9 research outputs found

    Effect of Specially Programmed Physical and Health Education on Motor Fitness of Seven-Year-Old School Children

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    The efficacy of specially programmed physical and health education on the motor development of first-grade pupils was analyzed in a sample of 633 children aged 7 years. Pupils have been divided into control group consisting of 140 boys and 137 girls attending standard program of physical and health education, and in experimental group consisting of 184 boys and 172 girls attending specially programmed physical and health education. A battery of 12 motor tests has been used on two occasions separated by nine -month interval. Analysis of time-changes (by using the model of differences) pointed to the significantly greater quantitative changes in experimental group compared with control group of children. In boys, the changes are obtained for the tests of aerobic endurance, static strength, flexibility, speed, explosive strength of sprint and throw type, and equilibrium, and in girls, they are for aerobic endurance, static strength, explosive strength of throw and sprint type, flexibility, repetitive strength, speed, and equilibrium

    Global epidemiology of communicable disease

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    Premda je značenje zaraznih bolesti u razvijenim zemlja umanjen njihov je globalni značaj i dalje velik. Najznačajnije su akutne infekcije donjeg dišnog sustava, tuberkuloza, dijarealne bolesti, HIV/AIDS, malarija, ospice, hepatitis B, pertusis, neonatalni tetanus, hemoragijske groznice i drugo. U Hrvatskoj je smrtnost od zaraznih bolesti vrlo niska zahvaljujući poboljšanju općih uvjeta života te razvoju medicine i zdravstva. U nerazvijenim zemljama znaćajan uzrok smrtnosti kod djece su akutne respiratorne i crijevne zarazne bolesti. Pojavljuju se nove i osobito opasne zarazne bolesti. Trenutačna pandemija HIV-a još će dugo ostavljati posljedice na ljudsku populaciju. Osim toga, neke zarazne bolesti pokazuju svoje novo lice. Sve više su uzročnici zaraznih bolesti povezani s neoplazmama i nezaraznim bolestima. Stanovništvo razvijenih zemalja postaje sve starije što mijenja osjetljivost populacije na neke infekcije. U efikasnom nadzoru nad zaraznim bolestima ključnu ulogu ima međunarodna suradnja i razvijenost zdravstvenog nadzora i zdravstvene zaštite.Although the impact of communicable diseases in developed countries has been significantly reduced, they still present an important global health care problem. Worlwide, the most significant infectious diseases today are acute lower respiratory tract infections, tuberculosis, diarrhoeal diseases, HIV/AIDS, malaria, measles, hepatitis B, pertussis, neonatal tetanus, haemorrhagic fever, etc. In Croatia, infectious diseases mortality is very low, thanks to improved living conditions and developments in medicine and health care. In undeveloped countries, acute respiratory and gastrointestinal infectious diseases present a significant cause of mortality in children. New, highly contagious infectious diseases still emerge. Current HIV pandemic is going to leave consequences on the human population for a long time. Also, some infectious diseases change their identity. Causative pathogens of infectious diseases are nowdays more and more related to neoplasms and non-infectious diseases. The population in developed countries becomes older and consequently changes their susceptibility to some infections. International cooperation and a well developed health care surveillance and protection play an important role in efficient infectious disease control

    Fruit and vegetables as vehiculi of salmonelosis

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    U ovom radu izneseni su podaci o rezultatima višegodišnjeg praćenja salmoneloza kojima su vektori bili kontaminirano povrće, sjemenke, klice i voće. Najpoznatije epidemije u SAD-u i Zapadnim zemljama javile su se kao posljedica kontaminacije klica alfalfa (lucerna – djetelina sedmača), rajčica, salate, kikirikija, lubenica, dinja, riže i sl. Uobičajeno mišljenje kako salmonele kontaminiraju povrće i voće samo površinski, napušteno je u svjetlu otkrića da ovi mikroorganizmi, kao i drugi patogeni mogu penetrirati u stabljiku, lišće i plodove kroz neoštećeni korjenski sustav ali i zbog oštećenja ovih struktura. Istraživanja su pokazala da je na molekularnoj razini potreban sustav TTSS efektorskih proteinskih molekula pomoću kojega različiti patogeni prodiru kroz neoštećeni korjenski sustav u biljku. U fazi klijanja sjemena, zbog otpuštanja hranjivih spojeva, bakterijski biofilm na sjemenju i klicama može postići invazivne koncentracije od 106–107 CFU/g biljne mase. Temeljni je izvor patogena u poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji kontaminirana voda, pa se preporučuju postupci njenog kondicioniranja prije navodnjavanja poljoprivrednih kultura, ali i postupci dezinfekcije voća i povrća koje se konzumira bez termičke obrade i to uranjanjem u otopine Na hipoklorita, H2O2 i sl.The results of a long term study of salmonelosis caused by contaminated vegetables, seeds, sprouts and fruit have been reported in the paper. The most famous outbreaks in the USA and the Western countries resulted from the contaminated alfalfa sprouts, tomatoes, cantaloupe, lettuce, peanuts, etc., were described. Common opinion that Salmonella can be found only on the surfaces of fruit and vegetables has recently been abandoned due to the discovery of the fact that Salmonella as well as the other pathogenic microorganisms can penetrate stem, leaves and fruites of the plant through both damaged and undamaged roots. Molecular researches have proved that type III protein secretion system (TTSS) is necessary to the pathogenic microorganisms while penetrating the undamaged roots of the plant. During the phase of seed germination, nutrients are released enabling the bacterial biofilm on seeds and sprouts to reach the invasive concentrations of 106–107 CFU/g of sprouts biomass. The main source of pathogenic microorganisms in agriculture is, obviously, contaminated water so the procedure of its conditioning prior to the irrigation together with the desinfection of fruit and vegetables using Na hypochlorite or H2O2 has been strongly suggested

    Effect of Programmed Kinesiologic Treatment on Structural Transformation of Some Strength and Endurance Manifestations in Croatian Army Draftees

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    Structural, i.e. qualitative changes in some motor dimensions (strength and endurance) were assessed during a 2-month period in a sample of 307 male subjects, Croatian Navy draftees, mean age 21 years. Study subjects were divided into three groups: experimental group 1 (n = 102), experimental group 2 (n = 97) and control group (n = 108), submitted to different kinesiologic treatments. The structure of isolated dimensions for 13 motor variables showed significant changes between two time points (two transitive states) in all three groups of subjects. In experimental groups, the treatments influenced the highest correlation of repetitive strength and aerobic endurance, with this very dimension integrating these capabilities at the second time point. Second dimension integrated explosive strength and anaerobic capacity, whereas third dimension integrated repetitive strength of the trunk and aerobic endurance in experimental group 1. In the control group of subjects, repetitive strength, aerobic endurance and anaerobic capacity were isolated as specific dimensions

    Hepatitis B in the family

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    Fruit and vegetables as vehiculi of salmonelosis

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    U ovom radu izneseni su podaci o rezultatima višegodišnjeg praćenja salmoneloza kojima su vektori bili kontaminirano povrće, sjemenke, klice i voće. Najpoznatije epidemije u SAD-u i Zapadnim zemljama javile su se kao posljedica kontaminacije klica alfalfa (lucerna – djetelina sedmača), rajčica, salate, kikirikija, lubenica, dinja, riže i sl. Uobičajeno mišljenje kako salmonele kontaminiraju povrće i voće samo površinski, napušteno je u svjetlu otkrića da ovi mikroorganizmi, kao i drugi patogeni mogu penetrirati u stabljiku, lišće i plodove kroz neoštećeni korjenski sustav ali i zbog oštećenja ovih struktura. Istraživanja su pokazala da je na molekularnoj razini potreban sustav TTSS efektorskih proteinskih molekula pomoću kojega različiti patogeni prodiru kroz neoštećeni korjenski sustav u biljku. U fazi klijanja sjemena, zbog otpuštanja hranjivih spojeva, bakterijski biofilm na sjemenju i klicama može postići invazivne koncentracije od 106–107 CFU/g biljne mase. Temeljni je izvor patogena u poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji kontaminirana voda, pa se preporučuju postupci njenog kondicioniranja prije navodnjavanja poljoprivrednih kultura, ali i postupci dezinfekcije voća i povrća koje se konzumira bez termičke obrade i to uranjanjem u otopine Na hipoklorita, H2O2 i sl.The results of a long term study of salmonelosis caused by contaminated vegetables, seeds, sprouts and fruit have been reported in the paper. The most famous outbreaks in the USA and the Western countries resulted from the contaminated alfalfa sprouts, tomatoes, cantaloupe, lettuce, peanuts, etc., were described. Common opinion that Salmonella can be found only on the surfaces of fruit and vegetables has recently been abandoned due to the discovery of the fact that Salmonella as well as the other pathogenic microorganisms can penetrate stem, leaves and fruites of the plant through both damaged and undamaged roots. Molecular researches have proved that type III protein secretion system (TTSS) is necessary to the pathogenic microorganisms while penetrating the undamaged roots of the plant. During the phase of seed germination, nutrients are released enabling the bacterial biofilm on seeds and sprouts to reach the invasive concentrations of 106–107 CFU/g of sprouts biomass. The main source of pathogenic microorganisms in agriculture is, obviously, contaminated water so the procedure of its conditioning prior to the irrigation together with the desinfection of fruit and vegetables using Na hypochlorite or H2O2 has been strongly suggested

    Pregnancy outcome in thoracic aortic disease data from the Registry Of Pregnancy And Cardiac disease

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    Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death during pregnancy with thoracic aortic dissection being one of the main causes. Thoracic aortic disease is commonly related to hereditary disorders and congenital heart malformations such as bicuspid aortic valve (BAV). Pregnancy is considered a high risk period in women with underlying aortopathy.The ESC EORP Registry Of Pregnancy And Cardiac disease (ROPAC) is a prospective global registry that enrolled 5739 women with pre-existing cardiac disease. With this analysis, we aim to study the maternal and fetal outcome of pregnancy in women with thoracic aortic disease.Thoracic aortic disease was reported in 189 women (3.3%). Half of them were patients with Marfan syndrome (MFS), 26% had a BAV, 8% Turner syndrome, 2% vascular Ehlers-Danlos syndrome and 11% had no underlying genetic defect or associated congenital heart defect. Aortic dilatation was reported in 58% of patients and 6% had a history of aortic dissection. Four patients, of whom three were patients with MFS, had an acute aortic dissection (three type A and one type B aortic dissection) without maternal or fetal mortality. No complications occurred in women with a history of aortic dissection. There was no significant difference in median fetal birth weight if treated with a beta-blocker or not (2960 g (2358-3390 g) vs 3270 g (2750-3570 g), p value 0.25).This ancillary analysis provides the largest prospective data review on pregnancy risk for patients with thoracic aortic disease. Overall pregnancy outcomes in women with thoracic aortic disease followed according to current guidelines are good