24,323 research outputs found

    Glassy materials investigated for nuclear reactor applications

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    Studies determine the feasibility of preparing fuel-bearing glasses and glasses bearing neutron-absorbing materials for use as crystalline fuel and control rods for reactors. Properties investigated were devitrification resistance, urania solubility, and density

    Three-axis adjustable loading structure

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    A three axis adjustable loading structure for testing the movable surfaces of aircraft by applying pressure, is described. The device has three electric drives where the wall angle, horizontal position, and vertical position of the test device can be rapidly and accurately positioned

    Innovative techniques for the production of energetic radicals for lunar materials processing including photogeneration via concentrated solar energy

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    The Department of Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) is investigating the use of monatomic chlorine produced in a cold plasma to recover oxygen and metallurgically significant metals from lunar materials. Development of techniques for the production of the chlorine radical (and other energetic radicals for these processes) using local planetary resources is a key step for a successful approach. It was demonstrated terrestrially that the use of UV light to energize the photogeneration of OH radicals from ozone or hydrogen peroxide in aqueous solutions can lead to rapid reaction rates for the breakdown of toxic organic compounds in water. A key question is how to use the expanded solar resource at the lunar surface to generate process-useful radicals. This project is aimed at investigating that question

    Innovative techniques for the production of energetic radicals for lunar materials processing including photogeneration via concentrated solar energy

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    A technique for photo generation of radicals is discussed that can be used in the recovery of oxygen and metals from extraterrestrial resources. The concept behind this work was to examine methods whereby radicals can be generated and used in the processing of refractory materials. In that regard, the focus is on the use of sunlight. Sunlight provides useful energy for processing in the forms of both thermal and quantum energy. A number of experiments were conducted in the chlorination of metals with and without the aid of UV and near UV light. The results of some of those experiments are discussed

    Aerosol studies in mid-latitude coastal environments in Australia

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    The results of the evaluation of several inversion procedures that were used to select one which provides the most accurate atmospheric extinction profiles for small aerosol extinction coefficients (that often predominate in the maritime airmass) are presented. Height profiles of atmospheric extinction calculated by a two component atmospheric solution to the LIDAR equation will be compared with corresponding in-situ extinction profiles based on the size distribution profiles obtained in Western Australia. Values of the aerosol backscatter to extinction ratio obtained from multi-angle LIDAR measurements will be used in this solution

    Compression of Martian atmosphere for production of oxygen

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    The compression of CO2 from the Martian atmosphere for production of O2 via an electrochemical cell is addressed. Design specifications call for an oxygen production rate of 10 kg per day and for compression of 50 times that mass of CO2. Those specifications require a compression rate of over 770 cfm at standard Martian temperature and pressure (SMTP). Much of the CO2 being compressed represents waste, unless it can be recycled. Recycling can reduce the volume of gas that must be compressed to 40 cfm at SMTP. That volume reduction represents significant mass savings in the compressor, heating equipment, filters, and energy source. Successful recycle of the gas requires separation of CO (produced in the electrochemical cell) from CO2, N2, and Ar found in the Martian atmosphere. That aspect was the focus of this work

    Modulation spectroscopy at nonā€normal incidence with emphasis on the vacuumā€uv spectral region

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    Expressions are given to analyze modulation spectra taken at nonā€normal incidence. These expressions are used to determine the optimum angle of incidence to maximize the signalā€toā€noise ratio. Significant improvements are shown to be obtained in the vacuumā€uv spectral region by making measurements at relatively large angles of incidence. We apply these expressions to evaluate the fieldā€induced change in the dielectric function for the 20.5ā€“21.0ā€eV coreā€level doublet in GaP from Schottkyā€barrier electroreflectance data. The line shape obtained is consistent with that of a fieldā€modulated M 0critical point modified by a Coulomb attraction between the core hole and the excited electron

    Electroreflectance of GaAs and GaP to 27 eV using synchrotron radiation

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    Electroreflectrance (ER) spectra of GaAs and GaP, taken with the Schottky-barrier method, exhibit to 27 eV the strong structural enchancement and high resolution characteristic of similar measurements below 6 eV. Above 20 eV, a new set of critical points is observed between the flat valence bands derived from the Ga 3d core levels and the local extrema of the sp3 conduction bands. The attained resolution, of the order of 100 meV, enables us to resolve clearly the spin-orbit splitting of 0.45 eV of the 3d-derived valence bands. The following critical-point energies have been determined in GaAs and GaP, respectively. sp3 valence conduction: E1ā€², 6.63 Ā± 0.05 eV, and 6.80 Ā± 0.05 eV; E1ā€²+Ī”1ā€², 6.97 Ā± 0.05 eV (GaAs only); E0\u27\u27(Ī“v15ā†’Ī“c12), 10.53 eV, and 9.38 Ā± 0.1 eV; E0\u27\u27\u27(Ī“v15ā†’Ī“c1), 8.33 Ā± 0.1 eV, and 10.27 Ā± 0.1 eV, E1\u27\u27, 9.5 Ā± 0.2 eV, and 10.7 Ā± 0.2 eV. E5, E6, and E7 structures are observed at 15.1, 16.7, and 17.9 eV in GaAs, and at 14.7, 16.1, and 18.6 eV in GaP. Relative values of 3d core to sp3 conduction-band matrix elements are estimated for several states and show that the lowest 3d core-level ER structures arise from transitions terminating at the Xc1conduction-band minimum. We calculate an exciton or core-hole interaction shift of 150 meV for GaP and 200 meV for GaAs, which indicates that core-hole effects are probably small for these materials. Spectral features with initial structure less than 100 meV in width are observed above 20 eV, showing that broadening effects are much smaller in this energy range than previously believed

    Temperature Coefficients of Energy Separations between Ga 3d Core Levels and sp3 Valence-Conduction Bands in GaP

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    The measured temperature coefficients of the energy separations between the Ga 3d core levels and the top (Ī“8V) and bottom (X6C) of the sp3 valence and conduction bands in GaP between 110 K and 295 K are (+1.0Ā±0.5)Ɨ10āˆ’4 eV Kāˆ’1and (-2.4Ā±0.5)Ɨ10āˆ’4 eV Kāˆ’1, respectively. They are described within experimental accuracy by the Debye-Waller, hydrostatic, self-energy, and spatially averaged screened-ion core potential interactions of the sp3 bands alone. No significant core-level contribution is observed
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