125 research outputs found

    Optimization and Validation of a Modified Radial-Arm Water Maze Protocol Using a Murine Model of Mild Closed Head Traumatic Brain Injury

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    Cognitive impairments can be a significant problem after a traumatic brain injury (TBI), which affects millions worldwide each year. There is a need for establish reproducible cognitive assays in rodents to better understand disease mechanisms and to develop therapeutic interventions towards treating TBI-induced impairments. Our goal was to validate and standardize the radial arm water maze (RAWM) test as an assay to screen for cognitive impairments caused by TBI. RAWM is a visuo-spatial learning test, originally designed for use with rats, and later adapted for mice. The present study investigates whether test procedures, such us the presence of extra-maze cues influences learning and memory performance. C57BL/6 mice were tested in an 8-arm RAWM using a four-day protocol. We demonstrated that two days of training, exposing the mice to extra-maze cues and a visible platform, influenced learning and memory performance. Mice that did not receive training performed poorer compared to mice trained. To further validate our RAWM protocol, we used scopolamine. We, also, demonstrated that a single mild closed head injury (CHI) caused deficits in this task at two weeks post-CHI. Our data supported the use of 7 trials per day and a spaced training protocol as key factor to unmask memory impairment following CHI. Here, we provide a detailed standard operating procedure for RAWM test, which can be applied to a variety of mouse models including neurodegenerative diseases and pathology, as well as when pharmacological approaches are used

    How an ancient, salt-tolerant fruit crop, Ficus carica L., copes with salinity: a transcriptome analysis

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    Although Ficus carica L. (fig) is one of the most resistant fruit tree species to salinity, no comprehensive studies are currently available on its molecular responses to salinity. Here we report a transcriptome analysis of F. carica cv. Dottato exposed to 100 mM sodium chloride for 7 weeks, where RNA-seq analysis was performed on leaf samples at 24 and 48 days after the beginning of salinization; a genomederived fig transcriptome was used as a reference. At day 24, 224 transcripts were significantly upregulated and 585 were down-regulated, while at day 48, 409 genes were activated and 285 genes were repressed. Relatively small transcriptome changes were observed after 24 days of salt treatment, showing that fig plants initially tolerate salt stress. However, after an early down-regulation of some cell functions, major transcriptome changes were observed after 48 days of salinity. Seven weeks of 100 mM NaCl dramatically changed the repertoire of expressed genes, leading to activation or reactivation of many cell functions. We also identified salt-regulated genes, some of which had not been previously reported to be involved in plant salinity responses. These genes could be potential targets for the selection of favourable genotypes, through breeding or biotechnology, to improve salt tolerance in fig or other crops

    Glucocorticoid-induced cell death is mediated through reduced glucose metabolism in lymphoid leukemia cells

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    Malignant cells are known to have increased glucose uptake and accelerated glucose metabolism. Using liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry, we found that treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) cells with the glucocorticoid (GC) dexamethasone (Dex) resulted in profound inhibition of glycolysis. We thus demonstrate that Dex reduced glucose consumption, glucose utilization and glucose uptake by leukemic cells. Furthermore, Dex treatment decreased the levels of the plasma membrane-associated glucose transporter GLUT1, thus revealing the mechanism for the inhibition of glucose uptake. Inhibition of glucose uptake correlated with induction of cell death in ALL cell lines and in leukemic blasts from ALL patients cultured ex vivo. Addition of di-methyl succinate could partially overcome cell death induced by Dex in RS4;11 cells, thereby further supporting the notion that inhibition of glycolysis contributes to the induction of apoptosis. Finally, Dex killed RS4;11 cells significantly more efficiently when cultured in lower glucose concentrations suggesting that modulation of glucose levels might influence the effectiveness of GC treatment in ALL. In summary, our data show that GC treatment blocks glucose uptake by leukemic cells leading to inhibition of glycolysis and that these effects play an important role in the induction of cell death by these drugs

    Expression of GLUT1 and GLUT3 Glucose Transporters in Endometrial and Breast Cancers

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    Cancer cells have accelerated metabolism and high glucose requirements. The up-regulation of specific glucose transporters may represent a key mechanism by which malignant cells may achieve increased glucose uptake to support the high rate of glycolysis. In present study we analyzed the mRNA and protein expression of GLUT1 and GLUT3 glucose transporters by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (Q-PCR) and Western blotting technique in 76 cases of endometrial carcinoma and 70 cases of breast carcinoma. SLC2A1 and SLCA2A3 mRNAs expression was found, respectively in 100% and 97.4% samples of endometrial cancers and only in 50% and 40% samples of breast cancers. In endometrial cancers GLUT1 and GLUT3 protein expression was identified in 67.1% and 30.3% of cases. Analogously, in breast cancers in 48.7% and 21% of samples, respectively. The results showed that both endometrial and breast poorly differentiated tumors (grade 2 and 3) had significantly higher GLUT1 and GLUT3 expression than well-differentiated tumors (grade 1). Statistically significant association was found between SLCA2A3 mRNA expression and estrogen and progesterone receptors status in breast cancers. GLUT1 has been reported to be involved in the uptake of glucose by endometrial and breast carcinoma cells earlier and the present study determined that GLUT3 expression is also involved. GLUT1 and GLUT3 seem to be important markers in endometrial and breast tumors differentiation

    Clinical significance of stromal apoptosis in colorectal cancer

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    BackgroundEpithelial and stromal cells play an important role in the development of colorectal cancer (CRC). We aimed to determine the prognostic significance of both epithelial and stromal cell apoptosis in CRC.MethodsTotal apoptosis was determined by caspase-3 activity measurements in protein homogenates of CRC specimens and adjacent normal mucosa of 211 CRC patients. Epithelial apoptosis was determined by an ELISA specific for a caspase-3-degraded cytokeratin 18 product, the M30 antigen. Stromal apoptosis was determined from the ratio between total and epithelial apoptosis.ResultsEpithelial and stromal apoptosis, as well as total apoptosis, were significantly higher in CRC compared with corresponding adjacent normal mucosa. Low total tumour apoptosis (< or = median caspase-3 activity) was associated with a significantly worse disease recurrence (hazard ratio (HR), 95% confidence interval (95% CI): 1.77 (1.05-3.01)), independent of clinocopathological parameters. Epithelial apoptosis was not associated with clinical outcome. In contrast, low stromal apoptosis (< or = median caspase-3/M30) was found to be an independent prognostic factor for overall survival, disease-free survival and disease recurrence, with HRs (95% CI) of 1.66 (1.17-2.35), 1.62 (1.15-2.29) and 1.69 (1.01-2.85), respectively.InterpretationStromal apoptosis, in contrast to epithelial apoptosis, is an important factor with respect to survival and disease-recurrence in CRC

    Oncogene Activation Induces Metabolic Transformation Resulting in Insulin-Independence in Human Breast Cancer Cells

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    Normal breast epithelial cells require insulin and EGF for growth in serum-free media. We previously demonstrated that over expression of breast cancer oncogenes transforms MCF10A cells to an insulin-independent phenotype. Additionally, most breast cancer cell lines are insulin-independent for growth. In this study, we investigated the mechanism by which oncogene over expression transforms MCF10A cells to an insulin-independent phenotype. Analysis of the effects of various concentrations of insulin and/or IGF-I on proliferation of MCF10A cells demonstrated that some of the effects of insulin were independent from those of IGF-I, suggesting that oncogene over expression drives a true insulin-independent proliferative phenotype. To test this hypothesis, we examined metabolic functions of insulin signaling in insulin-dependent and insulin-independent cells. HER2 over expression in MCF10A cells resulted in glucose uptake in the absence of insulin at a rate equal to insulin-induced glucose uptake in non-transduced cells. We found that a diverse set of oncogenes induced the same result. To gain insight into how HER2 oncogene signaling affected increased insulin-independent glucose uptake we compared HER2-regulated gene expression signatures in MCF10A and HER2 over expressing MCF10A cells by differential analysis of time series gene expression data from cells treated with a HER2 inhibitor. This analysis identified genes specifically regulated by the HER2 oncogene, including VAMP8 and PHGDH, which have known functions in glucose uptake and processing of glycolytic intermediates, respectively. Moreover, these genes specifically implicated in HER2 oncogene-driven transformation are commonly altered in human breast cancer cells. These results highlight the diversity of oncogene effects on cell regulatory pathways and the importance of oncogene-driven metabolic transformation in breast cancer

    Wnt5a Regulates Midbrain Dopaminergic Axon Growth and Guidance

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    During development, precise temporal and spatial gradients are responsible for guiding axons to their appropriate targets. Within the developing ventral midbrain (VM) the cues that guide dopaminergic (DA) axons to their forebrain targets remain to be fully elucidated. Wnts are morphogens that have been identified as axon guidance molecules. Several Wnts are expressed in the VM where they regulate the birth of DA neurons. Here, we describe that a precise temporo-spatial expression of Wnt5a accompanies the development of nigrostriatal projections by VM DA neurons. In mice at E11.5, Wnt5a is expressed in the VM where it was found to promote DA neurite and axonal growth in VM primary cultures. By E14.5, when DA axons are approaching their striatal target, Wnt5a causes DA neurite retraction in primary cultures. Co-culture of VM explants with Wnt5a-overexpressing cell aggregates revealed that Wnt5a is capable of repelling DA neurites. Antagonism experiments revealed that the effects of Wnt5a are mediated by the Frizzled receptors and by the small GTPase, Rac1 (a component of the non-canonical Wnt planar cell polarity pathway). Moreover, the effects were specific as they could be blocked by Wnt5a antibody, sFRPs and RYK-Fc. The importance of Wnt5a in DA axon morphogenesis was further verified in Wnt5a−/− mice, where fasciculation of the medial forebrain bundle (MFB) as well as the density of DA neurites in the MFB and striatal terminals were disrupted. Thus, our results identify a novel role of Wnt5a in DA axon growth and guidance

    Defining the Molecular Basis of Tumor Metabolism: a Continuing Challenge Since Warburg's Discovery

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    Cancer cells are the product of genetic disorders that alter crucial intracellular signaling pathways associated with the regulation of cell survival, proliferation, differentiation and death mechanisms. the role of oncogene activation and tumor suppressor inhibition in the onset of cancer is well established. Traditional antitumor therapies target specific molecules, the action/expression of which is altered in cancer cells. However, since the physiology of normal cells involves the same signaling pathways that are disturbed in cancer cells, targeted therapies have to deal with side effects and multidrug resistance, the main causes of therapy failure. Since the pioneering work of Otto Warburg, over 80 years ago, the subversion of normal metabolism displayed by cancer cells has been highlighted by many studies. Recently, the study of tumor metabolism has received much attention because metabolic transformation is a crucial cancer hallmark and a direct consequence of disturbances in the activities of oncogenes and tumor suppressors. in this review we discuss tumor metabolism from the molecular perspective of oncogenes, tumor suppressors and protein signaling pathways relevant to metabolic transformation and tumorigenesis. We also identify the principal unanswered questions surrounding this issue and the attempts to relate these to their potential for future cancer treatment. As will be made clear, tumor metabolism is still only partly understood and the metabolic aspects of transformation constitute a major challenge for science. Nevertheless, cancer metabolism can be exploited to devise novel avenues for the rational treatment of this disease. Copyright (C) 2011 S. Karger AG, BaselFundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Univ Fed ABC UFABC, CCNH, Santo Andre, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo UNIFESP, Dept Ciencias Biol, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo UNIFESP, Dept Bioquim, São Paulo, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Carlos UFSCar, DFQM, Sorocaba, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo UNIFESP, Dept Ciencias Biol, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo UNIFESP, Dept Bioquim, São Paulo, BrazilFAPESP: 10/16050-9FAPESP: 10/11475-1FAPESP: 08/51116-0Web of Scienc

    Hemoglobin level predicts outcome for vulvar cancer patients independent of GLUT-1 and CA-IX expression in tumor tissue

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    Intratumoral hypoxia has been associated with poor prognosis in several solid tumors. The aim of this study was to determine whether the hypoxia-associated markers glucose transporter (GLUT)-1 and carbonic anhydrase (CA)-IX expression and preoperative hemoglobin (Hb) levels correlate with presence of inguinofemoral or distant metastases, and disease-free survival (DSS) in vulvar squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) patients. Vulvar SCC (n = 103) were reviewed for histopathological characteristics by an expert gynecopathologist and stained for GLUT-1 and CA-IX. Clinical data and preoperative Hb levels were obtained from medical records. No significant correlations were observed between GLUT-1 or CA-IX expression patterns and preoperative Hb levels, presence of inguinofemoral or distant metastases and DSS. However, anemic patients (Hb < 11.2 g/dL) had significantly more inguinofemoral metastases and lower Hb level was an independent prognostic factor for a worse DSS (p < 0.001). The number of comorbidic conditions was inversely correlated with preoperative Hb level. Preoperative Hb levels are associated with poor DSS for vulvar SCC patients, whereas tumor hypoxia reflected by GLUT-1 and CA-IX expression does not have a predictive value. Because preoperative Hb levels inversely correlated with the number of comorbidic conditions and not with GLUT-1 or CA-IX expression, it is most likely that preoperative Hb levels represent overall physical condition

    Expression of glycolytic enzymes in ovarian cancers and evaluation of the glycolytic pathway as a strategy for ovarian cancer treatment

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    Table S2. Spearman correlation of the expression of four glycolytic enzymes in a cohort of 380 ovarian cancers. Spearman rho correlation values (top value) along with the respective adjusted P value (bottom value) of statistically significant correlations thresholded at FDR P < 0.01 are summarised. (DOCX 21 kb