1,189 research outputs found

    Investigating the effect of precession on searches for neutron-star-black-hole binaries with Advanced LIGO

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    The first direct detection of neutron-star-black-hole binaries will likely be made with gravitational-wave observatories. Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo will be able to observe neutron-star-black-hole mergers at a maximum distance of 900Mpc. To acheive this sensitivity, gravitational-wave searches will rely on using a bank of filter waveforms that accurately model the expected gravitational-wave signal. The angular momentum of the black hole is expected to be comparable to the orbital angular momentum. This angular momentum will affect the dynamics of the inspiralling system and alter the phase evolution of the emitted gravitational-wave signal. In addition, if the black hole's angular momentum is not aligned with the orbital angular momentum it will cause the orbital plane of the system to precess. In this work we demonstrate that if the effect of the black hole's angular momentum is neglected in the waveform models used in gravitational-wave searches, the detection rate of (10+1.4)M⊙(10+1.4)M_{\odot} neutron-star--black-hole systems would be reduced by 33−3733 - 37%. The error in this measurement is due to uncertainty in the Post-Newtonian approximations that are used to model the gravitational-wave signal of neutron-star-black-hole inspiralling binaries. We describe a new method for creating a bank of filter waveforms where the black hole has non-zero angular momentum, but is aligned with the orbital angular momentum. With this bank we find that the detection rate of (10+1.4)M⊙(10+1.4)M_{\odot} neutron-star-black-hole systems would be reduced by 26−3326-33%. Systems that will not be detected are ones where the precession of the orbital plane causes the gravitational-wave signal to match poorly with non-precessing filter waveforms. We identify the regions of parameter space where such systems occur and suggest methods for searching for highly precessing neutron-star-black-hole binaries

    Detecting gamma-ray bursts with the Pierre Auger Observatory using the single particle technique

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    During the past ten years, gamma-ray bursts (GRB) have been extensively studied in the keV-MeV energy range but the high energy emission still remain mysterious. Ground based observatories have the possibility to investigate energy range around one GeV using the "single particle technique". The aim of the present study is to investigate the capability of the Pierre Auger Observatory to detect the high energy emission of GRBs with such a technique. According to the detector response to photon showers around one GeV, and making reasonable assumptions about the high energy emission of GRBs, we show that the Pierre Auger Observatory is a competitive instrument for this technique, and that water tanks are very promising detectors for the single particle technique.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, to appear in the 29th ICRC conference (Pune, India) proceeding

    Constraints on Gamma-ray Emission from the Galactic Plane at 300 TeV

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    We describe a new search for diffuse ultrahigh energy gamma-ray emission associated with molecular clouds in the galactic disk. The Chicago Air Shower Array (CASA), operating in coincidence with the Michigan muon array (MIA), has recorded over 2.2 x 10^{9} air showers from April 4, 1990 to October 7, 1995. We search for gamma rays based upon the muon content of air showers arriving from the direction of the galactic plane. We find no significant evidence for diffuse gamma-ray emission, and we set an upper limit on the ratio of gamma rays to normal hadronic cosmic rays at less than 2.4 x 10^{-5} at 310 TeV (90% confidence limit) from the galactic plane region: (50 degrees < l < 200 degrees); -5 degrees < b < 5 degrees). This limit places a strong constraint on models for emission from molecular clouds in the galaxy. We rule out significant spectral hardening in the outer galaxy, and conclude that emission from the plane at these energies is likely to be dominated by the decay of neutral pions resulting from cosmic rays interactions with passive target gas molecules.Comment: Astrophysical Journal, submitted, 11 pages, AASTeX Latex, 3 Postscript figure

    Accuracy of gravitational waveform models for observing neutron-star--black-hole binaries in Advanced LIGO

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    Gravitational waves radiated by the coalescence of compact-object binaries containing a neutron star and a black hole are one of the most interesting sources for the ground-based gravitational-wave observatories Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo. Advanced LIGO will be sensitive to the inspiral of a 1.4 M⊙1.4\, M_\odot neutron star into a 10 M⊙10\,M_\odot black hole to a maximum distance of ∌900\sim 900 Mpc. Achieving this sensitivity and extracting the physics imprinted in observed signals requires accurate modeling of the binary to construct template waveforms. In a NSBH binary, the black hole may have significant angular momentum (spin), which affects the phase evolution of the emitted gravitational waves. We investigate the ability of post-Newtonian (PN) templates to model the gravitational waves emitted during the inspiral phase of NSBH binaries. We restrict the black hole's spin to be aligned with the orbital angular momentum and compare several approximants. We examine restricted amplitude waveforms that are accurate to 3.5PN order in the orbital dynamics and complete to 2.5PN order in the spin dynamics. We also consider PN waveforms with the recently derived 3.5PN spin-orbit and 3PN spin-orbit tail corrections. We compare these approximants to the effective-one-body model. For all these models, large disagreements start at low to moderate black hole spins, particularly for binaries where the spin is anti-aligned with the orbital angular momentum. We show that this divergence begins in the early inspiral at v∌0.2v \sim 0.2 for χBH∌0.4\chi_{BH} \sim 0.4. PN spin corrections beyond those currently known will be required for optimal detection searches and to measure the parameters of neutron star--black hole binaries. While this complicates searches, the strong dependence of the gravitational-wave signal on the spin dynamics will make it possible to extract significant astrophysical information

    Spectral line shape of resonant four-wave mixing induced by broad-bandwidth lasers

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    We present a theoretical and experimental study of the line shape of resonant four-wave mixing induced by broad-bandwidth laser radiation that revises the theory of Meacher, Smith, Ewart, and Cooper (MSEC) [Phys. Rev. A 46, 2718 (1992)]. We adopt the same method as MSEC but correct for an invalid integral used to average over the distribution of atomic velocities. The revised theory predicts a Voigt line shape composed of a homogeneous, Lorentzian component, defined by the collisional rate Γ, and an inhomogeneous, Doppler component, which is a squared Gaussian. The width of the inhomogeneous component is reduced by a factor of √2 compared to the simple Doppler width predicted by MSEC. In the limit of dominant Doppler broadening, the width of the homogeneous component is predicted to be 4Γ, whereas in the limit of dominant homogeneous broadening, the predicted width is 2Γ. An experimental measurement is reported of the line shape of the four-wave-mixing signal using a broad-bandwidth, "modeless", laser resonant with the Q1 (6) line of the A2 Σ - X2 Π(0,0) system of the hydroxyl radical. The measured widths of the Voigt components were found to be consistent with the predictions of the revised theory

    A Multi-Component Measurement of the Cosmic Ray Composition Between 10^{17} eV and 10^{18} eV

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    The average mass composition of cosmic rays with primary energies between 101710^{17}eV and 101810^{18}eV has been studied using a hybrid detector consisting of the High Resolution Fly's Eye (HiRes) prototype and the MIA muon array. Measurements have been made of the change in the depth of shower maximum, XmaxX_{max}, and in the change in the muon density at a fixed core location, ρΌ(600m)\rho_\mu(600m), as a function of energy. The composition has also been evaluated in terms of the combination of XmaxX_{max} and ρΌ(600m)\rho_\mu(600m). The results show that the composition is changing from a heavy to lighter mix as the energy increases.Comment: 14 pages including 3 figures in revtex epsf style, submited to PR

    Review of Speculative "Disaster Scenarios" at RHIC

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    We discuss speculative disaster scenarios inspired by hypothetical new fundamental processes that might occur in high energy relativistic heavy ion collisions. We estimate the parameters relevant to black hole production; we find that they are absurdly small. We show that other accelerator and (especially) cosmic ray environments have already provided far more auspicious opportunities for transition to a new vacuum state, so that existing observations provide stringent bounds. We discuss in most detail the possibility of producing a dangerous strangelet. We argue that four separate requirements are necessary for this to occur: existence of large stable strangelets, metastability of intermediate size strangelets, negative charge for strangelets along the stability line, and production of intermediate size strangelets in the heavy ion environment. We discuss both theoretical and experimental reasons why each of these appears unlikely; in particular, we know of no plausible suggestion for why the third or especially the fourth might be true. Given minimal physical assumptions the continued existence of the Moon, in the form we know it, despite billions of years of cosmic ray exposure, provides powerful empirical evidence against the possibility of dangerous strangelet production.Comment: 28 pages, REVTeX; minor revisions for publication (Reviews of Modern Physics, ca. Oct. 2000); email to [email protected]

    CASA‐MIA: A ‘‘precision’’ EAS detector

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    The CASA‐MIA detector was constructed to search for sources of UHE neutral radiation. As such it has established limits well below those of previously reported observations and of most contemporaneous detectors. In addition to its primary mission, however, CASA‐MIA measures the lateral distribution of both electrons and muons in EAS throughout a range of energies and with a degree of sampling not previously available.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/87669/2/207_1.pd

    Design and operation of the Chicago air shower array

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    The Chicago Air Shower Array (CASA) is a large‐area surface scintillator array designed to study PeV sources of cosmic rays. The complete detector will consist of 1089 detector stations, distributed on a square 15 m grid. We have operated an array of 49 stations for much of the 1989 calendar year, an array of 529 stations for much of 1990, and the balance of the 1089 stations will be operating in early 1991. This surface array, together with the University of Michigan underground muon detectors (MIA), and the University of Utah atmospheric Čerenkov telescopes and Fly’s Eye air fluorescence detector, constitute a uniquely powerful instrument, dubbed the Utah Michigan Chicago (UMC) experiment, for the study of PeV sources. We report here the performance and current status of these detectors.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/87431/2/111_1.pd

    Preliminary results from the Chicago air shower array and the Michigan muon array

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    The Chicago Air Shower Array (CASA) is a large area surface array designed to detect extensive air showers (EAS) produced by primaries with energy ∌100 TeV. It operates in coincidence with the underground Michigan Muon Array (MIA). Preliminary results are presented from a search for steady emission and daily emission from three astrophysical sources: Cygnus X‐3, Hercules X‐1, and the Crab nebula and pulsar. There is no evidence for a significant signal from any of these sources in the 1989 data.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/87432/2/122_1.pd
