122 research outputs found

    Weak magnetism phenomena in heavy-fermion superconductors: selected μ\muSR studies

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    The behavior of the so-called weak moment antiferromagnetic states, observed in the heavy-fermion superconductors UPt3_3 and URu2_2Si2_2, is discussed in view of recent μ\muSR results obtained as function of control parameters like chemical substitution and external pressure. In UPt3_3, the Pd substitution for Pt reveals the dynamical character of the weak moment order. On the other hand, μ\muSR measurements performed on samples in which Th substitutes U suggest that crystallographic disorder on the magnetic sites deeply affects the fluctuation timescale. In URu2_2Si2_2, a phase separation between the so-called hidden order state, present at ambient pressure, and an antiferromagnetic state, occurring under pressure, is observed. In view of the pressure-temperature phase diagram obtained by μ\muSR, it is deduced that the respective order parameters have different symmetries.Comment: To appear in: J. Phys.: Cond. Matte

    Determination of the zero-field magnetic structure of the helimagnet MnSi at low temperature

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    Below a temperature of approximately 29 K the manganese magnetic moments of the cubic binary compound MnSi order to a long-range incommensurate helical magnetic structure. Here, we quantitatively analyze a high-statistic zero-field muon spin rotation spectrum recorded in the magnetically ordered phase of MnSi by exploiting the result of representation theory as applied to the determination of magnetic structures. Instead of a gradual rotation of the magnetic moments when moving along a axis, we find that the angle of rotation between the moments of certain subsequent planes is essentially quenched. It is the magnetization of pairs of planes which rotates when moving along a axis, thus preserving the overall helical structure.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Magnetic quantum critical point and superconductivity in UPt3 doped with Pd

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    Transverse-field muon spin relaxation measurements have been carried out on the heavy-fermion superconductor UPt3 doped with small amounts of Pd. We find that the critical Pd concentration for the emergence of the large-moment antiferromagnetic phase is ~0.6 at.%Pd. At the same Pd content, superconductivity is completely suppressed. The existence of a magnetic quantum critical point in the phase diagram, which coincides with the critical point for superconductivity, provides evidence for ferromagnetic spin-fluctuation mediated odd-parity superconductivity, which competes with antiferromagnetic order.Comment: 4 pages (includes 3 figures); postscript fil

    Magnetic quantum critical point and superconductivity in UPt3 doped with Pd

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    Transverse-field muon spin relaxation measurements have been carried out on the heavy-fermion superconductor UPt3 doped with small amounts of Pd. We find that the critical Pd concentration for the emergence of the large-moment antiferromagnetic phase is ~0.6 at.%Pd. At the same Pd content, superconductivity is completely suppressed. The existence of a magnetic quantum critical point in the phase diagram, which coincides with the critical point for superconductivity, provides evidence for ferromagnetic spin-fluctuation mediated odd-parity superconductivity, which competes with antiferromagnetic order.Comment: 4 pages (includes 3 figures); postscript fil

    Muon spin rotation and relaxation in the superconducting ferromagnet UCoGe

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    We report zero-field muon spin rotation and relaxation measurements on the superconducting ferromagnet UCoGe. Weak itinerant ferromagnetic order is detected by a spontaneous muon spin precession frequency below the Curie temperature TC=3T_C = 3 K. The μ+\mu^+ precession frequency persists below the bulk superconducting transition temperature Tsc=0.5T_{sc} = 0.5 K, where it measures a local magnetic field Bloc=0.015B_{loc} = 0.015 T. The amplitude of the μ\muSR signal provides unambiguous proof for ferromagnetism present in the whole sample volume. We conclude ferromagnetism coexists with superconductivity on the microscopic scale.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in PR

    Magnetic Order in the 2D Heavy-Fermion System CePt2In7 studied by muSR

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    The low-temperature microscopic magnetic properties of the quasi-2D heavyfermion compound, CePt2In7 are investigated by using a positive muon-spin rotation and relaxation (?muSR) technique. Clear evidence for the formation of a commensurate antiferromagnetic order below TN=5.40 K is presented. The magnetic order parameter is shown to fit well to a modified BSC gap-energy function in a strong-coupling scenario.Comment: Accepted in Journal of Physics: Conference Series (2014