694 research outputs found

    Ongoing Mass Transfer in the Interacting Galaxy Pair NGC 1409/10

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    I present two-band HST STIS imaging, and WIYN spectral mapping, of ongoing mass transfer in the interacting galaxy pair NGC 1409/10 (where NGC 1410 is the Seyfert galaxy also catalogued as III Zw 55). Archival snapshot WFPC2 imaging from the survey by Malkan et al. showed a dust feature stretching between the galaxies, apparently being captured by NGC 1409. The new images allow estimates of the mass being transferred and rate of transfer. An absorption lane typically 0.25" (100 pc) wide with a representative optical depth tau_B = 0.2 cuts across the spiral structure of NGC 1410, crosses the 7-kpc projected space between the nuclei, wraps in front of and, at the limits of detection, behind NGC 1409, and becomes a denser (tau_B = 0.4) polar feature around the core of NGC 1409. Combination of extinction data in two passbands allows a crude three-dimensional recovery of the dust structure, supporting the front/back geometry derived from colors and extinction estimates. The whole feature contains of order 10610^6 solar masses in dust, implying about 2x10^7 solar masses of gas, requiring a mass transfer rate averaging ~1 solar mass per year unless we are particularly unlucky in viewing angle. Curiously, this demonstrable case of mass transfer seems to be independent of the occurrence of a Seyfert nucleus, since the Seyfert galaxy in this pair is the donor of the material. Likewise, the recipient shows no signs of recent star formation from incoming gas, although NGC 1410 has numerous luminous young star clusters and widespread H-alpha emission.Comment: 27 pages, 9 figures. Accepted for the Astronomical Journal, March 200

    Graph-analytic engineering method of corrosion current calculation in multielectrode system

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    The calculation methods of corrosion current in multielectrode system have been analysed. The algorithm of graph-analytical engineering method of corrosion current calculation in multielectrode system including the principles of graphic and analytical calculation methods is presented. As an illustrative example the case with three electrodes (copper, iron, and aldrey) is considered

    Calculation of the Alpha--Particle Ground State within the Hyperspherical Harmonic Basis

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    The problem of calculating the four--nucleon bound state properties for the case of realistic two- and three-body nuclear potentials is studied using the hyperspherical harmonic (HH) approach. A careful analysis of the convergence of different classes of HH functions has been performed. A restricted basis is chosen to allow for accurate estimates of the binding energy and other properties of the 4He ground state. Results for various modern two-nucleon and two- plus three-nucleon interactions are presented. The 4He asymptotic normalization constants for separation in 2+2 and 1+3 clusters are also computed.Comment: 29 pages, 4 figures, 11 tables, revtex

    The explanation of unexpected temperature dependence of the muon catalysis in solid deuterium

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    It is shown that due to the smallness of the inelastic cross-section of the dμd\mu-atoms scattering in the crystal lattice at sufficiently low temperatures the ddμdd\mu-mesomolecules formation from the upper state of the hyperfine structure dμ(F=3/2)d\mu (F=3/2) starts earlier than the mesoatoms thermolization. It explains an approximate constancy of the ddμdd\mu-mesomolecule formation rate in solid deuterium.Comment: 6 pages, 2 jpeg-figure

    Search for the Radiative Capture d+d->^4He+\gamma Reaction from the dd\mu Muonic Molecule State

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    A search for the muon catalyzed fusion reaction dd --> ^4He +\gamma in the dd\mu muonic molecule was performed using the experimental \mu CF installation TRITON and NaI(Tl) detectors for \gamma-quanta. The high pressure target filled with deuterium at temperatures from 85 K to 800 K was exposed to the negative muon beam of the JINR phasotron to detect \gamma-quanta with energy 23.8 MeV. The first experimental estimation for the yield of the radiative deuteron capture from the dd\mu state J=1 was obtained at the level n_{\gamma}\leq 2\times 10^{-5} per one fusion.Comment: 9 pages, 3 Postscript figures, submitted to Phys. At. Nuc

    Differential cross sections for muonic atom scattering in solid hydrogenic targets

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    The differential cross sections for low-energy muonic hydrogen atom scattering in solid molecular H2_2, D2_2 and T2_2 targets under low pressure have been calculated for various temperatures. The polycrystalline fcc and hcp structure of the solid hydrogenic targets are considered. The Bragg and phonon scattering processes are described using the Debye model of a solid. The calculated cross sections are used for Monte Carlo simulations of the muonic atom slowing down in these targets. They have been successfully applied for a description of the production of the muonic atom beams in the multilayer hydrogenic crystals.Comment: 23 pages, 19 figures, 2 table

    Merging Galaxies in the SDSS EDR

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    We present a new catalog of merging galaxies obtained through an automated systematic search routine. The 1479 new pairs of merging galaxies were found in approximately 462 sq deg of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Early Data Release (SDSS EDR; Stoughton et al. 2002) photometric data, and the pair catalog is complete for galaxies in the magnitude range 16.0 <= g* <= 20. The selection algorithm, implementing a variation on the original Karachentsev (1972) criteria, proved to be very efficient and fast. Merging galaxies were selected such that the inter-galaxy separations were less than the sum of the component galaxies' radii. We discuss the characteristics of the sample in terms of completeness, pair separation, and the Holmberg effect. We also present an online atlas of images for the SDSS EDR pairs obtained using the corrected frames from the SDSS EDR database. The atlas images also include the relevant data for each pair member. This catalog will be useful for conducting studies of the general characteristics of merging galaxies, their environments, and their component galaxies. The redshifts for a subset of the interacting and merging galaxies and the distribution of angular sizes for these systems indicate the SDSS provides a much deeper sample than almost any other wide-area catalog to date.Comment: 58 pages, which includes 15 figures and 6 tables. Figures 2, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, and 14 are provided as JPEG files. For online atlas, see http://home.fnal.gov/~sallam/MergePair/ . Accepted for publication in A

    Abnormal repetitive behaviors in zebrafish and their relevance to human brain disorders

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    Abnormal repetitive behaviors (ARBs) are a prominent symptom of numerous human brain disorders and are commonly seen in rodent models as well. While rodent studies of ARBs continue to dominate the field, mounting evidence suggests that zebrafish (Danio rerio) also display ARB-like phenotypes and may therefore be a novel model organism for ARB research. In addition to clear practical research advantages as a model species, zebrafish share high genetic and physiological homology to humans and rodents, including multiple ARB-related genes and robust behaviors relevant to ARB. Here, we discuss a wide spectrum of stereotypic repetitive behaviors in zebrafish, data on their genetic and pharmacological modulation, and the overall translational relevance of fish ARBs to modeling human brain disorders. Overall, the zebrafish is rapidly emerging as a new promising model to study ARBs and their underlying mechanisms. © 2019 Elsevier B.V


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    Features of brain bioelectric activity and thyroid system in adolescents living in Subpolar andPolar regionsof the North are considered. Hyperactivity of subcortical diencephalic brain structures in adolescents of the Polar region is revealed. Adolescents of Subpolar region have more intensive age optimization of neurodynamic processes. There are noted latitude distinctions of thyroid hormones role for age formation of brain bioelectric activity in adolescents.Рассматриваются особенности биоэлектрической активности мозга и тиреоидной системы у подростков, проживающих в приполярном и заполярном районах Севера. Выявлена повышенная активность подкорковых диэнцефальных мозговых структур у подростков Заполярья. У подростков Приполярья происходит более интенсивная возрастная оптимизация нейродинамических процессов. Отмечены широтные различия в роли тиреоидных гормонов для возрастного становления биоэлектрической активности мозга.

    Mixed Morphology Pairs as a Breeding Ground for Active Nuclei

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    Mixed morphology pairs offer a simplification of the interaction equation that involves a gas-rich fast rotator paired with a gas-poor slow rotator. In past low resolution IRAS studies it was assumed that the bulk of the far infrared emission originated in the spiral component. However our ISO studies revealed a surprising number of early-type components with significant IR emission some of which turned out to show active nuclei. This motivated us to look at the current statistics of active nuclei in mixed pairs using the FIR-radio continuum correlation as a diagnostic. We find a clear excess of early-type components with radio continuum emission and an active nucleus. We suggest that they arise more often in mixed pairs via cross fueling of gas from the spiral companion. This fuel is more efficiently channeled into the nucleus of the slow rotating receptor. In a sample of 112 mixed-morphology pairs from the Karachentsev catalog we find that about 25-30% of detected mixed pairs show a displacement from the radio-FIR relation defined by normal star forming galaxies. The latter objects show excess radio continuum emission while others extend the relation to unusually high radio and FIR flux levels. Many of the outliers/extreme emitters involve an early-type component with an active nucleus. The paired E/S0 galaxies in the sample exhibit a significant excess detection fraction and a marginal excess luminosity distribution compared to isolated unpaired E/S0 galaxies.Comment: 3 figure