725 research outputs found

    The signature of a double quantum-dot structure in the I-V characteristics of a complex system

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    We demonstrate that by carefully analyzing the temperature dependent characteristics of the I-V measurements for a given complex system it is possible to determine whether it is composed of a single, double or multiple quantum-dot structure. Our approach is based on the orthodox theory for a double-dot case and is capable of simulating I-V characteristics of systems with any resistance and capacitance values and for temperatures corresponding to thermal energies larger than the dot level spacing. We compare I-V characteristics of single-dot and double-dot systems and show that for a given measured I-V curve considering the possibility of a second dot is equivalent to decreasing the fit temperature. Thus, our method allows one to gain information about the structure of an experimental system based on an I-V measurement.Comment: 12 pages 7 figure

    Coexistence of Coulomb blockade and zero bias anomaly in a strongly coupled quantum dot

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    The current-voltage characteristics through a metallic quantum dot which is well coupled to a metallic lead are measured. It is shown that the I-V curves are composed of two contributions. One is a suppression of the tunneling conductivity at the Fermi level and the second is an oscillating feature which shifts with gate voltage. The results indicate that Zero-Bias-Anomaly and Coulomb Blockade phenomena coexist in an asymmetric strongly coupled quantum dot.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Zero bias anomaly in a two dimensional granular insulator

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    We compare tunneling density of states (TDOS) into two ultrathin Ag films, one uniform and one granular, for different degrees of disorder. The uniform film shows a crossover from Altshuler-Aronov (AA) zero bias anomaly to Efros Shklovskii (ES) like Coulomb gap as the disorder is increased. The granular film, on the other hand, exhibits AA behavior even deeply in the insulating regime. We analyze the data and find that granularity introduces a new regime for the TDOS. While the conductivity is dominated by hopping between clusters of grains and is thus insulating, the TDOS probes the properties of an individual cluster which is "metallic".Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Main Memory Implementations for Binary Grouping

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    An increasing number of applications depend on efficient storage and analysis features for XML data. Hence, query optimization and efficient evaluation techniques for the emerging XQuery standard become more and more important. Many XQuery queries require nested expressions. Unnesting them often introduces binary grouping. We introduce several algorithms implementing binary grouping and analyze their time and space complexity. Experiments demonstrate their performance

    Parallel Evaluation of Multi-join Queries

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    A number of execution strategies for parallel evaluation of multi-join queries have been proposed in the literature. In this paper we give a comparative performance evaluation of four execution strategies by implementing all of them on the same parallel database system, PRISMA/DB. Experiments have been done up to 80 processors. These strategies, coming from the literature, are named: Sequential Parallel, Synchronous Execution, Segmented Right-Deep, and Full Parallel. Based on the experiments clear guidelines are given when to use which strategy. This is an extended abstract; the full paper appeared in Proc. ACM SIGMOD'94, Minneapolis, Minnesota, May 24–27, 199

    Exploring the use of a participative design in the early development of a predictive test : the importance of physician involvement

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    In this study, we contribute to the personalized medicine and health care management literature by developing and testing a new participative design approach. We propose that involving gastroenterologists in the development of a predictive test to assist them in their clinical decision-making process for the treatment of inflammatory bowel diseases will increase the likelihood of their acceptance of the innovation. Based on data obtained from 6 focus groups across Canada from a total of 28 physicians, analyses reveal that current tools do not enable discriminating between treatment options to find the best fit for each patient. Physicians expect a new predictive tool to have the capability of showing clear reliability and significant benefits for the patient, while being accessible in a timely manner that facilitates clinical decisions. Physicians also insist on their key role in the implementation process, hence confirming the relevance and importance of participative designs in personalized medicine

    Novel Cascaded Ultra Bright Pulsed Source of Polarization Entangled Photons

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    A new ultra bright pulsed source of polarization entangled photons has been realized using type-II phase matching in spontaneous parametric down conversion process in two cascaded crystals. The optical axes of the crystals are aligned in such a way that the extraordinarily (ordinarily) polarized cone from one crystal overlaps with the ordinarily (extraordinarily) polarized cone from the second crystal. This spatial overlapping removes the association between the polarization and the output angle of the photons that exist in a single type-II down conversion process. Hence, entanglement of photons originating from any point on the output cones is possible if a suitable optical delay line is used. This delay line is particularly simple and easy to implement.Comment: 8 pages 8 figure

    Patients’ perception of their involvement in shared treatment decision making : key factors in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease

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    Objectives This study aims to characterize the relationships between the quality of the information given by the physician, the involvement of the patient in shared decision making (SDM), and outcomes in terms of satisfaction and anxiety pertaining to the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Methods A Web survey was conducted among 200 Canadian patients affected with IBD. The theoretical model of SDM was adjusted using path analysis. SAS software was used for all statistical analyses. Results The quality of the knowledge transfer between the physician and the patient is significantly associated with the components of SDM: information comprehension, patient involvement and decision certainty about the chosen treatment. In return, patient involvement in SDM is significantly associated with higher satisfaction and, as a result, lower anxiety as regards treatment selection. Conclusions This study demonstrates the importance of involving patients in shared treatment decision making in the context of IBD. Practice implications Understanding shared decision making may motivate patients to be more active in understanding the relevant information for treatment selection, as it is related to their level of satisfaction, anxiety and adherence to treatment. This relationship should encourage physicians to promote shared decision making

    Primary thermometry in the intermediate Coulomb blockade regime

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    We investigate Coulomb blockade thermometers (CBT) in an intermediate temperature regime, where measurements with enhanced accuracy are possible due to the increased magnitude of the differential conductance dip. Previous theoretical results show that corrections to the half width and to the depth of the measured conductance dip of a sensor are needed, when leaving the regime of weak Coulomb blockade towards lower temperatures. In the present work, we demonstrate experimentally that the temperature range of a CBT sensor can be extended by employing these corrections without compromising the primary nature or the accuracy of the thermometer.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Cdk9 and H2Bub1 signal to Clr6-CII/Rpd3S to suppress aberrant antisense transcription

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    Mono-ubiquitylation of histone H2B (H2Bub1) and phosphorylation of elongation factor Spt5 by cyclin-dependent kinase 9 (Cdk9) occur during transcription by RNA polymerase II (RNAPII), and are mutually dependent in fission yeast. It remained unclear whether Cdk9 and H2Bub1 cooperate to regulate the expression of individual genes. Here, we show that Cdk9 inhibition or H2Bub1 loss induces intragenic antisense transcription of ∼10% of fission yeast genes, with each perturbation affecting largely distinct subsets; ablation of both pathways de-represses antisense transcription of over half the genome. H2Bub1 and phospho-Spt5 have similar genome-wide distributions; both modifications are enriched, and directly proportional to each other, in coding regions, and decrease abruptly around the cleavage and polyadenylation signal (CPS). Cdk9-dependence of antisense suppression at specific genes correlates with high H2Bub1 occupancy, and with promoter-proximal RNAPII pausing. Genetic interactions link Cdk9, H2Bub1 and the histone deacetylase Clr6-CII, while combined Cdk9 inhibition and H2Bub1 loss impair Clr6-CII recruitment to chromatin and lead to decreased occupancy and increased acetylation of histones within gene coding regions. These results uncover novel interactions between co-transcriptional histone modification pathways, which link regulation of RNAPII transcription elongation to suppression of aberrant initiation