2,406 research outputs found

    Reissner-Nordstrom Black Holes and Strings with Rescaled Tension

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    We show that extreme and nonextreme Reissner--Nordstrom black holes in five dimensions can be described by closed fundamental strings with two charges in a magnetic five brane. Due to the five brane background the string oscillator number and tension are rescaled whereas the mass remains fixed. The black hole mass is given by the sum of the five brane and string masses. Its entropy however is given by only that of the string with the tension rescaling taken into account. We also show that the emission of a low energy scalar from the slightly nonextreme string matches the Hawking radiation expected from the black hole.Comment: 20 pages in phyzz

    Domain Walls on Singularities

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    We describe domain walls that live on A2A_2 and A3A_3 singularities. The walls are BPS if the singularity is resolved and non--BPS if it is deformed and fibered. We show that these domain walls may interpolate between vacua that support monopoles and/or vortices.Comment: 16 pages in phyzzx.te

    Cosmic D--term Strings as Wrapped D3 Branes

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    We describe cosmic D--term strings as D3 branes wrapped on a resolved conifold. The matter content that gives rise to D--term strings is shown to describe the world--volume theory of a space--filling D3 brane transverse to the conifold which itself is a wrapped D5 brane. We show that, in this brane theory, the tension of the wrapped D3 brane mathces that of the D--term string. We argue that there is a new type of cosmic string which arises from fractional D1 branes on the world--volume of a fractional D3 brane.Comment: 13 pages in phyzzx.tex; eq. (17) corrected, other minor corrections; v3: more minor correction

    A variable-gain output feedback control design methodology

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    A digital control system design technique is developed in which the control system gain matrix varies with the plant operating point parameters. The design technique is obtained by formulating the problem as an optimal stochastic output feedback control law with variable gains. This approach provides a control theory framework within which the operating range of a control law can be significantly extended. Furthermore, the approach avoids the major shortcomings of the conventional gain-scheduling techniques. The optimal variable gain output feedback control problem is solved by embedding the Multi-Configuration Control (MCC) problem, previously solved at ICS. An algorithm to compute the optimal variable gain output feedback control gain matrices is developed. The algorithm is a modified version of the MCC algorithm improved so as to handle the large dimensionality which arises particularly in variable-gain control problems. The design methodology developed is applied to a reconfigurable aircraft control problem. A variable-gain output feedback control problem was formulated to design a flight control law for an AFTI F-16 aircraft which can automatically reconfigure its control strategy to accommodate failures in the horizontal tail control surface. Simulations of the closed-loop reconfigurable system show that the approach produces a control design which can accommodate such failures with relative ease. The technique can be applied to many other problems including sensor failure accommodation, mode switching control laws and super agility

    Black Hole Entropy from a Highly Excited Elementary String

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    Suggested correspondence between a black hole and a highly excited elementary string is explored. Black hole entropy is calculated by computing the density of states for an open excited string. We identify the square root of oscillator number of the excited string with Rindler energy of black hole to obtain an entropy formula which, not only agrees at the leading order with the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy, but also reproduces the logarithmic correction obtained for black hole entropy in the quantum geometry framework. This provides an additional supporting evidence for correspondence between black holes and strings.Comment: revtex, 4 page

    Search for Free Fractional Electric Charge Elementary Particles

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    We have carried out a direct search in bulk matter for free fractional electric charge elementary particles using the largest mass single sample ever studied - about 17.4 mg of silicone oil. The search used an improved and highly automated Millikan oil drop technique. No evidence for fractional charge particles was found. The concentration of particles with fractional charge more than 0.16e (e being the magnitude of the electron charge) from the nearest integer charge is less than 4.71×10224.71\times10^{-22} particles per nucleon with 95% confidence.Comment: 10 pages,LaTeX, 4 PS figures, submitted to PR

    A New Method for Searching for Free Fractional Charge Particles in Bulk Matter

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    We present a new experimental method for searching for free fractional charge in bulk matter; this new method derives from the traditional Millikan liquid drop method, but allows the use of much larger drops, 20 to 100 mm in diameter, compared to the traditional method that uses drops less than 15 mm in diameter. These larger drops provide the substantial advantage that it is then much easier to consistently generate drops containing liquid suspensions of powdered meteorites and other special minerals. These materials are of great importance in bulk searches for fractional charge particles that may have been produced in the early universe.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures in a singl PDF file (created from WORD Doc.). Submitted to Review of Scientific Instrument

    Supersymmetry breaking and loop corrections at the end of inflation

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    We show that quantum corrections to the effective potential in supersymmetric hybrid inflation can be calculated all the way from the inflationary period - when the Universe is dominated by a false vacuum energy density - till the fields settle down to the global supersymmetric minimum of the potential. These are crucial for getting a continuous description of the evolution of the fields.Comment: minor corrections; version to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Bosonic Quadratic Actions for 11D Supergravity on AdS_7/4 x S_4/7

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    We determine from 11D supergravity the quadratic bulk action for the physical bosonic fields relevant for the computation of correlation functions of normalized chiral operators in D=6, N=(0,2) and D=3, N=8 supersymmetric CFT in the large N limit, as dictated by the AdS/CFT duality conjecture.Comment: 16 pages, Plain TeX, no figures, requires AMS font files amssym.def and amssym.tex, a few typos correcte

    Fine tuning of the initial conditions for hybrid inflation

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    We study the evolution of regions of space with various initial field values for a simple theory that can support hybrid inflation. Only very narrow domains within the range of initial field values below the Planck scale lead to the onset of inflation. This implies a severe fine tuning for the initial configuration that will produce inflation.Comment: 11 pages, LaTeX, 8 figures in eps forma