759 research outputs found

    Plasma resonance radiation

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    Qualitative determination of charged particle cloud motion through corona and excitation of electron plasma oscillations through analysis of test particle electromagnetic field in plasm

    Representation Theory of Twisted Group Double

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    This text collects useful results concerning the quasi-Hopf algebra \D . We give a review of issues related to its use in conformal theories and physical mathematics. Existence of such algebras based on 3-cocycles with values in R/Z {R} / {Z} which mimic for finite groups Chern-Simons terms of gauge theories, open wide perspectives in the so called "classification program". The modularisation theorem proved for quasi-Hopf algebras by two authors some years ago makes the computation of topological invariants possible. An updated, although partial, bibliography of recent developments is provided.Comment: 15 pages, no figur

    On Dijkgraaf-Witten Type Invariants

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    We explicitly construct a series of lattice models based upon the gauge group ZpZ_{p} which have the property of subdivision invariance, when the coupling parameter is quantized and the field configurations are restricted to satisfy a type of mod-pp flatness condition. The simplest model of this type yields the Dijkgraaf-Witten invariant of a 33-manifold and is based upon a single link, or 11-simplex, field. Depending upon the manifold's dimension, other models may have more than one species of field variable, and these may be based on higher dimensional simplices.Comment: 18 page

    Localization and Diagonalization: A review of functional integral techniques for low-dimensional gauge theories and topological field theories

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    We review localization techniques for functional integrals which have recently been used to perform calculations in and gain insight into the structure of certain topological field theories and low-dimensional gauge theories. These are the functional integral counterparts of the Mathai-Quillen formalism, the Duistermaat-Heckman theorem, and the Weyl integral formula respectively. In each case, we first introduce the necessary mathematical background (Euler classes of vector bundles, equivariant cohomology, topology of Lie groups), and describe the finite dimensional integration formulae. We then discuss some applications to path integrals and give an overview of the relevant literature. The applications we deal with include supersymmetric quantum mechanics, cohomological field theories, phase space path integrals, and two-dimensional Yang-Mills theory.Comment: 72 pages (60 A4 pages), LaTeX (to appear in the Journal of Mathematical Physics Special Issue on Functional Integration (May 1995)

    The Drinfel'd Double and Twisting in Stringy Orbifold Theory

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    This paper exposes the fundamental role that the Drinfel'd double \dkg of the group ring of a finite group GG and its twists \dbkg, \beta \in Z^3(G,\uk) as defined by Dijkgraaf--Pasquier--Roche play in stringy orbifold theories and their twistings. The results pertain to three different aspects of the theory. First, we show that GG--Frobenius algebras arising in global orbifold cohomology or K-theory are most naturally defined as elements in the braided category of \dkg--modules. Secondly, we obtain a geometric realization of the Drinfel'd double as the global orbifold KK--theory of global quotient given by the inertia variety of a point with a GG action on the one hand and more stunningly a geometric realization of its representation ring in the braided category sense as the full KK--theory of the stack [pt/G][pt/G]. Finally, we show how one can use the co-cycles β\beta above to twist a) the global orbifold KK--theory of the inertia of a global quotient and more importantly b) the stacky KK--theory of a global quotient [X/G][X/G]. This corresponds to twistings with a special type of 2--gerbe.Comment: 35 pages, no figure

    Dual-Frequency VSOP Observations of AO 0235+164

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    AO 0235+164 is a very compact, flat spectrum radio source identified as a BL Lac object at a redshift of z=0.94. It is one of the most violently variable extragalactic objects at both optical and radio wavelengths. The radio structure of the source revealed by various ground-based VLBI observations is dominated by a nearly unresolved compact component at almost all available frequencies. Dual-frequency space VLBI observations of AO 0235+164 were made with the VSOP mission in January-February 1999. The array of the Japanese HALCA satellite and co-observing ground radio telescopes in Australia, Japan, China and South Africa allowed us to study AO 0235+164 with an unprecedented angular resolution at frequencies of 1.6 and 5 GHz. We report on the sub-milliarcsecond structural properties of the source. The 5-GHz observations led to an estimate of T_B > 5.8 x 10^{13} K for the rest-frame brightness temperature of the core, which is the highest value measured with VSOP to date.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, to appear in Publ. Astron. Soc. Japa

    A Compact Extreme Scattering Event Cloud Towards AO 0235+164

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    We present observations of a rare, rapid, high amplitude Extreme Scattering Event toward the compact BL-Lac AO 0235+164 at 6.65 GHz. The ESE cloud is compact; we estimate its diameter between 0.09 and 0.9 AU, and is at a distance of less than 3.6 kpc. Limits on the angular extent of the ESE cloud imply a minimum cloud electron density of ~ 4 x 10^3 cm^-3. Based on the amplitude and timescale of the ESE observed here, we suggest that at least one of the transients reported by Bower et al. (2007) may be attributed to ESEs.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figure

    A deep, high resolution survey of the low frequency radio sky

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    We report on the first wide-field, very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) survey at 90 cm. The survey area consists of two overlapping 28 deg^2 fields centred on the quasar J0226+3421 and the gravitational lens B0218+357. A total of 618 sources were targeted in these fields, based on identifications from Westerbork Northern Sky Survey (WENSS) data. Of these sources, 272 had flux densities that, if unresolved, would fall above the sensitivity limit of the VLBI observations. A total of 27 sources were detected as far as 2 arcdegrees from the phase centre. The results of the survey suggest that at least 10% of moderately faint (S~100 mJy) sources found at 90 cm contain compact components smaller than ~0.1 to 0.3 arcsec and stronger than 10% of their total flux densities. A ~90 mJy source was detected in the VLBI data that was not seen in the WENSS and NRAO VLA Sky Survey (NVSS) data and may be a transient or highly variable source that has been serendipitously detected. This survey is the first systematic (and non-biased), deep, high-resolution survey of the low-frequency radio sky. It is also the widest field of view VLBI survey with a single pointing to date, exceeding the total survey area of previous higher frequency surveys by two orders of magnitude. These initial results suggest that new low frequency telescopes, such as LOFAR, should detect many compact radio sources and that plans to extend these arrays to baselines of several thousand kilometres are warranted.Comment: Accepted by The Astrophysical Journal. 39 pages, 4 figure

    Level-rank duality via tensor categories

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    We give a new way to derive branching rules for the conformal embedding (\asl_n)_m\oplus(\asl_m)_n\subset(\asl_{nm})_1. In addition, we show that the category \Cc(\asl_n)_m^0 of degree zero integrable highest weight (\asl_n)_m-representations is braided equivalent to \Cc(\asl_m)_n^0 with the reversed braiding.Comment: 16 pages, to appear in Communications in Mathematical Physics. Version 2 changes: Proof of main theorem made explicit, example 4.11 removed, references update

    Vortices on Higher Genus Surfaces

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    We consider the topological interactions of vortices on general surfaces. If the genus of the surface is greater than zero, the handles can carry magnetic flux. The classical state of the vortices and the handles can be described by a mapping from the fundamental group to the unbroken gauge group. The allowed configurations must satisfy a relation induced by the fundamental group. Upon quantization, the handles can carry ``Cheshire charge.'' The motion of the vortices can be described by the braid group of the surface. How the motion of the vortices affects the state is analyzed in detail.Comment: 28 pages with 10 figures; uses phyzzx and psfig; Caltech preprint CALT-68-187
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