14 research outputs found

    Comparative system dynamic modeling of a conventional and hybrid electric powertrain

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    © 2017 Taylor & Francis Group, London. Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEVs) provide many known benefits over conventional vehicles, including reduced emissions, increased fuel economy, and performance. The high cost of HEVs has somewhat limited their widespread adoption, especially in developing countries. Conversely, it is these countries that would benefit most from the environmental benefits of HEV technology. As part of our ongoing project to develop a cost-effective and viable mild HEV for these markets, dynamic simulations are required to ensure that the proposed designs are to achieve their desired targets. In this paper, mathematical models of the powertrain are used to analyze and compare the dynamics of both a conventional power train and one with the addition of components required for the Mild Hybrid system. Using Matlab and Simulink, simulations of both powertrains under particular driving conditions are performed to observe the advantages of the MHEV over conventional drivetrains. These benefits include torque-hole filling between gear changes, increased fuel efficiency and performance

    Transformations to groundwater sustainability: from individuals and pumps to communities and aquifers

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    If the success of agricultural intensification continues to rely on the depletion of aquifers and exploitation of (female) labour, transformations to groundwater sustainability will be impossible to achieve. Hence, the development of new groundwater imaginaries, based on alternative ways of organizing society-water relations is highly important. This paper argues that a comparative documentation of grass-roots initiatives to care for, share or recharge aquifers in places with acute resource pressures provides an important source of inspiration. Using a grounded anti-colonial and feminist approach, we combine an ethnographic documentation of groundwater practices with hydrogeological and engineering insights to enunciate, normatively assess and jointly learn from the knowledges, technologies and institutions that characterize such initiatives. Doing this usefully shifts the focus of planned efforts to regulate and govern groundwater away from government efforts to control individual pumping behaviours, to the identification of possibilities to anchor transformations to sustainability in collective action

    Pembenahan sistem inventori ukm sumber berkat mandiri, blitar, jawa timur

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    UKM Sumber Berkat Mandiri sebagai Mitra Tim Abdimas selama ini menggunakan “sistem manajemen warung” dalam menjalankan bisnis di mana hampir seluruh urusan dikerjakan secara perorangan. Manajemen tersebut menyebabkan kurang optimalnya sistem administrasi, terutama dalam hal pencatatan aset, berdampak pada over stock dan kerugian lain. Secara umum, permasalahan yang dihadapi mitra adalah belum adanya sistem administrasi terpadu untuk membantu pelaksanaan proses bisnis Mitra dan belum adanya sistem manajemen aset yang baik. Karena itu, tim abdimas membantu mitra untuk membenahi sistem inventori mitra, juga mengembangkan kemampuan manajerial Mitra melalui pengembangan keterampilan bagi Mitra dalam hal kepemimpinan, etika profesi, manajemen waktu, layanan prima, dan keterampilan interpersonal. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan Abdimas ini dilakukan dalam 4 (empat) tahap. Tahap pertama survey untuk mengidentifikasi kebutuhan mitra; tahap kedua pemberian materi pelatihan; tahap ketiga penugasan kepada mitra terkait inventori barang yang dijual; tahap keempat sharing atas pelatihan yang telah didapatkan dan pendampingan penggunaan aplikasi inventory management. Luaran kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah buku panduan kerja yang dapat digunakan oleh mitra dalam mengimplentasikan aplikasi inventory management

    Pembenahan sistem inventori ukm sumber berkat mandiri, blitar, jawa timur

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    UKM Sumber Berkat Mandiri sebagai Mitra Tim Abdimas selama ini menggunakan “sistem manajemen warung” dalam menjalankan bisnis di mana hampir seluruh urusan dikerjakan secara perorangan. Manajemen tersebut menyebabkan kurang optimalnya sistem administrasi, terutama dalam hal pencatatan aset, berdampak pada over stock dan kerugian lain. Secara umum, permasalahan yang dihadapi mitra adalah belum adanya sistem administrasi terpadu untuk membantu pelaksanaan proses bisnis Mitra dan belum adanya sistem manajemen aset yang baik. Karena itu, tim abdimas membantu mitra untuk membenahi sistem inventori mitra, juga mengembangkan kemampuan manajerial Mitra melalui pengembangan keterampilan bagi Mitra dalam hal kepemimpinan, etika profesi, manajemen waktu, layanan prima, dan keterampilan interpersonal. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan Abdimas ini dilakukan dalam 4 (empat) tahap. Tahap pertama survey untuk mengidentifikasi kebutuhan mitra; tahap kedua pemberian materi pelatihan; tahap ketiga penugasan kepada mitra terkait inventori barang yang dijual; tahap keempat sharing atas pelatihan yang telah didapatkan dan pendampingan penggunaan aplikasi inventory management. Luaran kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah buku panduan kerja yang dapat digunakan oleh mitra dalam mengimplentasikan aplikasi inventory management

    APEX simulation of best irrigation and N management strategies for off-site N pollution control in three Mediterranean irrigated watersheds

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    One of the main constraints of irrigated agriculture is off-site N pollution due to export of nitrate in irrigation return flows (IRF). Models capable of simulating the growth of crops and the N loads in IRF as affected by irrigation and N fertilization may be valuable tools in watershed studies. The Agricultural Policy Environmental eXtender (APEX) model was used to assess best management practices for reducing off-site N loads in the IRF of three Mediterranean irrigated watersheds (Akarsu in Turkey, La Violada in Spain and Sidi Rached in Algeria). The watersheds (ranging from 4013 to 10,971ha) were monitored along three hydrological years to determine the volume of IRF and the NO 3-N concentrations and loads in IRF. APEX was calibrated with the data of the first two years and validated with the last year's data. APEX adequately simulated crop evapotranspiration and the volume of IRF and N loads in the IRF (errors<20%). Simulated annual values were in general more accurate than simulated monthly values. APEX predicted that improving irrigation management (change of irrigation system and/or scheduling) will decrease N loads in IRF over current values by 45% (Akarsu), 40% (La Violada), and 8% (Sidi Rached). However, improved N fertilization only will reduce N loads in IRF by 17% (Akarsu) or below 5% (La Violada and Sidi Rached). Improving irrigation management will increase IRF NO 3-N concentrations by 19% in La Violada and will decrease or will remain the same in the other two watersheds. APEX simulations identified the main soils (shallow and low water holding capacity soils) and crops (heavily fertilized or shallow-root crops) N polluters within the studied watersheds. Overall, APEX simulated that the improvement of irrigation performance was the best management strategy to decrease off-site N pollution while maintaining or increasing crop yields in the three studied Mediterranean watersheds. © 2011 Elsevier B.V.INCO-CT-2005-015031This study was supported by the European Commission research project (INCO-CT-2005-015031). Thanks are also given to field and laboratory personnel of the Algeria, Turkey and Spain institutions involved in the study