501 research outputs found

    Lattice dynamics and phonon softening in Ni-Mn-Al Heusler alloys

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    Inelastic and elastic neutron scattering have been used to study a single crystal of the Ni54_{54}Mn23_{23}Al23_{23} Heusler alloy over a broad temperature range. The paper reports the first experimental determination of the low-lying phonon dispersion curves for this alloy system. We find that the frequencies of the TA2_2 modes are relatively low. This branch exhibits an anomaly (dip) at a wave number ξ0=1/30.33\xi_{0} ={1/3}\approx 0.33, which softens with decreasing temperature. Associated with this anomalous dip at ξ0\xi_{0}, an elastic central peak scattering is also present. We have also observed satellites due to the magnetic ordering.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures. Accepted for publication in the Physical Review

    Оцінка податкового потенціалу регіону

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    Метою даної статті є дослідження податкового потенціалу регіону, аналіз формування та оцінка податкового потенціалу регіону (на прикладі Донецької області)

    On the athermal character of structural phase transitions

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    The significance of thermal fluctuations on nucleation in structural first-order phase transitions has been examined. The prototype case of martensitic transitions has been experimentally investigated by means of acoustic emission techniques. We propose a model based on the mean first-passage time to account for the experimental observations. Our study provides a unified framework to establish the conditions for isothermal and athermal transitions to be observed.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, accepted in Phys. Rev. Let

    Return to return point memory

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    We describe a new class of systems exhibiting return point memory (RPM) that are different from those discussed before in the context of ferromagnets. We show numerically that one dimensional random Ising antiferromagnets have RPM, when configurations evolve from a large field. However, RPM is violated when started from some stable configurations at finite field unlike in the ferromagnetic case. This implies that the standard approach to understanding ferromagnetic RPM systems will fail for this case. We also demonstrate RPM with a set of variables that keep track of spin flips at each site. Conventional RPM for the spin configuration is a projection of this result, suggesting that spin flip variables might be a more fundamental representation of the dynamics. We also present a mapping that embeds the antiferromagnetic chain in a two dimensional ferromagnetic model, and prove RPM for spin exchange dynamics in the interior of the chain with this mapping

    Anomaly Detection for Diagnosing Failures in a Centrifugal Compressor Train

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    Predicting machine failures is of the utmost importance in industrial systems as it can turn expensive crashes and repair costs into affordable maintenance costs. To this end, this paper presents preliminary work for detecting failures in a centrifugal compressor train based on sensorial data. We show the detection capabilities of a two-step process consisting of: (1) a preprocessing step to reduce the dimensionality of the input data using Principal Component Analysis, and (2) an anomaly detection step using the Mahalanobis distance to detect anomalous observations on the sensors' data. The experiments using real-world data demonstrate the feasibility of our approach and the ability of the method to detect the failures eight days in advance

    Reef-fidelity and migration of tiger sharks, Galeocerdo cuvier, across the Coral Sea

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    © The Author(s), 2014. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in PLoS One 9 (2014): e83249, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0083249.Knowledge of the habitat use and migration patterns of large sharks is important for assessing the effectiveness of large predator Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), vulnerability to fisheries and environmental influences, and management of shark–human interactions. Here we compare movement, reef-fidelity, and ocean migration for tiger sharks, Galeocerdo cuvier, across the Coral Sea, with an emphasis on New Caledonia. Thirty-three tiger sharks (1.54 to 3.9 m total length) were tagged with passive acoustic transmitters and their localised movements monitored on receiver arrays in New Caledonia, the Chesterfield and Lord Howe Islands in the Coral Sea, and the east coast of Queensland, Australia. Satellite tags were also used to determine habitat use and movements among habitats across the Coral Sea. Sub-adults and one male adult tiger shark displayed year-round residency in the Chesterfields with two females tagged in the Chesterfields and detected on the Great Barrier Reef, Australia, after 591 and 842 days respectively. In coastal barrier reefs, tiger sharks were transient at acoustic arrays and each individual demonstrated a unique pattern of occurrence. From 2009 to 2013, fourteen sharks with satellite and acoustic tags undertook wide-ranging movements up to 1114 km across the Coral Sea with eight detected back on acoustic arrays up to 405 days after being tagged. Tiger sharks dove 1136 m and utilised three-dimensional activity spaces averaged at 2360 km3. The Chesterfield Islands appear to be important habitat for sub-adults and adult male tiger sharks. Management strategies need to consider the wide-ranging movements of large (sub-adult and adult) male and female tiger sharks at the individual level, whereas fidelity to specific coastal reefs may be consistent across groups of individuals. Coastal barrier reef MPAs, however, only afford brief protection for large tiger sharks, therefore determining the importance of other oceanic Coral Sea reefs should be a priority for future research.Funding was provided by the the Agence Francaise de Développement (http://www.afd.fr), French Pacific Fund, the CRISP program (www.crisponline.info) and QLD Fisheries

    Recovery of the physiological status in professional basketball players using NESA neuromodulation treatment during different types of microcycles in season: A preliminary randomized clinical trial.

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    The purpose of the study was to describe and compare recovery status after official basketball competition in players who underwent NESA neuromodulation treatment (NNT) in weeks with one or two matches. The recovery parameters of 12 professional male basketball players (mean ± SD, age: 20.6 ± 2.7 yr; height: 197.8 ± 11.7 cm; and body mass: 89.0 ± 21.2 kg) that competed in the LEB Plata (Spanish third division) were monitored 2 days after match-play over 6 weeks, and included: 1) the Hooper Test, which combines four subjective variables (sleep, stress, fatigue and soreness); 2) common biochemical markers (e.g., testosterone, cortisol and ratio T:C); and 3) lowest heart rate [HR], average HR, HR variability, sleep duration, awake time during night and onset latency before asleep). Players that completed NNT presented differences compared to the control group in sleep data. For instance, the lowest HR (p < 0.001), average HR (p < 0.001) and total awake time (p = 0.04) were significantly reduced in the NNT group. On the contrary, the control group presented greater values than the NNT group in the subjective Hooper Test, although only stress presented significant differences (Control 2.5 ± 1.2 vs. NNT cost or 3.2 ± 0.9; p = 0.01). Additionally, there were no significant differences in recovery parameters between weeks with one or two matches. In conclusion, the results suggest that players that underwent NNT tended to improve their sleep quality. Nevertheless, player’s values in the biochemical markers and wellness status remained similar in both groups. The fact that no significant differences were found between weeks with one or two matches could help basketball professionals to determine that a congested schedule does not seem to negatively alter recovery status.post-print1317 K

    Simulated heatwave and fishing stressors alter corticosteroid and energy balance in neonate blacktip reef sharks, Carcharhinus melanopterus

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    The increasing frequency and duration of marine heatwaves attributed to climate change threatens coastal elasmobranchs and may exacerbate existing anthropogenic stressors. While the elasmobranch stress response has been well studied, the role of the unique corticosteroid-1α-hydroxycorticosterone (1α-OHB)-in energy balance is not understood. Therefore, 1α-OHB's utility as a stress biomarker in elasmobranch conservation physiology is equivocal. Here, we analyse the roles of corticosteroids, 1α-OHB and corticosterone, and metabolites, glucose and 3-hydroxybutyrate (3-HB), in response to stress in a protected tropical shark species, the blacktip reef shark (Carcharhinus melanopterus). Wild-caught neonates were exposed to ambient (27°C) or heatwave conditions (29°C) and subsequently a simulated fishing stressor (1 min air exposure). Blood samples were taken prior to temperature exposure, prior to air exposure, and 30 min, 1 h, 24 h, and 48 h post-Air exposure at treatment temperatures. Plasma 1α-OHB was elevated for 48 h in 27°C-exposed sharks but declined over time in 29°C-exposed sharks. Plasma 1α-OHB was not correlated with either metabolite. Plasma glucose was higher and plasma 3-HB was lower in 29°C-exposed sharks. In a separate experiment, blood samples were collected from both neonate and adult sharks immediately following capture and again 5 min later, and analysed for corticosteroids and metabolites. Plasma 1α-OHB increased in neonates within 5 min, but neonates displayed lower plasma 1α-OHB and higher glucose concentrations than adults. We conclude that 1α-OHB does not serve as a classic glucocorticoid role in C. melanopterus under these stressors. Furthermore, we show for the first time, ontogenetic differences in plasma 1α-OHB. Ultimately, our findings provide insights into hormonal control of energy mobilization during stress in C. melanopterus, particularly during simulated heatwave conditions, which seem to alter both endocrine and energy mobilization. Further work is needed to determine the utility of 1α-OHB as a biomarker for the mobilization of energy during a stress event in elasmobranchs

    Avalanche criticality in the martensitic transition of Cu67.64Zn16.71Al15.65 shape-memory alloy: a calorimetric and acoustic emission study

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    The first-order diffusionless structural transition in Cu67.64Zn16.71Al15.65 is characterized by jerky propagation of phase fronts related to the appearance of avalanches. In this paper, we describe a full analysis of this avalanche behavior using calorimetric heat-flux measurements and acoustic emission measurements. Two different propagation modes, namely, smooth front propagation and jerky avalanches, were observed in extremely slow measurements with heating and cooling rates as low as a few 10−3 K/h. Avalanches show criticality where each avalanche leads to a spike in the heat flux. Their statistical analysis leads to a power law [P(E)∼E−ε, where P(E)dE is the probability to observe an avalanche with energy E in an interval between E and E+dE] with an energy exponent of ε=2.15±0.15 in excellent agreement with the results of acoustic emission measurements. Avalanches appear to be more common for heating rates faster than 5×10−3 K/h whereas smooth front propagation occurs in all calorimetric measurements and (almost) exclusively for slower heating rates. Repeated cooling runs were taken after a waiting time of 1 month (and an intermediate heating run). Correlations between the avalanche sequences of the two cooling runs were found for the strongest avalanche peaks but not for the full sequence of avalanches. The memory effect is hence limited to strong avalanches

    Multicaloric materials and effects

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    Multicaloric materials show thermal changes that can be driven simultaneously or sequentially by more than one type of external field, and the resulting multicaloric effects can be large in multiferroic materials. The use of more than one driving field can permit access to larger thermal changes, with smaller field magnitudes, over wider ranges of operating temperature, while manipulating hysteresis. The thermodynamics behind multicaloric effects is well established, but only a small number of multicaloric effects have been experimentally studied to date. Here we describe the fundamentals of multicaloric effects, and discuss the performance of representative multicaloric materials. Exploiting multicaloric effects could aid the future development of cooling devices, where key challenges include energy efficiency and operating temperature span