146 research outputs found

    Quaternionic holomorphic geometry: Pluecker formula, Dirac eigenvalue estimates and energy estimates of harmonic 2-tori

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    The paper develops the fundamentals of quaternionic holomorphic curve theory. The holomorphic functions in this theory are conformal maps from a Riemann surface into the 4-sphere, i.e., the quaternionic projective line. Basic results such as the Riemann-Roch Theorem for quaternionic holomorphic vector bundles, the Kodaira embedding and the Pluecker relations for linear systems are proven. Interpretations of these results in terms of the differential geometry of surfaces in 3- and 4-space are hinted at throughout the paper. Applications to estimates of the Willmore functional on constant mean curvature tori, respectively energy estimates of harmonic 2-tori, and to Dirac eigenvalue estimates on Riemannian spin bundles in dimension 2 are given.Comment: 70 pages, 1 figur

    Curved Flats, Pluriharmonic Maps and Constant Curvature Immersions into Pseudo-Riemannian Space Forms

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    We study two aspects of the loop group formulation for isometric immersions with flat normal bundle of space forms. The first aspect is to examine the loop group maps along different ranges of the loop parameter. This leads to various equivalences between global isometric immersion problems among different space forms and pseudo-Riemannian space forms. As a corollary, we obtain a non-immersibility theorem for spheres into certain pseudo-Riemannian spheres and hyperbolic spaces. The second aspect pursued is to clarify the relationship between the loop group formulation of isometric immersions of space forms and that of pluriharmonic maps into symmetric spaces. We show that the objects in the first class are, in the real analytic case, extended pluriharmonic maps into certain symmetric spaces which satisfy an extra reality condition along a totally real submanifold. We show how to construct such pluriharmonic maps for general symmetric spaces from curved flats, using a generalised DPW method.Comment: 21 Pages, reference adde

    Generalized DPW method and an application to isometric immersions of space forms

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    Let GG be a complex Lie group and ΛG\Lambda G denote the group of maps from the unit circle S1{\mathbb S}^1 into GG, of a suitable class. A differentiable map FF from a manifold MM into ΛG\Lambda G, is said to be of \emph{connection order (ab)(_a^b)} if the Fourier expansion in the loop parameter λ\lambda of the S1{\mathbb S}^1-family of Maurer-Cartan forms for FF, namely F_\lambda^{-1} \dd F_\lambda, is of the form ∑i=abαiλi\sum_{i=a}^b \alpha_i \lambda^i. Most integrable systems in geometry are associated to such a map. Roughly speaking, the DPW method used a Birkhoff type splitting to reduce a harmonic map into a symmetric space, which can be represented by a certain order (−11)(_{-1}^1) map, into a pair of simpler maps of order (−1−1)(_{-1}^{-1}) and (11)(_1^1) respectively. Conversely, one could construct such a harmonic map from any pair of (−1−1)(_{-1}^{-1}) and (11)(_1^1) maps. This allowed a Weierstrass type description of harmonic maps into symmetric spaces. We extend this method to show that, for a large class of loop groups, a connection order (ab)(_a^b) map, for a<0<ba<0<b, splits uniquely into a pair of (a−1)(_a^{-1}) and (1b)(_1^b) maps. As an application, we show that constant non-zero curvature submanifolds with flat normal bundle of a sphere or hyperbolic space split into pairs of flat submanifolds, reducing the problem (at least locally) to the flat case. To extend the DPW method sufficiently to handle this problem requires a more general Iwasawa type splitting of the loop group, which we prove always holds at least locally.Comment: Some typographical correction

    Clifford algebras and new singular Riemannian foliations in spheres

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    Using representations of Clifford algebras we construct indecomposable singular Riemannian foliations on round spheres, most of which are non-homogeneous. This generalizes the construction of non-homogeneous isoparametric hypersurfaces due to by Ferus, Karcher and Munzner.Comment: 21 pages. Construction of foliations in the Cayley plane added. Proofs simplified and presentation improved, according to referee's suggestions. To appear in Geom. Funct. Ana

    Conformal Geometry of Surfaces in S4 and Quaternions

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    The conformal geometry of surfaces recently developed by the authors leads to a unified understanding of algebraic curve theory and the geometry of surfaces on the basis of a quaternionic-valued function theory. The book offers an elementary introduction to the subject but takes the reader to rather advanced topics. Willmore surfaces in the foursphere, their Bäcklund and Darboux transforms are covered, and a new proof of the classification of Willmore spheres is given

    A note on isoparametric polynomials

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    We show that any homogeneous polynomial solution of |\nabla F(x)|^2=m^2|x|^(2m-2), m>1, is either a radially symmetric polynomial F(x)=\pm |x|^m (for even m's) or it is a composition of a Chebychev polynomial and a Cartan-M\"unzner polynomial.Comment: 6 page

    New examples of Willmore submanifolds in the unit sphere via isoparametric functions,II

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    This paper is a continuation of a paper with the same title of the last two authors. In the first part of the present paper, we give a unified geometric proof that both focal submanifolds of every isoparametric hypersurface in spheres with four distinct principal curvatures are Willmore. In the second part, we completely determine which focal submanifolds are Einstein except one case.Comment: 19 pages,to appear in Annals of Global Analysis and Geometr

    Conformal maps from a 2-torus to the 4-sphere

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    We study the space of conformal immersions of a 2-torus into the 4-sphere. The moduli space of generalized Darboux transforms of such an immersed torus has the structure of a Riemann surface, the spectral curve. This Riemann surface arises as the zero locus of the determinant of a holomorphic family of Dirac type operators parameterized over the complexified dual torus. The kernel line bundle of this family over the spectral curve describes the generalized Darboux transforms of the conformally immersed torus. If the spectral curve has finite genus the kernel bundle can be extended to the compactification of the spectral curve and we obtain a linear 2-torus worth of algebraic curves in projective 3-space. The original conformal immersion of the 2-torus is recovered as the orbit under this family of the point at infinity on the spectral curve projected to the 4-sphere via the twistor fibration.Comment: 27 pages, 5 figure

    Polar foliations and isoparametric maps

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    A singular Riemannian foliation FF on a complete Riemannian manifold MM is called a polar foliation if, for each regular point pp, there is an immersed submanifold Σ\Sigma, called section, that passes through pp and that meets all the leaves and always perpendicularly. A typical example of a polar foliation is the partition of MM into the orbits of a polar action, i.e., an isometric action with sections. In this work we prove that the leaves of FF coincide with the level sets of a smooth map H:M→ΣH: M\to \Sigma if MM is simply connected. In particular, we have that the orbits of a polar action on a simply connected space are level sets of an isoparametric map. This result extends previous results due to the author and Gorodski, Heintze, Liu and Olmos, Carter and West, and Terng.Comment: 9 pages; The final publication is available at springerlink.com http://www.springerlink.com/content/c72g4q5350g513n1
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