515 research outputs found

    Laboratory and field insights into the dynamics and behavior of Argentine ants, Linepithema humile, feeding from hydrogels

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    BACKGROUND: Hydrogels that have absorbed a liquid containing a toxicant are a novel form of bait-delivery for ant control. Here, we study the abilities of Argentine ant (Linepithema humile) workers to imbibe liquid from hydrogels. We quantified feeding behavior with: (i) hydrogels containing different sucrose concentrations (20, 30, 40 and 50% w/w); (ii) hydrogels versus liquid droplets; and (iii) hydrogel age (air exposure time). We also performed a field assay to assess visits by L. humile and other ant species to hydrogels. RESULTS: Ingested volume and feeding time decreased with increasing sucrose concentrations, but the number and duration of pauses were similar. Feeding from hydrogels was slower than from a liquid droplet and ants imbibed less liquid and fed for shorter times from hydrogels. Feeding time increased with hydrogel age, whereas ingested volume decreased and approached zero after 120 min under laboratory conditions. In the field, ants attended the hydrogels during the full 120-min study period. When L. humile workers found a hydrogel, they monopolized it to the exclusion of other ant species. L. humile occupied and dominated hydrogels predominantly in shaded locations. CONCLUSION: Hydrogels with sucrose concentrations no greater than 30% appear best for liquid uptake by L. humile. Hydrogels not in direct sunlight will have greater attendance by L. humile and, therefore, less attendance by non-target ant species. Shady and humid places may prolong the longevity of hydrogels, which would imply higher intakes.Fil: Cabrera, Maria Emilia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Oficina de CoordinaciĂłn Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de FisiologĂ­a, BiologĂ­a Molecular y Neurociencias. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de FisiologĂ­a, BiologĂ­a Molecular y Neurociencias; ArgentinaFil: Rivas Fontan, Ignacio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Oficina de CoordinaciĂłn Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de FisiologĂ­a, BiologĂ­a Molecular y Neurociencias. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de FisiologĂ­a, BiologĂ­a Molecular y Neurociencias; ArgentinaFil: Hoffmann, Benjamin D.. Tropical Ecosystems Research Centre; AustraliaFil: Josens, Roxana Beatriz. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Oficina de CoordinaciĂłn Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de FisiologĂ­a, BiologĂ­a Molecular y Neurociencias. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de FisiologĂ­a, BiologĂ­a Molecular y Neurociencias; Argentin

    Lymphoma stem cells: enough evidence to support their existence?

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    While leukemia-originating stem cells are critical in the initiation and maintenance of leukemias, the existence of similar cell populations that may generate B-cell lymphoma upon mutation remains uncertain. Here we propose that committed lymphoid progenitor/precursor cells with an active V-D-J recombination program are the initiating cells of follicular lymphoma and mantle cell lymphoma when targeted by immunoglobulin (IG)- gene translocations in the bone marrow. However, these pre-malignant lymphoma-initiating cells cannot drive complete malignant transformation, requiring additional cooperating mutations in specific stem-cell programs to be converted into the lymphoma-originating cells able to generate and sustain lymphoma development. Conversely, diffuse large B-cell lymphoma and sporadic Burkitt’s lymphoma derive from B lymphocytes that acquire translocations through IG-hyper-mutation or class-switching errors within the germinal center. Although secondary reprogramming mutations are generally required, some cells such as centroblasts or memory B cells that have certain stem cell-like features, or lymphocytes with MYC rearrangements that deregulate self-renewal pathways, may bypass this need and directly function as the lymphoma-originating cells. An alternative model supports an aberrant epigenetic modification of gene sets as the first occurring hit, which either leads to retaining stem-cell features in hematopoietic stem or progenitor cells, or reprograms stemness into more committed lymphocytes, followed by secondary chromosomal translocations that eventually drive lymphoma development. Isolation and characterization of the cells that are at the origin of the different B-cell non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas will provide critical insights into the disease pathogenesis and will represent a step towards the development of more effective therapies

    Efficient exploration of unknown indoor environments using a team of mobile robots

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    Whenever multiple robots have to solve a common task, they need to coordinate their actions to carry out the task efficiently and to avoid interferences between individual robots. This is especially the case when considering the problem of exploring an unknown environment with a team of mobile robots. To achieve efficient terrain coverage with the sensors of the robots, one first needs to identify unknown areas in the environment. Second, one has to assign target locations to the individual robots so that they gather new and relevant information about the environment with their sensors. This assignment should lead to a distribution of the robots over the environment in a way that they avoid redundant work and do not interfere with each other by, for example, blocking their paths. In this paper, we address the problem of efficiently coordinating a large team of mobile robots. To better distribute the robots over the environment and to avoid redundant work, we take into account the type of place a potential target is located in (e.g., a corridor or a room). This knowledge allows us to improve the distribution of robots over the environment compared to approaches lacking this capability. To autonomously determine the type of a place, we apply a classifier learned using the AdaBoost algorithm. The resulting classifier takes laser range data as input and is able to classify the current location with high accuracy. We additionally use a hidden Markov model to consider the spatial dependencies between nearby locations. Our approach to incorporate the information about the type of places in the assignment process has been implemented and tested in different environments. The experiments illustrate that our system effectively distributes the robots over the environment and allows them to accomplish their mission faster compared to approaches that ignore the place labels

    Conflict Optimization for Binary CSP Applied to Minimum Partition into Plane Subgraphs and Graph Coloring

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    CG:SHOP is an annual geometric optimization challenge and the 2022 edition proposed the problem of coloring a certain geometric graph defined by line segments. Surprisingly, the top three teams used the same technique, called conflict optimization. This technique has been introduced in the 2021 edition of the challenge, to solve a coordinated motion planning problem. In this paper, we present the technique in the more general framework of binary constraint satisfaction problems (binary CSP). Then, the top three teams describe their different implementations of the same underlying strategy. We evaluate the performance of those implementations to vertex color not only geometric graphs, but also other types of graphs.Comment: To appear at ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmic

    Information fusion in multi-agent system based on reliability criterion

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-00369-6_13The paper addresses the problem of information fusion in Multi-Agent System. Since the knowledge of the process state is distributed between agents, the efficiency of the task performance depends on a proper information fusion technique applied to the agents. In this paper we study the case in which each agent has its own sensing device and is able to collect information with some certainty. Since the same information can be detected by multiple agents, the global certainty about the given fact derives from the fusion of information exchanged by interconnecting agents. The key issue in the method proposed, is an assumption that each agent is able to asses its own reliability during the task performance. The method is illustrated by the pick-up-and-collection task example. The effectiveness of the method proposed is evaluated using relevant simulation experiments.Mellado Arteche, M.; Skrzypczyk, K. (2013). Information fusion in multi-agent system based on reliability criterion. En Vision Based Systemsfor UAV Applications. Springer. 207-217. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-00369-6_13S207217Cheng, X., Shen, J., Liu, H., Gu, G.: Multi-robot Cooperation Based on Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning. In: Shi, Y., van Albada, G.D., Dongarra, J., Sloot, P.M.A. (eds.) ICCS 2007, Part III. LNCS, vol. 4489, pp. 90–97. Springer, Heidelberg (2007)Harmati, I., Skrzypczyk, K.: Robot team coordination for target tracking using fuzzy logiccontroller in game theoretic framework. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 57(1) (2009)Jones, C., Mataric, M.: Adaptive Division of Labor in Large-Scale Minimalist Multi-Robot Systems. In: Proc. of IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Las Vegas, pp. 1969–1974 (2003)Kaminka, G.A., Erusalimchik, D., Kraus, S.: Adaptive Multi-Robot Coordination: A Game-Theoretic Perspective. In: Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Anchorage Convention District, Anchorage, Alaska, USA (2002)Kok, J.R., Spaan, M.T.J., Vlassis, N.: Non-communicative multi-robot coordination in dynamic environments. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 50(2-3), 99–114 (2005)Klusch, M., Gerber, A.: Dynamic coalition formation among rational agents. IEEE Intelligent Systems 17(3), 42–47 (2002)Kraus, S., Winkfeld, J., Zlotkin, G.: Multiagent negotiation under time constraints. Artificial Intelligence 75, 297–345 (1995)Kraus, S.: Negotiation and cooperation in multiagent environments. Artificial Intelligence 94(1-2), 79–98 (1997)Mataric, M., Sukhatme, G., Ostergaard, E.: Multi-Robot Task Allocation in Uncertain Environments. Autonomous Robots 14, 255–263 (2003)Schneider-Fontan, M., Mataric, M.J.: Territorial Multi-Robot Task Division. IEEE Transactionson Robotics and Automation 14(5), 815–822 (1998)Winkfeld, K.J., Zlotkin, G.: Multiagent negotiation under time constraints. Artificial Intelligence (75), 297–345 (1995)Wooldridge, M.: An Introduction to Multiagent Systems. Johnn Wiley and Sons Ltd., UK (2009) ISBN:978-0-470-51946-2Vail, D., Veloso, M.: Dynamic Multi-Robot Coordination. In: Schultz, A., et al. (eds.) Multi Robot Systems: From Swarms to Intelligent Automata, vol. II, pp. 87–98. Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands (2003)GaƂuszka, A., Pacholczyk, M., Bereska, D., Skrzypczyk, K.: Planning as Artifficial Intelligence Problem-short introduction and overview. In: Nawrat, A., Simek, K., ƚwierniak, A. (eds.) Advanced Technologies for Intelligent Systems of National Border Security. SCI, vol. 440, pp. 95–104. Springer, Heidelberg (2013)Jędrasiak, K., Bereska, D., Nawrat, A.: The Prototype of Gyro-Stabilized UAV Gimbal for Day-Night Surveillance. In: Nawrat, A., Simek, K., ƚwierniak, A. (eds.) Advanced Technologies for Intelligent Systems of National Border Security. SCI, vol. 440, pp. 107–116. Springer, Heidelberg (2013)Galuszka, A., Bereska, D., Simek, K., Skrzypczyk, K., Daniec, K.: Application of graphs theory methods to criminal analysis system. Przeglad Elektrotechniczny 86(9), 278–283 (2010

    An in situ intercomparison exercise on passive samplers for the monitoring of metals, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and pesticides in surface water

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    An intercomparison exercise on passive samplers (PSs) was organized in summer 2010 for the measurement of selected metals, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and pesticides in surface waters. Various PSs were used and compared at 2 rivers sites and one marine lagoon. A total of 24 laboratories participated. We present selected significant outputs from this exercise, including discussion on quality assurance and quality control for PSs, the interlaboratory variability of field blanks, time weighted average water concentrations and its uncertainties, the representativity of DGT samples, the ability of PSs to lower limits of detection, PAH fingerprints in various PSs compared with spot samples, and the relevance of the permeability reference compounds (PRC) approach for POCIS with pesticides. These in situ intercomparison exercises should enable to progress on the harmonization of practices for the use of passive sampling, especially for priority chemical monitoring and regulatory programs in compliance with the Water Framework Directive (WFD) and Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD)

    Automatic Assessment of Speech Capability Loss in Disordered Speech

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    International audienceIn this article, we report on the use of an automatic technique to assess pronunciation in the context of several types of speech disorders. Even if such tools already exist, they are more widely used in a different context, namely, Computer-Assisted Language Learning, in which the objective is to assess nonnative pronunciation by detecting learners' mispronunciations at segmental and/or suprasegmental levels. In our work, we sought to determine if the Goodness of Pronunciation (GOP) algorithm, which aims to detect phone-level mispronunciations by means of automatic speech recognition, could also detect segmental deviances in disordered speech. Our main experiment is an analysis of speech from people with unilateral facial palsy. This pathology may impact the realization of certain phonemes such as bilabial plosives and sibilants. Speech read by 32 speakers at four different clinical severity grades was automatically aligned and GOP scores were computed for each phone realization. The highest scores, which indicate large dissimilarities with standard phone realizations, were obtained for the most severely impaired speakers. The corresponding speech subset was manually transcribed at phone level; 8.3% of the phones differed from standard pronunciations extracted from our lexicon. The GOP technique allowed the detection of 70.2% of mispronunciations with an equal rate of about 30% of false rejections and false acceptances. Finally, to broaden the scope of the study, we explored the correlation between GOP values and speech comprehensibility scores on a second corpus, composed of sentences recorded by six people with speech impairments due to cancer surgery or neurological disorders. Strong correlations were achieved between GOP scores and subjective comprehensibility scores (about 0.7 absolute). Results from both experiments tend to validate the use of GOP to measure speech capability loss, a dimension that could be used as a complement to physiological measures in pathologies causing speech disorders

    Towards the growth of Cu2ZnSn1 xGexS4 thin films by a single stage process Effect of substrate temperature and composition

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    Cu2ZnSn1-xGexS4 (CZTGS) thin films prepared by flash evaporation of a Zn-rich Cu2ZnSn0.5Ge0.5S4 bulk compound in powder form, and a subsequent thermal annealing in S containing Ar atmosphere are studied. The effect of the substrate temperature during evaporation and the initial composition of the precursor powder on the growth mechanism and properties of the final CZTGS thin film are investigated. The microstructure of the films and elemental depth profiles depend strongly on the growth conditions used. Incorporation of Ge into the Cu2ZnSnS4 lattice is demonstrated by the shift of the relevant X-ray diffraction peaks and Raman vibrational modes towards higher diffraction angles and frequencies respectively. A Raman mode at around 348-351 cm-1 is identified as characteristic of CZTGS alloys for x = [Ge]/([Sn]+[Ge]) = 0.14-0.30. The supply of Ge enables the reduction of the Sn loss via a saccrifical Ge loss. This fact allows increasing the substrate temperature up to 350Âș C during the evaporation, forming a high quality kesterite material and therefore, reducing the deposition process to one single stageRC acknowledges financial support from Spanish MINECO within the RamĂłn y Cajal programme (RYC-2011-08521) and VIR for the Juan de la Cierva fellowship (JCI-2011-10782). GB also acknowledges the CSIC-JAE pre-doctoral program, co-funded by the European Social Fund. This work was supported by the Marie Curie-IRSES project (PVICOKEST, GA: 269167), Marie Curie-ITN project (KESTCELL, GA: 316488), DAAD project (INTERKEST, Ref: 57050358), and MINECO projects (SUNBEAM, ENE2013-49136-C4-3-R) (TEC2012-38901-C02-01). A. Scheu is acknowledged for GDOES measurement

    Thermochronology of the modern Indus River bedload: New insight into the controls on the marine stratigraphic record

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    The Indus River is the only major drainage in the western Himalaya and delivers a long geological record of continental erosion to the Arabian Sea, which may be deciphered and used to reconstruct orogenic growth if the modern bedload can be related to the mountains. In this study we collected thermochronologic data from river sediment collected near the modern delta. U-Pb ages of zircons spanning 3 Gyr show that only ∌5% of the eroding crust has been generated since India-Asia collision. The Greater Himalaya are the major source of zircons, with additional contributions from the Karakoram and Lesser Himalaya. The 39Ar/40Ar dating of muscovites gives ages that cluster between 10 and 25 Ma, differing from those recorded in the Bengal Fan. Biotite ages are generally younger, ranging 0–15 Ma. Modern average exhumation rates are estimated at ∌0.6 km/m.y. or less, and have slowed progressively since the early Miocene (∌20 Ma), although fission track (FT) dating of apatites may indicate a recent moderate acceleration in rates since the Pliocene (∌1.0 km/m.y.) driven by climate change. The 39Ar/40Ar and FT techniques emphasize the dominance of high topography in controlling the erosional flux to the ocean. Localized regions of tectonically driven, very rapid exhumation (e.g., Nanga Parbat, S. Karakoram metamorphic domes) do not dominate the erosional record
