36 research outputs found

    Efektivitas Biaya Konsumsi Air Bersih Di Daerah Yang Belum Terlayani Pdam Di Kota Bandung

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    Rendahnya cakupan layanan air bersih perpipaan yang dilakukan PDAM merupakan salah satu masalah yang terjadi di Kota Bandung. Masyarakat yang belum terlayani oleh PDAM mencari sumber air alternatif untuk konsumsi sehari-hari. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengkaji sistem penyediaan air bersih dan sumber air alternatif. Metode yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif kuantitatif untuk menggambarkan penyediaan air eksisting dan analisis efektivitas biaya (CEA) untuk mengukur efektivitas biaya dua intervensi hipotetik, yaitu layanan PDAM dan sumur komunal terhadap. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar rumah tangga di daerah tanpa layanan PDAM merasa cukup dengan pasokan air saat ini walaupun ada beberapa masalah mengenai kualitas air yang mereka konsumsi. Dari analisis CEA, kedua intervensi menunjukkan hasil cost effectiveness ratio (CER) yang positif yang berarti bahwa kedua intervensi baik sumur komunal maupun PDAM lebih efektif dalam hal biaya dibandingkan dengan sumber air eksisting. Lebih jauh, intervensi PDAM memiliki CER yang lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan sumur komunal. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa intervensi PDAM relatif lebih efektif dibandingkan dengan intervensi sumur komunal

    Pengaruh Konflik Kerja Dan Stres Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan (Studi Pada Karyawan PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Cabang Soekarno Hatta Malang)

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    The aim of this study is to determine the influence of work conflict and work Stress variables on employee's performance, both simultaneously and partially. The type of research in this study is Explanatory Research with quantitative approach. The sample studied amounted to 45 employees of PT. BRI (Persero) Tbk branch Soekarno Hatta Malang. Multiple linear regression analysis in Table Coefficients equation Y = 37,030-0,191X1-0,285X2 which means that each additional unit of work conflict will reduce the value of the employee's performance of -0.191, and each additional unit of work stress will reduce the value of the employee's performance of -0.285. Simultaneously, it obtained value of F (10.980)> F table (3.23) with the level of sig t (0.000) <α (0.05), which indicates that work conflict and work stress simultaneously affect the performance of employees. Partially, tcount of work conflic indicates the value of -2.471, and work stress indicates the value of -2.292, which are greater (>) than ttable with a value of -2.021. As well as the significance of work conflict with sig t 0,018 <α 0.05 and the significance of work stress with sig t 0,027 <α 0.05, which indicates that work conflict and Work stress partially give negative influence and significant impact on employee's performance

    Studi Lapisan Intermetalik Cu3sn Pada Ujung Elektroda Dalam Pengelasan Titik Baja Galvanis

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    Intermetallic Cu3Sn Phase Layer on Electrode’s Tip of Galvanized Resistance Spot Welding. A resistance spotwelding method is commonly used in automotive industries application. In a resistance spot welding method, the copperelectrode has a significant role as an electric current carrier for joining thin metal sheet. This research was focused onstudying the effect of tin layer at the electrode tip for joining galvanized steel sheet. The main variable of this researchis in the thickness of the intermetallic Cu3Sn layer. The result showed that the introduction of tin layer less than 1 μm inthickness on the electrode tip gives a comparable shear strength and nugget diameter distribution with the unplatedelectrode tip

    4DFlowNet: Super-Resolution 4D Flow MRI Using Deep Learning and Computational Fluid Dynamics

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    4D flow magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is an emerging imaging technique where spatiotemporal 3D blood velocity can be captured with full volumetric coverage in a single non-invasive examination. This enables qualitative and quantitative analysis of hemodynamic flow parameters of the heart and great vessels. An increase in the image resolution would provide more accuracy and allow better assessment of the blood flow, especially for patients with abnormal flows. However, this must be balanced with increasing imaging time. The recent success of deep learning in generating super resolution images shows promise for implementation in medical images. We utilized computational fluid dynamics simulations to generate fluid flow simulations and represent them as synthetic 4D flow MRI data. We built our training dataset to mimic actual 4D flow MRI data with its corresponding noise distribution. Our novel 4DFlowNet network was trained on this synthetic 4D flow data and was capable in producing noise-free super resolution 4D flow phase images with upsample factor of 2. We also tested the 4DFlowNet in actual 4D flow MR images of a phantom and normal volunteer data, and demonstrated comparable results with the actual flow rate measurements giving an absolute relative error of 0.6–5.8% and 1.1–3.8% in the phantom data and normal volunteer data, respectively


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    Abstrakñ€”Makalah ini membahas tentang pemanfaatan PLC untuk mengendalikan peralatan penyortir barang berdasarkan warna, bentuk dan tinggi benda dengan penggerak sistem pneumatic. Penggunaan penyortir barang ini banyak dipergunakan pada industri tetapi biasanya hanya salah satu saja yang dipergunakan sehingga untuk merancang sistem penyortir barang yang melakukan penyortiran berdasarkan warna, bentuk dan tinggi memiliki permasalahan tersendiri. Sensor warna yang dipergunakan untuk membaca RGB adalah sensor TCS 230. Sensor ini memiliki jarak dan nilai cahaya optimal untuk memaksimalkan pembacaan nilai RGB, yaitu jarak 2 cm dari sensor warna ke benda objek dan nilai lux sekitar 250 untuk mendapatkan hasil optimal. Sedangkan untuk mengukur bentuk serta tinggi menggunakan sensor photoelectric. Dari hasil pengukuran didapatkan bahwa pemantulan sinar pada sensor photoelectric tidak terpengaruh pada bentuk media pemantulan. Pada pengujian sistem pneumatic didapatkan hasil rata-rata waktu tempuh vacum pneumatic selama beroperasi, antara lain ; 10,53 detik untuk barang berwarna biru, 14,28 detik untuk barang berwarna hijau, dan 17,04 detik untuk barang berwarna merah. Berdasarkan data yang diperoleh dapat disimpulkan bahwa vacum pneumatic baik digunakan untuk membantu para pekerja agar pekerjaan lebih praktis sehingga tidak membutuhkan waktu yang terlalu lama dalam memisahkan dan memindahkan barang.Kata kunci: PLC Vacum Pneumatic, Sensor TCS 230, Photoelectric, Penyortir barangAbstractñ€” This paper discusses the use of the PLC to control the sorting machine based on color, shape and height of objects by using pneumatic system. Sorting machine has been used widely but typically it only sorts based on one category. Hence, to design a system which is able to sort the item based on color, shape and height is not an easy task. Color sensor TCS 230 is used to read the RGB. It has a distance and the optimal lighting which can maximize RGB values i.e. 2cm distance from the color sensor to the object and 250 lux to obtain optimal results. Then, photoelectric sensor is to measure the shape and height. The result shows that the reflection of light in photoelectric sensor is not affected by its media. In pneumatic systems, the testing result shows that the average time of pneumatic vacuum during operation is 10.53 sec for blue, 14.28 sec for green, and 17.04 sec for red object. Based on the obtained data, it can be concluded that pneumatic vacuum can assist workers and more practical so it does not take too long in separating and moving the objects.Keywords. PLC, Pneumatic Vacuum, TCS 230 Sensor, Photoelectric, Sorting Objec

    Chinese Script vs Plate-Like Precipitation of Beta-Al9Fe2Si2 Phase in an Al-6.5Si-1Fe Alloy

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    The microstructure of a high-purity Al-6.5Si-1Fe(wt pct) alloy after solidification at various cooling rates was investigated. In most of the cases, the monoclinic beta-Al9Fe2Si2 phase was observed as long and thin lamellae. However, at a very slow cooling rate, Febearing precipitates with Chinese script morphology appeared together with lamellae. Further analysis showed all these Chinese script precipitates correspond also to the monoclinic beta phase. This finding stresses that differentiating second phases according to their shape may be misleading

    Biomechanics-informed Neural Networks for Myocardial Motion Tracking in MRI

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    Image registration is an ill-posed inverse problem which often requires regularisation on the solution space. In contrast to most of the current approaches which impose explicit regularisation terms such as smoothness, in this paper we propose a novel method that can implicitly learn biomechanics-informed regularisation. Such an approach can incorporate application-specific prior knowledge into deep learning based registration. Particularly, the proposed biomechanics-informed regularisation leverages a variational autoencoder (VAE) to learn a manifold for biomechanically plausible deformations and to implicitly capture their underlying properties via reconstructing biomechanical simulations. The learnt VAE regulariser then can be coupled with any deep learning based registration network to regularise the solution space to be biomechanically plausible. The proposed method is validated in the context of myocardial motion tracking on 2D stacks of cardiac MRI data from two different datasets. The results show that it can achieve better performance against other competing methods in terms of motion tracking accuracy and has the ability to learn biomechanical properties such as incompressibility and strains. The method has also been shown to have better generalisability to unseen domains compared with commonly used L2 regularisation schemes.Comment: The paper is early accepted by MICCAI 202

    The Effect of Service Quality and Satisfaction on Loyalty in Members of “Kspps Bmt Mandiri Sejahtera Jawa Timur”

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    Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui kualitas pelayanan dan kepuasan berpengaruh terhadap loyalitas anggota “KSPPS BMT Mandiri Sejahtera Jawa Timur” secara parsial dan simultan dengan data dari hasil kuisioner secara aksidental dengan sampel 100 anggota BMT dan diuji instrumen. Pengujian regresi berganda Y = a + b1.x1 +b2.x2 menghasilkan persamaan regresi berganda Y = 3,793 + 0,316 + 0,477, uji asumi klasik (normalitas multikoliniearitas, heteroskedastistas), dan uji hipotesis berdasar uji T ditemukan hipotesis pertama dan kedua diterima, kualitas pelayanan dan kepuasan masing-masing memengaruhi loyalitas dengan kualitas pelayanan lebih dominan mempengaruhi loyalitas. Hasil simultan hipotesis uji F kedua variabel bersama-sama berpengaruh terhadap loyalitas

    Active Semi-Supervised Defect Categorization

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    Abstract—Defects are inseparable part of software develop-ment and evolution. To better comprehend problems affecting a software system, developers often store historical defects and these defects can be categorized into families. IBM proposes Orthogonal Defect Categorization (ODC) which include various classifications of defects based on a number of orthogonal dimensions (e.g., symptoms and semantics of defects, root causes of defects, etc.). To help developers categorize defects, several approaches that employ machine learning have been proposed in the literature. Unfortunately, these approaches often require developers to manually label a large number of defect examples. In practice, manually labelling a large number of examples is both time-consuming and labor-intensive. Thus, reducing the onerous burden of manual labelling while still being able to achieve good performance is crucial towards the adoption o