11 research outputs found
Balloon against Jackhammer Disorder
We describe a patient with dysphagia. The results of endoscopy, CT scan and echoendoscopy were normal. High-resolution manometry (HRM) showed esogastric junction dysfunction and hypercontractile peristaltic disorder. These HRM abnormalities completely disappeared after pneumatic esophageal dilatation. We discuss the treatment options and recovery of peristalsis after balloon dilatation
Effect of lansoprazole on DNA integrity of human spermatozoa and activity of seminal creatine kinase
Crohn's disease stable remission after human immunodeficiency virus infection
We retrospectively assessed the clinical course in four patients with long-standing Crohn's disease who became infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), The duration of active Crohn's disease was 21, 10, 4, and 4 years in our four patients, They experienced a stable remission of Crohn's disease symptoms after HIV infection, In three patients Crohn's disease was in stable remission for 5, 8, and 8 years after HIV infection and all three died from acquired immunodeficiency syndrome-related disease. One patient was still alive without recurrence of Crohn's disease symptoms 7 years following HIV detection, Our observations of a spontaneous improvement in the clinical course of Crohn's disease after HIV infection, suggests that the integrity of the immune response, especially that of CD4 T cells, plays a major role in the tissue injury mechanism in Crohn's disease