19,564 research outputs found

    Floquet topological transitions in extended Kane-Mele models with disorder

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    In this work we use Floquet theory to theoretically study the influence of circularly polarized light on disordered two-dimensional models exhibiting topological transitions. We find circularly polarized light can induce a topological transition in extended Kane-Mele models that include additional hopping terms and on-site disorder. The topological transitions are understood from the Floquet-Bloch band structure of the clean system at high symmetry points in the first Brillouin zone. The light modifies the equilibrium band structure of the clean system in such a way that the smallest gap in the Brillouin zone can be shifted from the MM points to the K(K)K(K') points, the Γ\Gamma point, or even other lower symmetry points. The movement of the minimal gap point through the Brillouin zone as a function of laser parameters is explained in the high frequency regime through the Magnus expansion. In the disordered model, we compute the Bott index to reveal topological phases and transitions. The disorder can induce transitions from topologically non-trivial states to trivial states or vice versa, both examples of Floquet topological Anderson transitions. As a result of the movement of the minimal gap point through the Brillouin zone as a function of laser parameters, the nature of the topological phases and transitions is laser-parameter dependent--a contrasting behavior to the Kane-Mele model.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    A manual for inexpensive methods of analyzing and utilizing remote sensor data

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    Instructions are provided for inexpensive methods of using remote sensor data to assist in the completion of the need to observe the earth's surface. When possible, relative costs were included. Equipment need for analysis of remote sensor data is described, and methods of use of these equipment items are included, as well as advantages and disadvantages of the use of individual items. Interpretation and analysis of stereo photos and the interpretation of typical patterns such as tone and texture, landcover, drainage, and erosional form are described. Similar treatment is given to monoscopic image interpretation, including LANDSAT MSS data. Enhancement techniques are detailed with respect to their application and simple techniques of creating an enhanced data item. Techniques described include additive and subtractive (Diazo processes) color techniques and enlargement of photos or images. Applications of these processes, including mappings of land resources, engineering soils, geology, water resources, environmental conditions, and crops and/or vegetation, are outlined

    Higgs boson search significance deformations due to mixed-in scalars

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    The existence of exotic scalars that mix with the Standard Model (SM) Higgs boson can affect Higgs boson phenomenology in a multitude of ways. We consider two light Higgs bosons with shared couplings to SM fields and with masses close to each other, in the range where the h \to WW \to l \nu l \nu is an important search channel. In this channel, we do not find the dilution of significance of the `SM-like' Higgs boson that is naively expected because of the mixing. This is because of leakage of events from the decay of the other scalar into its signal region. Nevertheless, we show that the broadening of the h\to WW \to l \nu l \nu significance plots of Standard Model Higgs boson searches could indicate the first evidence of the the extra scalar state.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures; v2: all plots now made with the lighter Higgs mass equal to 125 GeV and other minor corrections made, to be published in Physics Letters

    Community learning and development training for professionals engaged in community regeneration and community planning

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    The study was commissioned by the Scottish Executive Development Department to identify training needs and current provision of community learning and development (CLD) training for a range of professionals (other than those formally qualified in CLD) who are engaged in community regeneration and community planning (Local Government in Scotland Act 2003). It was one of a series of studies emanating from the Scottish Executive response to the review: „Empowered to Practice – the future of community learning and development training in Scotland‟. One of the themes of the report taken up by the Scottish Executive was the need for; „wider opportunities for joint training with other disciplines such as teachers, librarians, college lecturers, health workers and social workers‟

    Application transfer activity in Missouri

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    Experimental demonstrations and workshop instructional courses were conducted to transfer the technology of satellite remote sensing to a wide audience of resource managers. This audience included planning commissions, state agencies, federal agencies, and special councils of the Governor. Some of the experiments and workshops are outlined

    An investigation of pulsar searching techniques with the Fast Folding Algorithm

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    Here we present an in-depth study of the behaviour of the Fast Folding Algorithm, an alternative pulsar searching technique to the Fast Fourier Transform. Weaknesses in the Fast Fourier Transform, including a susceptibility to red noise, leave it insensitive to pulsars with long rotational periods (P > 1 s). This sensitivity gap has the potential to bias our understanding of the period distribution of the pulsar population. The Fast Folding Algorithm, a time-domain based pulsar searching technique, has the potential to overcome some of these biases. Modern distributed-computing frameworks now allow for the application of this algorithm to all-sky blind pulsar surveys for the first time. However, many aspects of the behaviour of this search technique remain poorly understood, including its responsiveness to variations in pulse shape and the presence of red noise. Using a custom CPU-based implementation of the Fast Folding Algorithm, ffancy, we have conducted an in-depth study into the behaviour of the Fast Folding Algorithm in both an ideal, white noise regime as well as a trial on observational data from the HTRU-S Low Latitude pulsar survey, including a comparison to the behaviour of the Fast Fourier Transform. We are able to both confirm and expand upon earlier studies that demonstrate the ability of the Fast Folding Algorithm to outperform the Fast Fourier Transform under ideal white noise conditions, and demonstrate a significant improvement in sensitivity to long-period pulsars in real observational data through the use of the Fast Folding Algorithm.Comment: 19 pages, 15 figures, 3 table

    The anthropic principle and the mass scale of the Standard Model

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    In theories in which different regions of the universe can have different values of the the physical parameters, we would naturally find ourselves in a region which has parameters favorable for life. We explore the range of anthropically allowed values of the mass parameter in the Higgs potential, μ2\mu^2. For μ2<0\mu^2<0, the requirement that complex elements be formed suggests that the Higgs vacuum expectation value vv must have a magnitude less than 5 times its observed value. For μ2>0\mu^2>0, baryon stability requires that μ<<MP|\mu|<<M_P, the Planck Mass. Smaller values of μ2|\mu^2| may or may not be allowed depending on issues of element synthesis and stellar evolution. We conclude that the observed value of μ2\mu^2 is reasonably typical of the anthropically allowed range, and that anthropic arguments provide a plausible explanation for the closeness of the QCD scale and the weak scale.Comment: 28 pages, LaTeX. No changes from version originally submitted to archive, except that problem with figure file has been correcte