840 research outputs found

    Quantum interference from sums over closed paths for electrons on a three-dimensional lattice in a magnetic field: total energy, magnetic moment, and orbital susceptibility

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    We study quantum interference effects due to electron motion on a three-dimensional cubic lattice in a continuously-tunable magnetic field of arbitrary orientation and magnitude. These effects arise from the interference between magnetic phase factors associated with different electron closed paths. The sums of these phase factors, called lattice path-integrals, are ``many-loop" generalizations of the standard ``one-loop" Aharonov-Bohm-type argument. Our lattice path integral calculation enables us to obtain various important physical quantities through several different methods. The spirit of our approach follows Feynman's programme: to derive physical quantities in terms of ``sums over paths". From these lattice path-integrals we compute analytically, for several lengths of the electron path, the half-filled Fermi-sea ground-state energy of noninteracting spinless electrons in a cubic lattice. Our results are valid for any strength of the applied magnetic field in any direction. We also study in detail two experimentally important quantities: the magnetic moment and orbital susceptibility at half-filling, as well as the zero-field susceptibility as a function of the Fermi energy.Comment: 14 pages, RevTe

    Encoding a qubit with Majorana modes in superconducting circuits

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    Majorana fermions are long-sought exotic particles that are their own antiparticles. Here we propose to utilize superconducting circuits to construct two superconducting-qubit arrays where Majorana modes can occur. A so-called Majorana qubit is encoded by using the unpaired Majorana modes, which emerge at the left and right ends of the chain in the Majorana-fermion representation. We also show this Majorana qubit in the spin representation and its advantage, over a single superconducting qubit, regarding quantum coherence. Moreover, we propose to use four superconducting qubits as the smallest system to demonstrate the braiding of Majorana modes and show how the states before and after braiding Majoranas can be discriminated.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures; an enlarged version of arXiv: 1108.3712v

    Acoustic Radiation Force and Torque on Small Particles as Measures of the Canonical Momentum and Spin Densities

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    We examine acoustic radiation force and torque on a small (subwavelength) absorbing isotropic particle immersed in a monochromatic (but generally inhomogeneous) sound-wave field. We show that by introducing the monopole and dipole polarizabilities of the particle, the problem can be treated in a way similar to the well-studied optical forces and torques on dipole Rayleigh particles. We derive simple analytical expressions for the acoustic force (including both the gradient and scattering forces) and torque. Importantly, these expressions reveal intimate relations to the fundamental field properties introduced recently for acoustic fields: the canonical momentum and spin angular momentum densities. We compare our analytical results with previous calculations and exact numerical simulations. We also consider an important example of a particle in an evanescent acoustic wave, which exhibits the mutually-orthogonal scattering (radiation-pressure) force, gradient force, and torque from the transverse spin of the field.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, Supplemental Material, to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Edge Modes, Degeneracies, and Topological Numbers in Non-Hermitian Systems

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    We analyze chiral topological edge modes in a non-Hermitian variant of the 2D Dirac equation. Such modes appear at interfaces between media with different "masses" and/or signs of the "non-Hermitian charge". The existence of these edge modes is intimately related to exceptional points of the bulk Hamiltonians, i.e., degeneracies in the bulk spectra of the media. We find that the topological edge modes can be divided into three families ("Hermitian-like", "non-Hermitian", and "mixed"), these are characterized by two winding numbers, describing two distinct kinds of half-integer charges carried by the exceptional points. We show that all the above types of topological edge modes can be realized in honeycomb lattices of ring resonators with asymmetric or gain/loss couplings.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, and Supplementary Materials, to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Squeezed Phonon States: Modulating Quantum Fluctuations of Atomic Displacements

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    We study squeezed quantum states of phonons, which allow the possibility of modulating the quantum fluctuations of atomic displacements below the zero-point quantum noise level of coherent phonon states. We calculate the corresponding expectation values and fluctuations of both the atomic displacement and the lattice amplitude operators, and also investigate the possibility of generating squeezed phonon states using a three-phonon parametric amplification process based on phonon-phonon interactions. Furthermore, we also propose a detection scheme based on reflectivity measurements.Comment: 4 pages, RevTeX. The previous entry had a wrong page number in the Journal-ref fiel

    Relativistic Hall Effect

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    We consider the relativistic deformation of quantum waves and mechanical bodies carrying intrinsic angular momentum (AM). When observed in a moving reference frame, the centroid of the object undergoes an AM-dependent transverse shift. This is the relativistic analogue of the spin Hall effect, which occurs in free space without any external fields. Remarkably, the shifts of the geometric and energy centroids differ by a factor of 2, and both centroids are crucial for the correct Lorentz transformations of the AM tensor. We examine manifestations of the relativistic Hall effect in quantum vortices, and mechanical flywheels, and also discuss various fundamental aspects of this phenomenon. The perfect agreement of quantum and relativistic approaches allows applications at strikingly different scales: from elementary spinning particles, through classical light, to rotating black-holes.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev. Let
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