media may impact the use of tobacco, a major source of illness and death in India. The objective is to test the association of self-reported tobacco smoking and chewing with frequency of use of four types of mass media: newspapers, radio, television, and movies. Methodology/Principal Findings: We analyzed data from a sex-stratified nationally-representative cross-sectional survey of 123,768 women and 74,068 men in India. All models controlled for wealth, education, caste, occupation, urbanicity, religion, marital status, and age. In fully-adjusted models, monthly cinema attendance is associated with increased smoking among women (relative risk [RR]: 1·55; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1·04–2·31) and men (RR: 1·17; 95% CI: 1·12–1·23) and increased tobacco chewing among men (RR: 1·15; 95% CI: 1·11–1·20). Daily television and radio use is associated with higher likelihood of tobacco chewing among men and women, while daily newspaper use is related to lower likelihood of tobacco chewing among women. Conclusion/Significance: In India, exposure to visual mass media may contribute to increased tobacco consumption in men and women, while newspaper use may suppress the use of tobacco chewing in women. Future studies should investigate the role that different types of media content and media play in influencing other health behaviors

    Fibroma ossificante dei seni paranasali: diagnosi e management

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    Le lesioni fibro-ossee benigne raramente colpiscono i seni paranasali e sono suddivise in 3 entità: osteoma, displasia fibrosa e fibroma ossificante. Questi presentano simili caratteristiche cliniche, radiologiche e istologiche ma hanno un comportamento diverso. Il fibroma ossificante, in particolare la variante istologica giovanile, può presentare un comportamento aggressivo con un alto rischio di recidiva se rimosso in modo incompleto. Lo scopo dello studio è quello di paragonare il comportamento clinico del fibroma ossificante con quello delle altre lesioni fibro-ossee; di evidenziare un eventuale comportamento differente tra i vari sottotipi istologici; di descrivere i vantaggi, i limiti e i risultati della chirurgia endoscopica endonasale rispetto ai dati presenti in letteratura. Abbiamo analizzato retrospettivamente 11 pazienti affetti da fibroma ossificante naso-sinusale e trattati in un centro ospedaliero di terzo livello. Tutti i pazienti sono stati sottoposti a TC. La RM è stata eseguita in caso di coinvolgimento del basicranio o in caso di recidiva. Una biopsia pre-operatoria è stata effettuata nei casi in cui la massa era raggiungibile per via endoscopica. Un paziente è stato sottoposto a embolizzazione pre-operatoria ed ha riportato una cecità monolaterale al termine della procedure. In base alla localizzazione, l’exeresi del tumore è stata eseguita con un approccio endoscopico (7 pazienti), esterno (3), combinato (1). Istologicamente 5 pazienti hanno riportato un sottotipo convenzionale, 5 la variante giovanile psammomatoide associata in un caso a cisti aneurismatica ossea, e un paziente la variante giovanile trabecolare. Tre pazienti affetti dalla variante istologica giovanile psammomatoide hanno presentato un’invasione del basicranio e sono stati sottoposti ad exeresi subtotale per via endoscopica che ha richiesto in seguito, a causa di un aumento di volume del residuo, un secondo intervento per via transbasale. I reperti clinici, radiologici e istologici dovrebbero essere considerati insieme per una accurata diagnosi differenziale tra le lesioni fibro-ossee. Ulteriori studi sono necessari per concludere se la localizzazione e l’estensione del fibroma ossificante al momento della diagnosi sono più importanti della variante istologica. L’approccio endoscopico è la prima opzione nella maggior parte dei casi anche se in alcuni selezionati pazienti l’approccio esterno risulta ancora necessario

    Evaluating the association of common APOA2 variants with type 2 diabetes

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>APOA2 </it>is a positional and biological candidate gene for type 2 diabetes at the chromosome 1q21-q24 susceptibility locus. The aim of this study was to examine if HapMap phase II tag SNPs in <it>APOA2 </it>are associated with type 2 diabetes and quantitative traits in French Caucasian subjects.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We genotyped the three HapMap phase II tagging SNPs (rs6413453, rs5085 and rs5082) required to capture the common variation spanning the <it>APOA2 </it>locus in our type 2 diabetes case-control cohort comprising 3,093 French Caucasian subjects. The association between these variants and quantitative traits was also examined in the normoglycaemic adults of the control cohort. In addition, meta-analysis of publicly available whole genome association data was performed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>None of the <it>APOA2 </it>tag SNPs were associated with type 2 diabetes in the French Caucasian case-control cohort (rs6413453, <it>P </it>= 0.619; rs5085, <it>P </it>= 0.245; rs5082, <it>P </it>= 0.591). However, rs5082 was marginally associated with total cholesterol levels (<it>P </it>= 0.026) and waist-to-hip ratio (<it>P </it>= 0.029). The meta-analysis of data from 12,387 subjects confirmed our finding that common variation at the <it>APOA2 </it>locus is not associated with type 2 diabetes.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The available data does not support a role for common variants in <it>APOA2 </it>on type 2 diabetes susceptibility or related quantitative traits in Northern Europeans.</p

    Is primary care a neglected piece of the jigsaw in ensuring optimal stroke care? Results of a national study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Stroke is a major cause of mortality and morbidity with potential for improved care and prevention through general practice. A national survey was undertaken to determine current resources and needs for optimal stroke prevention and care.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Postal survey of random sample of general practitioners undertaken (N = 204; 46% response). Topics included practice organisation, primary prevention, acute management, secondary prevention, long-term care and rehabilitation.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Service organisation for both primary and secondary prevention was poor. Home management of acute stroke patients was used at some stage by 50% of responders, accounting for 7.3% of all stroke patients. Being in a structured cardiovascular management scheme, a training practice, a larger practice, or a practice employing a practice nurse were associated with structures and processes likely to support stroke prevention and care.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>General practices were not fulfilling their potential to provide stroke prevention and long-term management. Systems of structured stroke management in general practice are essential to comprehensive national programmes of stroke care.</p
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