44 research outputs found

    The CHilean Automatic Supernova sEarch (CHASE)

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    The CHASE project started in 2007 with the aim of providing young southern supernovae (SNe) to the Carnegie Supernova Project (CSP) and Millennium Center for Supernova Studies (MCSS) follow-up programs. So far CHASE has discovered 33 SNe with an average of more than 2.5 SNe per month in 2008. In addition to the search we are carrying out a follow-up program targeting bright SNe. Our fully automated data reduction allows us to follow the evolution on the light curve in real time, triggering further observations if something potentially interesting is detectedComment: 4 pages, 2 figures, conference proceedin

    Plantando, colhendo, vendendo, mas nĂŁo comendo: prĂĄticas alimentares e de trabalho associadas Ă  obesidade em agricultores familiares do Bonfim, PetrĂłpolis, RJ.

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    Objetivo: verificar a prevalĂȘncia de obesidade entre adultos das 86 famĂ­lias agricultoras de um bairro de PetrĂłpolis, RJ, e analisar seus determinantes socioculturais. MĂ©todos: estudo quantitativo e qualitativo sobre nutrição, prĂĄticas alimentares e de trabalho realizado em 2008. Dados antropomĂ©tricos foram coletados por inquĂ©rito nutricional domiciliar e o material qualitativo por observação participante e entrevistas. Resultados: a prevalĂȘncia de obesidade foi baixa (9,3%) entre os homens, mas bastante elevada entre as mulheres (29,9%). A prĂĄtica agrĂ­cola local implica em atividade fĂ­sica leve para mulheres e intensa para homens. Essa diferença nĂŁo Ă© acompanhada na dieta, semelhante para homens e mulheres, com predomĂ­nio de alimentos de alto valor calĂłrico. A produção familiar objetiva essencialmente a venda. A agricultura mercantil e a decorrente especialização dos cultivos favorecem comprar alimentos no mercado em vez de produzir para autoconsumo. ConclusĂŁo: os aspectos socioculturais e ocupacionais estudados podem ter contribuĂ­do para elevar a prevalĂȘncia de obesidade nas mulheres e podem ser Ășteis no estudo de outros grupos com caracterĂ­sticas semelhantes. Esta pesquisa ratifica a importĂąncia de estudar a obesidade em nĂ­vel local, integrando abordagens quantitativas e qualitativas para identificar possĂ­veis limitaçÔes e portas de entrada para açÔes de intervenção localmente relevantes

    (I)Migrantes, diversidades e desigualdades no sistema educativo portuguĂȘs : balanço e perspectivas

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    O objectivo do presente artigo consiste em procurar transmitir um olhar sociologicamente informado no que concerne Ă  situação portuguesa no domĂ­nio das polĂ­ticas educativas pĂșblicas e investigaçÔes produzidas relacionadas com o sistema educativo e a (i)migração, ou seja, com a tentativa de construção de uma educação intercultural. Neste sentido, serĂĄ realizada uma anĂĄlise descritiva e compreensivo-interpretativa da evolução desta problemĂĄtica em Portugal desde que a mesma se tornou objecto de reflexĂŁo por parte de investigadores/as e polĂ­ticos nos finais da dĂ©cada de oitenta, inĂ­cio da dĂ©cada de noventa do sĂ©culo XX. Nesta anĂĄlise, serĂĄ dada ĂȘnfase Ă s investigaçÔes e quadros teĂłricos produzidos e Ă s medidas legislativas e polĂ­ticas educativas no domĂ­nio do tratamento da diferença cultural dentro do sistema educativo portuguĂȘs.The aim of this article consists in attempting to transmit a sociologically informed view in what the Portuguese situation in the field of public policies and research related to the educational system and (im)migration are concerned, that is, in attempting to construct an intercultural education. In this way, a descriptive and comprehensiveinterpretative analysis of the evolution of this problem in Portugal will be realized, since the latter became an object of reflection on the part of researchers and politicians towards the end of the 80s, the beginning of the 90s of the XXth century. In this analysis, emphasis will be given on the research and theoretical frameworks produced and on the legislative measures and educational policies in the field of treating cultural difference in the Portuguese educational system

    Chromosome landmarks and autosome-sex chromosome translocations in Rumex hastatulus, a plant with XX/XY1Y2 sex chromosome system

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    Rumex hastatulus is the North American endemic dioecious plant with heteromorphic sex chromosomes. It is differentiated into two chromosomal races: Texas (T) race characterised by a simple XX/XY sex chromosome system and North Carolina (NC) race with a polymorphic XX/XY1Y2 sex chromosome system. The gross karyotype morphology in NC race resembles the derived type, but chromosomal changes that occurred during its evolution are poorly understood. Our C-banding/DAPI and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) experiments demonstrated that Y chromosomes of both races are enriched in DAPI-positive sequences and that the emergence of polymorphic sex chromosome system was accompanied by the break of ancestral Y chromosome and switch in the localization of 5S rDNA, from autosomes to sex chromosomes (X and Y2). Two contrasting domains were detected within North Carolina Y chromosomes: the older, highly heterochromatinised, inherited from the original Y chromosome and the younger, euchromatic, representing translocated autosomal material. The flow-cytometric DNA estimation showed ∌3.5 % genome downsizing in the North Carolina race. Our results are in contradiction to earlier reports on the lack of heterochromatin within Y chromosomes of this species and enable unambiguous identification of autosomes involved in the autosome-heterosome translocation, providing useful chromosome landmarks for further studies on the karyotype and sex chromosome differentiation in this species

    The Predictors of Graduation: Social Skills, Mental Health, Academic Characteristics

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    Abstract: Not completing the undergraduate course in the time expected in the curricula can put the universities and students at a disadvantage, with a delay to enter the labor market. The aim was to identify predictors of graduation, considering social skills, mental health, initial academic performance and socio-demographic and academic characteristics. In total, 287 students participated, of both genders and fromthe humanities, exact and biological areas, who answered the instruments: Social Skills, Behaviors and Context Assessment Questionnaire for University Students, Short version of the Social Phobia Inventory, Beck Depression Inventory, and Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV. Predictors were: female, humanities area and average or above-average initial academic performance. The social skills and mental health differentiated the groups in the univariate analyses. This data suggests a need for attention to academic performance in the initial stages of the course, and preventive measures for male students of the exact and biological areas