695 research outputs found

    Growing Networks: Limit in-degree distribution for arbitrary out-degree one

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    We compute the stationary in-degree probability, Pin(k)P_{in}(k), for a growing network model with directed edges and arbitrary out-degree probability. In particular, under preferential linking, we find that if the nodes have a light tail (finite variance) out-degree distribution, then the corresponding in-degree one behaves as k3k^{-3}. Moreover, for an out-degree distribution with a scale invariant tail, Pout(k)kαP_{out}(k)\sim k^{-\alpha}, the corresponding in-degree distribution has exactly the same asymptotic behavior only if 2<α<32<\alpha<3 (infinite variance). Similar results are obtained when attractiveness is included. We also present some results on descriptive statistics measures %descriptive statistics such as the correlation between the number of in-going links, DinD_{in}, and outgoing links, DoutD_{out}, and the conditional expectation of DinD_{in} given DoutD_{out}, and we calculate these measures for the WWW network. Finally, we present an application to the scientific publications network. The results presented here can explain the tail behavior of in/out-degree distribution observed in many real networks.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, v2 adds a section on descriptive statistics, an analisis on www network, typos adde

    Emergence of weight-topology correlations in complex scale-free networks

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    Different weighted scale-free networks show weights-topology correlations indicated by the non linear scaling of the node strength with node connectivity. In this paper we show that networks with and without weight-topology correlations can emerge from the same simple growth dynamics of the node connectivities and of the link weights. A weighted fitness network is introduced in which both nodes and links are assigned intrinsic fitness. This model can show a local dependence of the weight-topology correlations and can undergo a phase transition to a state in which the network is dominated by few links which acquire a finite fraction of the total weight of the network.Comment: (4 pages,3 figures

    Geographical Coarsegraining of Complex Networks

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    We perform the renormalization-group-like numerical analysis of geographically embedded complex networks on the two-dimensional square lattice. At each step of coarsegraining procedure, the four vertices on each 2×22 \times 2 square box are merged to a single vertex, resulting in the coarsegrained system of the smaller sizes. Repetition of the process leads to the observation that the coarsegraining procedure does not alter the qualitative characteristics of the original scale-free network, which opens the possibility of subtracting a smaller network from the original network without destroying the important structural properties. The implication of the result is also suggested in the context of the recent study of the human brain functional network.Comment: To appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Emergence of Clusters in Growing Networks with Aging

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    We study numerically a model of nonequilibrium networks where nodes and links are added at each time step with aging of nodes and connectivity- and age-dependent attachment of links. By varying the effects of age in the attachment probability we find, with numerical simulations and scaling arguments, that a giant cluster emerges at a first-order critical point and that the problem is in the universality class of one dimensional percolation. This transition is followed by a change in the giant cluster's topology from tree-like to quasi-linear, as inferred from measurements of the average shortest-path length, which scales logarithmically with system size in one phase and linearly in the other.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in JSTA

    Pseudofractal Scale-free Web

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    We find that scale-free random networks are excellently modeled by a deterministic graph. This graph has a discrete degree distribution (degree is the number of connections of a vertex) which is characterized by a power-law with exponent γ=1+ln3/ln2\gamma=1+\ln3/\ln2. Properties of this simple structure are surprisingly close to those of growing random scale-free networks with γ\gamma in the most interesting region, between 2 and 3. We succeed to find exactly and numerically with high precision all main characteristics of the graph. In particular, we obtain the exact shortest-path-length distribution. For the large network (lnN1\ln N \gg 1) the distribution tends to a Gaussian of width lnN\sim \sqrt{\ln N} centered at ˉlnN\bar{\ell} \sim \ln N. We show that the eigenvalue spectrum of the adjacency matrix of the graph has a power-law tail with exponent 2+γ2+\gamma.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Scaling Behaviour of Developing and Decaying Networks

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    We find that a wide class of developing and decaying networks has scaling properties similar to those that were recently observed by Barab\'{a}si and Albert in the particular case of growing networks. The networks considered here evolve according to the following rules: (i) Each instant a new site is added, the probability of its connection to old sites is proportional to their connectivities. (ii) In addition, (a) new links between some old sites appear with probability proportional to the product of their connectivities or (b) some links between old sites are removed with equal probability.Comment: 7 pages (revtex

    Evolution of scale-free random graphs: Potts model formulation

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    We study the bond percolation problem in random graphs of NN weighted vertices, where each vertex ii has a prescribed weight PiP_i and an edge can connect vertices ii and jj with rate PiPjP_iP_j. The problem is solved by the q1q\to 1 limit of the qq-state Potts model with inhomogeneous interactions for all pairs of spins. We apply this approach to the static model having Piiμ(0<μ<1)P_i\propto i^{-\mu} (0<\mu<1) so that the resulting graph is scale-free with the degree exponent λ=1+1/μ\lambda=1+1/\mu. The number of loops as well as the giant cluster size and the mean cluster size are obtained in the thermodynamic limit as a function of the edge density, and their associated critical exponents are also obtained. Finite-size scaling behaviors are derived using the largest cluster size in the critical regime, which is calculated from the cluster size distribution, and checked against numerical simulation results. We find that the process of forming the giant cluster is qualitatively different between the cases of λ>3\lambda >3 and 2<λ<32 < \lambda <3. While for the former, the giant cluster forms abruptly at the percolation transition, for the latter, however, the formation of the giant cluster is gradual and the mean cluster size for finite NN shows double peaks.Comment: 34 pages, 9 figures, elsart.cls, final version appeared in NP

    Exploring the assortativity-clustering space of a network's degree sequence

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    Nowadays there is a multitude of measures designed to capture different aspects of network structure. To be able to say if the structure of certain network is expected or not, one needs a reference model (null model). One frequently used null model is the ensemble of graphs with the same set of degrees as the original network. In this paper we argue that this ensemble can be more than just a null model -- it also carries information about the original network and factors that affect its evolution. By mapping out this ensemble in the space of some low-level network structure -- in our case those measured by the assortativity and clustering coefficients -- one can for example study how close to the valid region of the parameter space the observed networks are. Such analysis suggests which quantities are actively optimized during the evolution of the network. We use four very different biological networks to exemplify our method. Among other things, we find that high clustering might be a force in the evolution of protein interaction networks. We also find that all four networks are conspicuously robust to both random errors and targeted attacks

    Comment on "Breakdown of the Internet under Intentional Attack"

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    We obtain the exact position of the percolation threshold in intentionally damaged scale-free networks.Comment: 1 page, to appear in Phys. Rev. Let