14 research outputs found

    Synthesis of new nano Schiff base complexes: X-ray crystallography, thermal, electrochemical and anticancer studies of nano uranyl Schiff base complexes

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    This study presents synthesis and characterization of new nano uranyl Schiff base complexes. Electrochemistry of these complexes showed a quasireversible redox reaction without any successive reactions. Furthermore, X-ray crystallography exhibited that beside the coordination of tetradentate Schiff base, one solvent molecule (dimethylformamide) was also coordinated. According to Coats-Redfern plots the kinetics of thermal decomposition of the studied complexes was first-order in all stages. Anticancer activities of the uranyl Schiff base complexes against cancer cell lines (Jurkat) was studied and determined by MTT (3-[4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl]-2,5-diphenyltetrazoliumbromide) assay. The results demonstrated that the complexes with aliphatic bridging units showed less anticancer activities than those having the aromatic units

    La deformazione gravitativa profonda (DSGM) del versante orientale del Monte Amiata: un geosito ed un itinerario geomorfologico in Toscana meridionale.

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    We illustrate the main geomorphological characteristics of the eastern slopes of Mount Amiata, affected by a series of Gravitational Slope Deformations (DSGM). The DSGM S. Piero and Podere Mezzavia develop on marls and marly limestone “Ligurian” terrains and partially on Pliocene clays. The Abbadia San Salvatore DSGM, that hosts the homonymous town as well as the town of Piancastagnaio, sits on volcanic & ' " "*" * ""* "*' movement at depth where, however, it seems likely that the entire mass has not developed a continuous sliding surface. High precision GPS measurements indicate that large sectors of the S. Piero and Podere Mezzavia DSGM are affected by active movements that created fractures and deformations of buildings and artefacts. The largest Abbadia S. Salvatore DSGM is apparently quiescent. We suggest a preliminary itinerary aimed to illustrate the main geomorphological characteristics of this very large landslide area. The itinerary starts from the summit of the Mt Amiata and the adjacent slopes not affected by gravitational ' % % +/ Abbadia S. Salvatore DSGM. The itinerary later reaches the main evidence on the road and buildings down to the distal part of the movements

    The sagging deep-seated gravitational movements on the eastern side of Mt. Amiata (Tuscany, Italy).

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    The eastern side of the Mt. Amiata volcano is affected by a series of deepseated gravitational slope deformations (DsGSDs). The San Piero and the Podere Mezzavia DsGSDs affect the lower part of the slope. The main escarpments are located on the outer edges of the lava flows, but the landslides mostly affect the pre-volcanic Ligurian Terrains. A deeper movement, possibly exceeding 100 m in thickness, is evidenced by a long trench at the base of the main escarpment that indicates a sagging type movement. This deeper movement is responsible for the activation of a series of superficial rock and mud flows that show evidence of ongoing activity. The most likely location of the sliding surface is the tectonized contact between the Santa Fiora and Argille a Palombini Fms within the Ligurian units, although the superficial landslides prevent our determining with certainty if a clear-cut sliding surface already developed connecting the upper and the lower parts of the slope. These DsGSDs were activated along the flanks of a larger movement that affects the lava flow units cropping out in the middle slope of the volcano. A long main escarpment, secondary escarpments, trenches and borehole data suggest that the thickness could locally exceed 200 m and generate another sagging type movement. Up-slope and up-movement-facing counterscarps indicate the existence of a listric elongated spoonshaped compound embryonic sliding surface. This sagging, which hosts the towns of Abbadia San Salvatore and Piancastagnaio, appears to be in a quiescent stage, according to preliminary monitoring with a global positioning system (GPS) network. The downcutting of the river network along the softer Pliocene terrains of the Radicofani basin is enhanced by the general uplift of the Apennines and seems to be the major factor in the activation of these DsGSDs