21,624 research outputs found

    Bubble Growth in Superfluid 3-He: The Dynamics of the Curved A-B Interface

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    We study the hydrodynamics of the A-B interface with finite curvature. The interface tension is shown to enhance both the transition velocity and the amplitudes of second sound. In addition, the magnetic signals emitted by the growing bubble are calculated, and the interaction between many growing bubbles is considered.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figures, LaTeX, ITP-UH 11/9

    The horofunction boundary of the Hilbert geometry

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    We investigate the horofunction boundary of the Hilbert geometry defined on an arbitrary finite-dimensional bounded convex domain D. We determine its set of Busemann points, which are those points that are the limits of `almost-geodesics'. In addition, we show that any sequence of points converging to a point in the horofunction boundary also converges in the usual sense to a point in the Euclidean boundary of D. We prove that all horofunctions are Busemann points if and only if the set of extreme sets of the polar of D is closed in the Painleve-Kuratowski topology.Comment: 24 pages, 2 figures; minor changes, examples adde

    Effect of Inhomogeneous Heat Flow on the Enhancement of Heat Capacity in Helium-II by Counterflow near Tλ

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    In 2000 Harter et al. reported the first measurements of the enhancement of the heat capacity ΔCQ[equivalent]C(Q)-C(Q=0) of helium-II transporting a heat flux density Q near Tλ. Surprisingly, their measured ΔCQ was ~7–12 times larger than predicted, depending on which theory was assumed. In this report we present a candidate explanation for this discrepancy: unintended heat flux inhomogeneity. Because C(Q) should diverge at a critical heat flux density Qc, homogeneous heat flow is required for an accurate measurement. We present results from numerical analysis of the heat flow in the Harter et al. cell indicating that substantial inhomogeneity occurred. We determine the effect of the inhomogeneity on ΔCQ and find rough agreement with the observed disparity between prediction and measurement

    Phase Variation in the Pulse Profile of SMC X-1

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    We present the results of timing and spectral analysis of X-ray high state observations of the high-mass X-ray pulsar SMC X-1 with Chandra, XMM-Newton, and ROSAT, taken between 1991 and 2001. The source has L_X ~ 3-5 x 10^38 ergs/s, and the spectra can be modeled as a power law plus blackbody with kT_BB \~ 0.18 keV and reprocessed emission radius R_BB ~ 2 x 10^8 cm, assuming a distance of 60 kpc to the source. Energy-resolved pulse profiles show several distinct forms, more than half of which include a second pulse in the soft profile, previously documented only in hard energies. We also detect significant variation in the phase shift between hard and soft pulses, as has recently been reported in Her X-1. We suggest an explanation for the observed characteristics of the soft pulses in terms of precession of the accretion disk.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in ApJL; v2 minor corrections, as will appear in ApJ

    Analytical approach to directed sandpile models on the Apollonian network

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    We investigate a set of directed sandpile models on the Apollonian network, which are inspired on the work by Dhar and Ramaswamy (PRL \textbf{63}, 1659 (1989)) for Euclidian lattices. They are characterized by a single parameter qq, that restricts the number of neighbors receiving grains from a toppling node. Due to the geometry of the network, two and three point correlation functions are amenable to exact treatment, leading to analytical results for the avalanche distributions in the limit of an infinite system, for q=1,2q=1,2. The exact recurrence expressions for the correlation functions are numerically iterated to obtain results for finite size systems, when larger values of qq are considered. Finally, a detailed description of the local flux properties is provided by a multifractal scaling analysis.Comment: 7 pages in two-column format, 10 illustrations, 5 figure

    Ultranarrow resonance peaks in the transmission and reflection spectra of a photonic crystal cavity with Raman gain

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    The Raman gain of a probe light in a three-state Λ\Lambda -scheme placed into a defect of a one-dimensional photonic crystal is studied theoretically. We show that there exists a pump intensity range, where the transmission and reflection spectra of the probe field exhibit \textit{simultaneously} occurring narrow peaks (resonances) whose position is determined by the Raman resonance. Transmission and reflection coefficients can be larger than unity at pump intensities of order tens of μ\muW/cm2^{2}. When the pump intensity is outside this region, the peak in the transmission spectrum turns into a narrow dip. The nature of narrow resonances is attributed to a drastic dispersion of the nonlinear refractive index in the vicinity of the Raman transition, which leads to a significant reduction of the group velocity of the probe wave.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Reducing Electricity Demand Charge for Data Centers with Partial Execution

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    Data centers consume a large amount of energy and incur substantial electricity cost. In this paper, we study the familiar problem of reducing data center energy cost with two new perspectives. First, we find, through an empirical study of contracts from electric utilities powering Google data centers, that demand charge per kW for the maximum power used is a major component of the total cost. Second, many services such as Web search tolerate partial execution of the requests because the response quality is a concave function of processing time. Data from Microsoft Bing search engine confirms this observation. We propose a simple idea of using partial execution to reduce the peak power demand and energy cost of data centers. We systematically study the problem of scheduling partial execution with stringent SLAs on response quality. For a single data center, we derive an optimal algorithm to solve the workload scheduling problem. In the case of multiple geo-distributed data centers, the demand of each data center is controlled by the request routing algorithm, which makes the problem much more involved. We decouple the two aspects, and develop a distributed optimization algorithm to solve the large-scale request routing problem. Trace-driven simulations show that partial execution reduces cost by 3%−−10.5%3\%--10.5\% for one data center, and by 15.5%15.5\% for geo-distributed data centers together with request routing.Comment: 12 page

    Nonlinear optics with stationary pulses of light

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    We show that the recently demonstrated technique for generating stationary pulses of light [Nature {\bf 426}, 638 (2003)] can be extended to localize optical pulses in all three spatial dimensions in a resonant atomic medium. This method can be used to dramatically enhance the nonlinear interaction between weak optical pulses. In particular, we show that an efficient Kerr-like interaction between two pulses can be implemented as a sequence of several purely linear optical processes. The resulting process may enable coherent interactions between single photon pulses.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Quantum channels in nonlinear optical processes

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    Quantum electrodynamics furnishes a new type of representation for the characterisation of nonlinear optical processes. The treatment elicits the detailed role and interplay of specific quantum channels, information that is not afforded by other methods. Following an illustrative application to the case of Rayleigh scattering, the method is applied to second and third harmonic generation. Derivations are given of parameters that quantify the various quantum channels and their interferences; the results are illustrated graphically. With given examples, it is shown in some systems that optical nonlinearity owes its origin to an isolated channel, or a small group of channels. © 2009 World Scientific Publishing Company
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