2,088 research outputs found

    Fast model predictive control for hydrogen outflow regulation in ethanol steam reformers

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    © 20xx IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.In the recent years, the presence of alternative power sources, such as solar panels, wind farms, hydropumps and hydrogen-based devices, has significantly increased. The reasons of this trend are clear: contributing to a reduction of gas emissions and dependency on fossil fuels. Hydrogen-based devices are of particular interest due to their significant efficiency and reliability. Reforming technologies are among the most economic and efficient ways of producing hydrogen. In this paper we consider the regulation of hydrogen outflow in an ethanol steam reformer (ESR). In particular, a fast model predictive control approach based on a finite step response model of the process is proposed. Simulations performed using a more realistic non-linear model show the effectiveness of the proposed approach in driving the ESR to different operating conditions while fulfilling input and output constraints.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Monitoring the performance of residents during training in off-pump coronary surgery.

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    OBJECTIVE: Control charts (eg, cumulative sum charts) plot changes in performance with time and can alert a surgeon to suboptimal performance. They were used to compare performance of off-pump coronary artery bypass surgery between a consultant and four resident surgeons and to compare performance of off-pump coronary artery bypass surgery and conventional coronary artery bypass grafting within surgeons. METHODS: Data were analyzed for consecutive patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting who were operated on by one consultant or one of four residents. Conversions were analyzed by intention to treat. Perioperative death or one or more of 10 adverse events constituted failure. Predicted risks of failure for individual patients were derived from the study population. Variable life-adjusted displays and risk-adjusted sequential probability ratio test charts were plotted. RESULTS: Data for 1372 patients were analyzed; 769 of the procedures were off-pump coronary artery bypass operations (56.0%). The consultant operated on 382 patients (293 off-pump, 76.7%), and the residents operated on 990 (474 off-pump, 47.9%). Patients operated on by residents tended to be older, more obese, more likely to require an urgent operation, and more likely to need a circumflex artery graft but less likely to have triple-vessel disease. There were 7 conversions (consultant 5, residents 2). The overall failure rate was 8.5% (9.2% for consultant's operations and 8.2% for residents' operations), including 10 deaths (0.7%). Predicted and observed risks of failure were similar for all five surgeons. After 100 off-pump coronary artery bypass operations, performance was the same or better for the residents as for the consultant. For all surgeons, performance was the same or better for off-pump as for conventional coronary artery bypass grafting. CONCLUSIONS: Off-pump coronary artery bypass surgery can be safely taught to cardiothoracic residents. Implementation of continuous performance monitoring for residents is practicable

    Surface Brightness Fluctuations from archival ACS images: a stellar population and distance study

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    We derive Surface Brightness Fluctuations (SBF) and integrated magnitudes in the V- and I-bands using Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) archival data. The sample includes 14 galaxies covering a wide range of physical properties: morphology, total absolute magnitude, integrated color. We take advantage of the latter characteristic of the sample to check existing empirical calibrations of absolute SBF magnitudes both in the I- and V-passbands. Additionally, by comparing our SBF and color data with the Teramo-SPoT simple stellar population models, and other recent sets of population synthesis models, we discuss the feasibility of stellar population studies based on fluctuation magnitudes analysis. The main result of this study is that multiband optical SBF data and integrated colors can be used to significantly constrain the chemical composition of the dominant stellar system in the galaxy, but not the age in the case of systems older than 3 Gyr. SBF color gradients are also detected and analyzed. These SBF gradient data, together with other available data, point to the existence of mass dependent metallicity gradients in galaxies, with the more massive objects showing a non--negligible SBF versus color gradient. The comparison with models suggests that such gradients imply more metal rich stellar populations in the galaxies' inner regions with respect to the outer ones.Comment: ApJ Accepte

    Energy Consumption and Thermal Comfort Assessment in Retail Stores: Monitoring and Dynamic Simulation Applied to a Case Study in Turin

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    Maintaining suitable microclimate internal conditions in retails store is of great importance, because thermal comfort needs to be satisfied for both customers and employees. In the present work, energy consumptions and microclimate quality assessment of a retail store are shown. Buildings dynamic simulation tool, and energy and environmental monitoring were both used for the building climate quality and energy efficiency investigation. The paper shows how monitoring data, combined with dynamic simulation, allow to improve the correct system control increasing energy efficiency, and enhancing moreover the indoor thermal comfort in retails

    A BIM-based approach supporting fire engineering

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    From performance based approach to BIM-based approach. The exploitation of Building Information Modelling within Fire Engineering can be considered a further technical and technological development. The objective is to implement the BIM model with the most significant Fire Prevention information in order to use them during the building lifecycle by operators and rescuers, in particular for maintenance and emergency management. According to the phase of the project, it is possible to extend the data richness about structures, introducing materials and physical properties to the components, supporting for example the fire resistance checks. Furthermore, data exchange towards specialized software, as CFD analysis, is enabled through to the interoperability process optimizing time and accuracy of simulations

    Pathophysiology of Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD): A Review on Oxidative Disorders

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    Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) is an atherosclerotic disease that affects a wide range of the world's population, reaching up to 200 million individuals worldwide. PAD particularly affects elderly individuals (>65 years old). PAD is often underdiagnosed or underestimated, although specificity in diagnosis is shown by an ankle/brachial approach, and the high cardiovascular event risk that affected the PAD patients. A number of pathophysiologic pathways operate in chronic arterial ischemia of lower limbs, giving the possibility to improve therapeutic strategies and the outcome of patients. This review aims to provide a well detailed description of such fundamental issues as physical exercise, biochemistry of physical exercise, skeletal muscle in PAD, heme oxygenase 1 (HO-1) in PAD, and antioxidants in PAD. These issues are closely related to the oxidative stress in PAD. We want to draw attention to the pathophysiologic pathways that are considered to be beneficial in order to achieve more effective options to treat PAD patients

    New insights about the putative role of myokines in the context of cardiac rehabilitation and secondary cardiovascular prevention.

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    Exercise training prevents the onset and the development of many chronic diseases, acting as an effective tool both for primary and for secondary prevention. Various mechanisms that may be the effectors of these beneficial effects have been proposed during the past decades: some of these are well recognized, others less. Muscular myokines, released during and after muscular contraction, have been proposed as key mediators of the systemic effects of the exercise. Nevertheless the availability of an impressive amount of evidence regarding the systemic effects of muscle-derived factors, few studies have examined key issues: (I) if skeletal muscle cells themselves are the main source of cytokine during exercise; (II) if the release of myokines into the systemic circulation reach an adequate concentration to provide significant effects in tissues far from skeletal muscle; (III) what may be the role carried out by muscular cytokine regarding the well-known benefits induced by regular exercise, first of all the anti-inflammatory effect of exercise. Furthermore, a greater part of our knowledge regarding myokines derives from the muscle of healthy subjects. This knowledge may not necessarily be transferred per se to subjects with chronic diseases implicating a direct or indirect muscular dysfunction and/or a chronic state of inflammation with persistent immune-inflammatory activation (and therefore increased circulating levels of some cytokines): cachexia, sarcopenia due to multiple factors, disability caused by neurological damage, chronic congestive heart failure (CHF) or coronary artery disease (CAD). A key point of future studies is to ascertain how is modified the muscular release of myokines in different categories of unhealthy subjects, both at baseline and after rehabilitation. The purpose of this review is to discuss the main findings on the role of myokines as putative mediators of the therapeutic benefits obtained through regular exercise in the context of secondary cardiovascular prevention