213 research outputs found

    Suppression of the D'yakonov-Perel' spin relaxation mechanism for all spin components in [111] zincblende quantum wells

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    We apply the D'yakonov-Perel' (DP) formalism to [111]-grown zincblende quantum wells (QWs) to compute the spin lifetimes of electrons in the two-dimensional electron gas. We account for both bulk and structural inversion asymmetry (Rashba) effects. We see that, under certain conditions, the spin splitting vanishes to first order in k, which effectively suppresses the DP spin relaxation mechanism for all spin components. We predict extended spin lifetimes as a result, giving rise to the possibility of enhanced spin storage. We also study [110]-grown QWs, where the effect of structural inversion asymmetry is to augment the spin relaxation rate of the component perpendicular to the well. We derive analytical expressions for the spin lifetime tensor and its proper axes, and see that they are dependent on the relative magnitude of the BIA- and SIA-induced splittings.Comment: v1: 5 pages, 2 figures, submitted to PRL v2: added 1 figure and supporting content, PRB forma

    Spin relaxation in a GaAs quantum dot embedded inside a suspended phonon cavity

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    The phonon-induced spin relaxation in a two-dimensional quantum dot embedded inside a semiconductor slab is investigated theoretically. An enhanced relaxation rate is found due to the phonon van Hove singularities. Oppositely, a vanishing deformation potential may also result in a suppression of the spin relaxation rate. For larger quantum dots, the interplay between the spin orbit interaction and Zeeman levels causes the suppression of the relaxation at several points. Furthermore, a crossover from confined to bulk-like systems is obtained by varying the width of the slab.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, to apper in Phys. Rev. B (2006

    Cyclotron effect on coherent spin precession of two-dimensional electrons

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    We investigate the spin dynamics of high-mobility two-dimensional electrons in GaAs/AlGaAs quantum wells grown along the [001][001] and [110][110] directions by time-resolved Faraday rotation at low temperatures. In measurements on the (001)(001)-grown structures without external magnetic fields, we observe coherent oscillations of the electron spin polarization about the effective spin-orbit field. In non-quantizing magnetic fields applied normal to the sample plane, the cyclotron motion of the electrons rotates the effective spin-orbit field. This rotation leads to fast oscillations in the spin polarization about a non-zero value and a strong increase in the spin dephasing time in our experiments. These two effects are absent in the (110)(110)-grown structure due to the different symmetry of its effective spin-orbit field. The measurements are in excellent agreement with our theoretical model.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Dependence of spin dephasing on initial spin polarization in a high-mobility two-dimensional electron system

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    We have studied the spin dynamics of a high-mobility two-dimensional electron system in a GaAs/Al_{0.3}Ga_{0.7}As single quantum well by time-resolved Faraday rotation and time-resolved Kerr rotation in dependence on the initial degree of spin polarization, P, of the electrons. By increasing the initial spin polarization from the low-P regime to a significant P of several percent, we find that the spin dephasing time, T2∗T_2^\ast, increases from about 20 ps to 200 ps; Moreover, T2∗T_2^\ast increases with temperature at small spin polarization but decreases with temperature at large spin polarization. All these features are in good agreement with theoretical predictions by Weng and Wu [Phys. Rev. B {\bf 68}, 075312 (2003)]. Measurements as a function of spin polarization at fixed electron density are performed to further confirm the theory. A fully microscopic calculation is performed by setting up and numerically solving the kinetic spin Bloch equations, including the D'yakonov-Perel' and the Bir-Aronov-Pikus mechanisms, with {\em all} the scattering explicitly included. We reproduce all principal features of the experiments, i.e., a dramatic decrease of spin dephasing with increasing PP and the temperature dependences at different spin polarizations.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, to be published in PR

    Spin relaxation dynamics of quasiclassical electrons in ballistic quantum dots with strong spin-orbit coupling

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    We performed path integral simulations of spin evolution controlled by the Rashba spin-orbit interaction in the semiclassical regime for chaotic and regular quantum dots. The spin polarization dynamics have been found to be strikingly different from the D'yakonov-Perel' (DP) spin relaxation in bulk systems. Also an important distinction have been found between long time spin evolutions in classically chaotic and regular systems. In the former case the spin polarization relaxes to zero within relaxation time much larger than the DP relaxation, while in the latter case it evolves to a time independent residual value. The quantum mechanical analysis of the spin evolution based on the exact solution of the Schroedinger equation with Rashba SOI has confirmed the results of the classical simulations for the circular dot, which is expected to be valid in general regular systems. In contrast, the spin relaxation down to zero in chaotic dots contradicts to what have to be expected from quantum mechanics. This signals on importance at long time of the mesoscopic echo effect missed in the semiclassical simulations.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figure

    Effect of initial spin polarization on spin dephasing and electron g factor in a high-mobility two-dimensional electron system

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    We have investigated the spin dynamics of a high-mobility two-dimensional electron system (2DES) in a GaAs--Al0.3_{0.3}Ga0.7_{0.7}As single quantum well by time-resolved Faraday rotation (TRFR) in dependence on the initial degree of spin polarization, PP, of the 2DES. From P∼0P\sim 0 to P∼30P\sim 30 %, we observe an increase of the spin dephasing time, T2∗T_2^\ast, by an order of magnitude, from about 20 ps to 200 ps, in good agreement with theoretical predictions by Weng and Wu [Phys. Rev. B {\bf 68}, 075312 (2003)]. Furthermore, by applying an external magnetic field in the Voigt configuration, also the electron gg factor is found to decrease for increasing PP. Fully microscopic calculations, by numerically solving the kinetic spin Bloch equations considering the D'yakonov-Perel' and the Bir-Aronov-Pikus mechanisms, reproduce the most salient features of the experiments, {\em i.e}., a dramatic decrease of spin dephasing and a moderate decrease of the electron gg factor with increasing PP. We show that both results are determined dominantly by the Hartree-Fock contribution of the Coulomb interaction.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, to be published in PR

    Electron spin relaxation in bulk III-V semiconductors from a fully microscopic kinetic spin Bloch equation approach

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    Electron spin relaxation in bulk III-V semiconductors is investigated from a fully microscopic kinetic spin Bloch equation approach where all relevant scatterings, such as, the electron--nonmagnetic-impurity, electron-phonon, electron-electron, electron-hole, and electron-hole exchange (the Bir-Aronov-Pikus mechanism) scatterings are explicitly included. The Elliot-Yafet mechanism is also fully incorporated. This approach offers a way toward thorough understanding of electron spin relaxation both near and far away from the equilibrium in the metallic regime. The dependence of the spin relaxation time on electron density, temperature, initial spin polarization, photo-excitation density, and hole density are studied thoroughly with the underlying physics analyzed. In contrast to the previous investigations in the literature, we find that: (i) In nn-type materials, the Elliot-Yafet mechanism is {\em less} important than the D'yakonov-Perel' mechanism, even for the narrow band-gap semiconductors such as InSb and InAs. (ii) The density dependence of the spin relaxation time is nonmonotonic and we predict a {\em peak} in the metallic regime in both nn-type and intrinsic materials. (iii) In intrinsic materials, the Bir-Aronov-Pikus mechanism is found to be negligible compared with the D'yakonov-Perel' mechanism. We also predict a peak in the temperature dependence of spin relaxation time which is due to the nonmonotonic temperature dependence of the electron-electron Coulomb scattering in intrinsic materials with small initial spin polarization. (iv) In pp-type III-V semiconductors, ...... (the remaining is omitted here due to the limit of space)Comment: 25 pages, 17 figure

    Multiple Scattering Theory for Two-dimensional Electron Gases in the Presence of Spin-Orbit Coupling

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    In order to model the phase-coherent scattering of electrons in two-dimensional electron gases in the presence of Rashba spin-orbit coupling, a general partial-wave expansion is developed for scattering from a cylindrically symmetric potential. The theory is applied to possible electron flow imaging experiments using a moveable scanning probe microscope tip. In such experiments, it is demonstrated theoretically that the Rashba spin-orbit coupling can give rise to spin interference effects, even for unpolarized electrons at nonzero temperature and no magnetic field.Comment: 34 pages, 7 figure

    Kinetic investigation on extrinsic spin Hall effect induced by skew scattering

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    The kinetics of the extrinsic spin Hall conductivity induced by the skew scattering is performed from the fully microscopic kinetic spin Bloch equation approach in (001)(001) GaAs symmetric quantum well. In the steady state, the extrinsic spin Hall current/conductivity vanishes for the linear-k\mathbf k dependent spin-orbit coupling and is very small for the cubic-k\mathbf k dependent spin-orbit coupling. The spin precession induced by the Dresselhaus/Rashba spin-orbit coupling plays a very important role in the vanishment of the extrinsic spin Hall conductivity in the steady state. An in-plane spin polarization is induced by the skew scattering, with the help of the spin-orbit coupling. This spin polarization is very different from the current-induced spin polarization.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, to be published in JPC

    Spin relaxation in semiconductor quantum dots

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    We have studied the physical processes responsible for the spin -flip in GaAs quantum dots. We have calculated the rates for different mechanisms which are related to spin-orbit coupling and cause a spin-flip during the inelastic relaxation of the electron in the dot both with and without a magnetic field. We have shown that the zero-dimensional character of the problem when electron wave functions are localized in all directions leads to freezing out of the most effective spin-flip mechanisms related to the absence of the inversion centers in the elementary crystal cell and at the heterointerface and, as a result, to unusually low spin-flip rates.Comment: 6 pages, RevTe
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