95 research outputs found

    Doping effects of Co, Ni, and Cu in FeTe0.65Se0.35 single crystals

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    The resistivity, magnetoresistance, and magnetic susceptibility are measured in single crystals of FeTe0.65Se0.35 with Cu, Ni, and Co substitutions for Fe. The crystals are grown by Bridgman's method. The resistivity measurements show that superconductivity disappears with the rate which correlates with the nominal valence of the impurity. From magnetoresistance we evaluate doping effect on the basic superconducting parameters, such as upper critical field and coherence length. We find indications that doping leads to two component superconducting behavior, possibly because of local charge depression around impurities.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, 1 table, Proceedings of the XV-th National School "Hundred Years of Superconductivity", Kazimierz Dolny, October 9-13, 201

    Observation of superspin glass state in magnetically textured ferrofluid (gamma-Fe2O3)

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    Magnetic properties in a magnetically textured ferrofluid made out of interacting maghemite (gamma-Fe2O3) nanoparticles suspended in glycerin have been investigated. Despite the loss of uniform distribution of anisotropy axes, a superspin glass state exists at low temperature in a concentrated, textured ferrofluid as in the case of its non-textured counterpart. The onset of superspin glass state was verified from the sample's AC susceptibility. The influence of the anisotropy axis orientation on the aging behavior in the glassy states is also discussed

    Growth of Oxide Compounds under Dynamic Atmosphere Composition

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    Commercially available gases contain residual impurities leading to a background oxygen partial pressure of typically several 10^{-6} bar, independent of temperature. This oxygen partial pressure is inappropriate for the growth of some single crystals where the desired oxidation state possesses a narrow stability field. Equilibrium thermodynamic calculations allow the determination of dynamic atmosphere compositions yielding such self adjusting and temperature dependent oxygen partial pressures, that crystals like ZnO, Ga2O3, or Fe{1-x}O can be grown from the melt.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, talk on CGCT-4 Sendai, May 21-24, 200

    Thermally induced fading of Mn-doped YAP nanoceramic

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    We study pomax games, a family of combinatorial games which are always integer-valued. Specifically, we study games played on Young diagrams and Boolean lattices. We find a linear algorithm for computing the values of pomax games played on Young diagrams with only two rows. Some of the statements involved in this proof hold also for games on general Young diagrams. For pomax games on Boolean lattices, we introduce the concept of upper and lower games and use that as a tool to study the distribution of possible game values. We prove that games that equal any sufficiently small even integer can always be found, and that the density of distinct game values converges when the game size tends to infinity. Based on computational evidence, we conjecture that if the upper and lower games of some game are identical, then the value of that game is the sum of the upper and lower game.Vi studerar pomaxspel, en familj av heltalsvÀrda kombinatoriska spel. Mer specifikt studerar vi dessa spel dÄ de spelas pÄ Youngdiagram och Boolska lattis. Vi hittar en linjÀr algoritm för att berÀkna vÀrdet av pomaxspel pÄ Youngdiagram med som mest tvÄ rader. Vissa av de ingÄende resultaten hÄller Àven for spel pÄ allmÀnna Youngdiagram. GÀllande pomaxspel pa Boolska lattis introducerar vi koncepten övre och undre spel, och anvÀnder detta for att analysera fördelningen av möjliga spelvÀrden. Vi visar att det alltid finns spel av varje tillrÀckligt litet jÀmnt vÀrde, och att densiteten av distinkta spelvÀrden konvergerar dÄ spelstorleken gÄr mot oÀndligheten. Baserat pÄ berÀkningar förmodar vi att om det övre och undre spelet hörande till nÄgot spel ar identiska, sÄ Àr detta spel lika med summan av det övre och undre spelet

    Three terminal capacitance technique for magnetostriction and thermal expansion measurements

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    An instrument has been constructed to measure a large range of magnetostriction and thermal expansion between room temperature and 4 K in a superconductive split-coil magnet, that allows investigation in magnetic fields up to 12 T. The very small bulk samples (up to 1 mm in size) as well as big ones (up to 13 mm) of the irregular form can be measured. The possibility of magnetostriction investigation in thin films is shown. A general account is given of both electrical and the mechanical aspects of the design of capacitance cell and their associated electronic circuitry. A simple lever device is proposed to increase the sensitivity twice. The resulting obtained sensitivity can be 0.5 Angstrom. The performance of the technique is illustrated by some preliminary measurements of the magnetostriction of superconducting MgB2, thermal expansion of (La0.8Ba0.2)0.93MnO3 single crystal and magnetoelastic behavior of the Ni/Si(111) and La0.7Sr0.3CoO3/SAT0.7CAT0.1LA0.2(001) cantilevers.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, journal pape

    Superspin glass aging behavior in textured and nontextured frozen ferrofluid

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    The effect of magnetic anisotropy-axis alignment of individual nanoparticles on the collective aging behavior in the superspin glass state of a frozen ferrofluid has been investigated. The ferrofluid studied here consists of maghemite nanoparticles (\gamma-Fe2O3, mean diameter = 8.6 nm) dispersed in glycerin at a volume fraction of ~15%. The low temperature aging behavior has been explored through 'zero-field cooled magnetization' (ZFCM) relaxation measurements using SQUID magnetometry. The ZFCM response functions were found to scale with effective age of the system in both textured and non-textured superspin glass states, but with markedly different scaling exponents, \mu. The value of {\mu} was found to shift from ~0.9 in non-textured case to ~ 0.6 in the textured case, despite the identical cooling protocol used in both experiments

    Growth conditions, structure, and superconductivity of pure and metal-doped FeTe1-xSex single crystals

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    Superconducting single crystals of pure FeTe1 xSex and FeTe0.65Se0.35 doped with Co, Ni, Cu, Mn, Zn, Mo, Cd, In, Pb, Hg, V, Ga, Mg, Al, Ti, Cr, Sr or Nd into Fe ions site have been grown applying Bridgman's method. It has been found that the sharpness of transition to the superconducting state in FeTe1 xSex is evidently inversely correlated with crystallographic quality of the crystals. Among all of the studied dopants only Co, Ni and Cu substitute Fe ions in FeTe0.65Se0.35 crystals. The remaining examined ions do not incorporate into the crystal structure. Nevertheless, they form inclusions together with selenium, tellurium and/or iron, what changes the chemical composition of host matrix and therefore influences Tc value. Small disorder introduced into magnetic sublattice, by partial replacement of Fe ions by slight amount of nonmagnetic ions of Cu (~ 1.5 at%) or by magnetic ions of Ni (~ 2 at%) and Co (~5 at%) with spin value different than that of Fe ion, completely suppresses superconductivity in FeTe1 xSex system. This indicates that even if superconductivity is observed in the system containing magnetic ions it can not survive when the disorder in magnetic ions sublattice is introduced, most likely because of magnetic scattering of Cooper pairs.Comment: 18 pages, 12 figures, 3 table
