332 research outputs found

    Soil carbon dioxide venting through rice roots

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    The growth of rice in submerged soils depends on its ability to form continuous gas channels—aerenchyma—through which oxygen (O2) diffuses from the shoots to aerate the roots. Less well understood is the extent to which aerenchyma permits venting of respiratory carbon dioxide (CO2) in the opposite direction. Large, potentially toxic concentrations of dissolved CO2 develop in submerged rice soils. We show using X‐ray computed tomography and image‐based mathematical modelling that CO2 venting through rice roots is far greater than thought hitherto. We found rates of venting equivalent to a third of the daily CO2 fixation in photosynthesis. Without this venting through the roots, the concentrations of CO2 and associated bicarbonate (HCO3−) in root cells would have been well above levels known to be toxic to roots. Removal of CO2 and hence carbonic acid (H2CO3) from the soil was sufficient to increase the pH in the rhizosphere close to the roots by 0.7 units, which is sufficient to solubilize or immobilize various nutrients and toxicants. A sensitivity analysis of the model showed that such changes are expected for a wide range of plant and soil conditions

    ‘The longest suicide vote in history’: the Labour Party leadership election of 2015

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    The Labour leadership contest of 2015 resulted in the election of the veteran Left-wing backbencher, Jeremy Corbyn, who clearly defeated the early favourite, Andy Burnham. Yet Corbyn enjoyed very little support among Labour MPs, and his victory plunged the PLP into turmoil, particularly as he was widely viewed as incapable of leading the Party to victory in the 2020 general election. Given that, much of the established academic literature on Party leadership contests emphasises the ability to foster unity, and thereby render a party electable, as two of the key criteria for electing a new leader, coupled with overall competence, important questions are raised about how and why the Labour Party chose someone to lead them who clearly does not meet these criteria. We will argue that whilst these are the natural priorities of MPs when electing a new leader, in Corbyn’s case, much of the extra-parliamentary Labour Party was more concerned about ideological conviction and purity of principles, regardless of how far these diverged from public opinion. This was especially true of those who signed-up to the Labour Party following the 2015 general election defeat. Indeed, many of these only did so after Corbyn had become a candidate. This clearly suggests a serious tension between maximising intra-party democracy and ensuring the electability of the parliamentary party itself

    Effects of Variable Oceanographic Conditions on Forage Fish Lipid Content and Fatty Acid Composition in the Northern California Current

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    Lipids and fatty acids (FA) were investigated in 4 species of forage fish: northern anchovy Engraulis mordax, Pacific sardine Sardinops sagax, Pacific herring Clupea pallasi, and whitebait smelt Allosmerus elongatus, for their ability to serve as biological indicators of ocean conditions in the California Current large marine ecosystem (CCLME). Samples were collected during the oceanographically contrasting years of 2005 and 2006. Upwelling was severely curtailed in the spring and early summer of 2005, leading to delayed biological productivity, whereas upwelling was relatively normal in spring 2006. Principal components analysis described 78% of the variance within the lipid and FA dataset using the first 2 principal components. We found significant intra- and interspecific, interannual, and seasonal differences in lipid and FA profiles using univariate and permutation- based multivariate analysis of variance. Indicator species analysis showed distinct lipid and FA properties associated with each fish species. Using the ratio of docosahexaenoic acid (C22:6n-3) to eicosapentaeonic acid (C20:5n-3), we detected a transition from a diet composed primarily of dinoflagellate origin in early 2005 to a diet resulting from diatom-based productivity by late summer 2006. This shift was due to interannual differences in primary production, which was confirmed through phytoplankton sampling. Our study demonstrates that lipid and FA biomarkers in the forage fish community can provide information on ocean conditions and productivity that affect food web structure in the CCLME

    Tales of the unexpected: the selection of British party leaders since 1963

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    Jeremy Corbyn’s election as Leader of the Labour Party in 2015 stunned observers and practitioners of British politics alike. In this article, we first outline a theoretical framework that purports to explain why political parties operating in parliamentary systems choose the leaders they do. We then examine 32 leadership successions involving five major British parties since 1963, and note that many of these were unexpected, in that they were triggered by unforeseen circumstances, such as the sudden death or resignation of the incumbent. Examining each party in turn, we briefly explain why the winners won and identify at least eight cases (a quarter of our sample) where a candidate widely expected to prevail at the outset was ultimately defeated by a ‘dark horse’, ‘second favourite’ or even ‘rank outsider’. Of these, Corbyn’s election in 2015 was the most unexpected and, consistent with the findings of studies of party leadership conventions in other parliamentary systems, namely Canada and Spain, suggests that ideological and policy concerns are sometimes more important than considerations of party unity and electability, especially when a leadership contest is dominated by party activists

    The relationship between maternal phenotype and offspring quality: Do older mothers really produce the best offspring?

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    Maternal effects are increasingly recognized as important drivers of population dynamics and determinants of evolutionary trajectories. Recently, there has been a proliferation of studies finding or citing a positive relationship between maternal size/age and offspring size or offspring quality. The relationship between maternal phenotype and offspring size is intriguing in that it is unclear why young mothers should produce offspring of inferior quality or fitness. Here we evaluate the underlying evolutionary pressures that may lead to a maternal size/age-offspring size correlation and consider the likelihood that such a correlation results in a positive relationship between the age or size of mothers and the fitness of their offspring. We find that, while there are a number of reasons why selection may favor the production of larger offspring by larger mothers, this change in size is more likely due to associated changes in the maternal phenotype that affect the offspring size-performance relationship. We did not find evidence that the offspring of older females should have intrinsically higher fitness. When we explored this issue theoretically, the only instance in which smaller mothers produce suboptimal offspring sizes is when a (largely unsupported) constraint on maximum offspring size is introduced into the model. It is clear that larger offspring fare better than smaller offspring when reared in the same environment, but this misses a critical point: different environments elicit selection for different optimal sizes of young. We suggest that caution should be exercised when interpreting the outcome of offspring-size experiments when offspring from different mothers are reared in a common environment, because this approach may remove the source of selection (e.g., reproducing in different context) that induced a shift in offspring size in the first place. It has been suggested that fish stocks should be managed to preserve these older age classes because larger mothers produce offspring with a greater chance of survival and subsequent recruitment. Overall, we suggest that, while there are clear and compelling reasons for preserving older females in exploited populations, there is little theoretical justification or evidence that older mothers produce offspring with higher per capita fitness than do younger mothers

    Protected fish spawning aggregations as self-replenishing reservoirs for regional recovery

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    Dispersal of eggs and larvae from spawning sites is critical to the population dynamics and conservation of marine fishes. For overfished species like critically endangered Nassau grouper (Epinephelus striatus), recovery depends on the fate of eggs spawned at the few remaining aggregation sites. Biophysical models can predict larval dispersal, yet these rely on assumed values of key parameters, such as diffusion and mortality rates, which have historically been difficult or impossible to estimate. We used in situ imaging to record three-dimensional positions of individual eggs and larvae in proximity to oceanographic drifters released into egg plumes from the largest known Nassau grouper spawning aggregation. We then estimated a diffusion–mortality model and applied it to previous years' drifter tracks to evaluate the possibility of retention versus export to nearby sites within 5 days of spawning. Results indicate that larvae were retained locally in 2011 and 2017, with 2011 recruitment being a substantial driver of population recovery on Little Cayman. Export to a nearby island with a depleted population occurred in 2016. After two decades of protection, the population appears to be self-replenishing but also capable of seeding recruitment in the region, supporting calls to incorporate spawning aggregation protections into fisheries management.publishedVersio