293 research outputs found

    Effective Interactions for the Three-Body Problem

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    The three-body energy-dependent effective interaction given by the Bloch-Horowitz (BH) equation is evaluated for various shell-model oscillator spaces. The results are applied to the test case of the three-body problem (triton and He3), where it is shown that the interaction reproduces the exact binding energy, regardless of the parameterization (number of oscillator quanta or value of the oscillator parameter b) of the low-energy included space. We demonstrate a non-perturbative technique for summing the excluded-space three-body ladder diagrams, but also show that accurate results can be obtained perturbatively by iterating the two-body ladders. We examine the evolution of the effective two-body and induced three-body terms as b and the size of the included space Lambda are varied, including the case of a single included shell, Lambda hw=0 hw. For typical ranges of b, the induced effective three-body interaction, essential for giving the exact three-body binding, is found to contribute ~10% to the binding energy.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figures, submitted to PR

    Tensor completion in hierarchical tensor representations

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    Compressed sensing extends from the recovery of sparse vectors from undersampled measurements via efficient algorithms to the recovery of matrices of low rank from incomplete information. Here we consider a further extension to the reconstruction of tensors of low multi-linear rank in recently introduced hierarchical tensor formats from a small number of measurements. Hierarchical tensors are a flexible generalization of the well-known Tucker representation, which have the advantage that the number of degrees of freedom of a low rank tensor does not scale exponentially with the order of the tensor. While corresponding tensor decompositions can be computed efficiently via successive applications of (matrix) singular value decompositions, some important properties of the singular value decomposition do not extend from the matrix to the tensor case. This results in major computational and theoretical difficulties in designing and analyzing algorithms for low rank tensor recovery. For instance, a canonical analogue of the tensor nuclear norm is NP-hard to compute in general, which is in stark contrast to the matrix case. In this book chapter we consider versions of iterative hard thresholding schemes adapted to hierarchical tensor formats. A variant builds on methods from Riemannian optimization and uses a retraction mapping from the tangent space of the manifold of low rank tensors back to this manifold. We provide first partial convergence results based on a tensor version of the restricted isometry property (TRIP) of the measurement map. Moreover, an estimate of the number of measurements is provided that ensures the TRIP of a given tensor rank with high probability for Gaussian measurement maps.Comment: revised version, to be published in Compressed Sensing and Its Applications (edited by H. Boche, R. Calderbank, G. Kutyniok, J. Vybiral

    Smolyak's algorithm: A powerful black box for the acceleration of scientific computations

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    We provide a general discussion of Smolyak's algorithm for the acceleration of scientific computations. The algorithm first appeared in Smolyak's work on multidimensional integration and interpolation. Since then, it has been generalized in multiple directions and has been associated with the keywords: sparse grids, hyperbolic cross approximation, combination technique, and multilevel methods. Variants of Smolyak's algorithm have been employed in the computation of high-dimensional integrals in finance, chemistry, and physics, in the numerical solution of partial and stochastic differential equations, and in uncertainty quantification. Motivated by this broad and ever-increasing range of applications, we describe a general framework that summarizes fundamental results and assumptions in a concise application-independent manner

    Inverse Problems in a Bayesian Setting

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    In a Bayesian setting, inverse problems and uncertainty quantification (UQ) --- the propagation of uncertainty through a computational (forward) model --- are strongly connected. In the form of conditional expectation the Bayesian update becomes computationally attractive. We give a detailed account of this approach via conditional approximation, various approximations, and the construction of filters. Together with a functional or spectral approach for the forward UQ there is no need for time-consuming and slowly convergent Monte Carlo sampling. The developed sampling-free non-linear Bayesian update in form of a filter is derived from the variational problem associated with conditional expectation. This formulation in general calls for further discretisation to make the computation possible, and we choose a polynomial approximation. After giving details on the actual computation in the framework of functional or spectral approximations, we demonstrate the workings of the algorithm on a number of examples of increasing complexity. At last, we compare the linear and nonlinear Bayesian update in form of a filter on some examples.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1312.504

    Multigrid Applied to Mixed Finite Element Schemes for Current Continuity Equations

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    A Scheme to Numerically Evolve Data for the Conformal Einstein Equation

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    This is the second paper in a series describing a numerical implementation of the conformal Einstein equation. This paper deals with the technical details of the numerical code used to perform numerical time evolutions from a "minimal" set of data. We outline the numerical construction of a complete set of data for our equations from a minimal set of data. The second and the fourth order discretisations, which are used for the construction of the complete data set and for the numerical integration of the time evolution equations, are described and their efficiencies are compared. By using the fourth order scheme we reduce our computer resource requirements --- with respect to memory as well as computation time --- by at least two orders of magnitude as compared to the second order scheme.Comment: 20 pages, 12 figure

    Comparison of some Reduced Representation Approximations

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    In the field of numerical approximation, specialists considering highly complex problems have recently proposed various ways to simplify their underlying problems. In this field, depending on the problem they were tackling and the community that are at work, different approaches have been developed with some success and have even gained some maturity, the applications can now be applied to information analysis or for numerical simulation of PDE's. At this point, a crossed analysis and effort for understanding the similarities and the differences between these approaches that found their starting points in different backgrounds is of interest. It is the purpose of this paper to contribute to this effort by comparing some constructive reduced representations of complex functions. We present here in full details the Adaptive Cross Approximation (ACA) and the Empirical Interpolation Method (EIM) together with other approaches that enter in the same category

    Application of Multicanonical Multigrid Monte Carlo Method to the Two-Dimensional Ď•4\phi^4-Model: Autocorrelations and Interface Tension

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    We discuss the recently proposed multicanonical multigrid Monte Carlo method and apply it to the scalar Ď•4\phi^4-model on a square lattice. To investigate the performance of the new algorithm at the field-driven first-order phase transitions between the two ordered phases we carefully analyze the autocorrelations of the Monte Carlo process. Compared with standard multicanonical simulations a real-time improvement of about one order of magnitude is established. The interface tension between the two ordered phases is extracted from high-statistics histograms of the magnetization applying histogram reweighting techniques.Comment: 49 pp. Latex incl. 14 figures (Fig.7 not included, sorry) as uuencoded compressed tar fil
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