624 research outputs found

    The KLASH Proposal

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    We propose a search of galactic axions with mass about 0.2 µeV using a large volume resonant cavity, about 50 m3, cooled down to 4 K and immersed in a moderate axial magnetic field of about 0.6 T generated inside the superconducting magnet of the KLOE experiment [1] located at the National Laboratory of Frascati of INFN. This experiment, called KLASH (KLoe magnet for Axion SearcH) in the following, has a potential sensitivity on the axion-to-photon coupling, gaγγ, of about 6 × 10−17 GeV−1, reaching the region predicted by KSVZ [2] and DFSZ [3] models of QCD axions

    Chronic venous disease - Part II: Proteolytic biomarkers in wound healing

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    open5sìVenous leg ulcers (VLU) are characterized by sustained proteolytic microenvironment impairing the healing process. Wound fluid (WF) reflect the biomolecular activities occurring within the wound area; however, it is unclear if WF from different healing phases have different proteolytic profiles and how VLU microenvironment affects the wound healing mechanisms. We investigated the proteolytic network of WF from distinct VLU phases, and in WF- and LPS-stimulated THP-1 monocytes treated with glycosaminoglycan sulodexide, a well known therapeutic approach for VLU healing. WF were collected from patients with VLU during inflammatory (Infl) and granulating (Gran) phases. WF and THP-1 supernatants were analyzed for nine matrix metalloproteinases (MMP) and four tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMP) by multiplex immunoassays. Our results demonstrated that: 1) WF from Infl VLU contained significantly increased concentrations of MMP-2, MMP-9, MMP-12, TIMP-1, and TIMP-2 compared to Gran WF; 2) WF from Gran VLU showed significantly increased levels of MMP-1, MMP-7, MMP-13, and TIMP-4 compared to Infl WF; 3) LPS- and WF-stimulation of THP-1 cells significantly increased the expression of several MMP compared to untreated cells; 4) Sulodexide treatment of both LPS- and WF-stimulated THP-1 significantly down-regulated the release of several MMPs. Our study provides evidence-based medicine during treatment of patients with VLU. WF from Infl and Gran VLU have different MMP and TIMP signatures, consistent with their clinical state. The modulation of proteolytic pathways in wound microenvironment by glycosaminoglycan sulodexide, provide insights for translating research into clinical practice during VLU therapy.openLigi, Daniela; Mosti, Giovanni; Croce, Lidia; Raffetto, Joseph D; Mannello, FerdinandoLigi, Daniela; Mosti, Giovanni; Croce, Lidia; Raffetto, Joseph D; Mannello, Ferdinand

    Axion search with a quantum-limited ferromagnetic haloscope

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    A ferromagnetic axion haloscope searches for Dark Matter in the form of axions by exploiting their interaction with electronic spins. It is composed of an axion-to-electromagnetic field transducer coupled to a sensitive rf detector. The former is a photon-magnon hybrid system, and the latter is based on a quantum-limited Josephson parametric amplifier. The hybrid system consists of ten 2.1 mm diameter YIG spheres coupled to a single microwave cavity mode by means of a static magnetic field. Our setup is the most sensitive rf spin-magnetometer ever realized. The minimum detectable field is 5.5×10195.5\times10^{-19}\,T with 9 h integration time, corresponding to a limit on the axion-electron coupling constant gaee1.7×1011g_{aee}\le1.7\times10^{-11} at 95% CL. The scientific run of our haloscope resulted in the best limit on DM-axions to electron coupling constant in a frequency span of about 120 MHz, corresponding to the axion mass range 42.442.4-43.1μ43.1\,\mueV. This is also the first apparatus to perform an axion mass scanning by changing the static magnetic field.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Water in Mid Ocean Ridge Basalts: Some Like it Hot, Some Like it Cold

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    The presence in the Earth’s mantle of even small amounts of water and other volatiles has major effects: first, it lowers drastically mantle’s viscosity, thereby facilitating convection and plate tectonics; second, it lowers the melting temperature of the rising mantle affecting the formation of the oceanic crust. H2O concentration in oceanic basalts stays below 0.2 wt% except for basalts sampled near “hot spots” that contain significantly more H2O than normal MORB, implying that their mantle plume sources are unusually H2O-rich. Basalts sampled in the Equatorial Atlantic close to the Romanche transform, a thermal minimum in the Ridge system, have a H2O content that increases as the ridge is cooled approaching the transform offset. These basalts are Na-rich, being generated by low degrees of melting of the mantle, and contain unusually high ratios of light versus heavy rare earth elements implying the presence of garnet in the melting region. H2O enrichment is due not to an unusually H2O-rich mantle source, but to a low extent of melting of the upwelling mantle, confined to a deep wet melting region. Numerical models predict that this wet melting process takes place mostly in the mantle zone of stability of garnet. This prediction is verified by the geochemistry of our basalts showing that garnet must indeed have been present in their mantle source. Thus, oceanic basalts are H2O-rich not only near “hot spots”, but also at “cold spots”

    Planet transit and stellar granulation detection with interferometry: Using the three-dimensional stellar atmosphere S tagger -grid simulations

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    Context. Stellar activity and, in particular, convection-related surface structures, potentially cause bias in planet detection and characterisation. In the latter, interferometry can help disentangle the signal of the transiting planet. Aims. We used realistic three-dimensional (3D) radiative hydrodynamical (RHD) simulations from the Stagger-grid and synthetic images computed with the radiative transfer code Optim3D to provide interferometric observables to extract the signature of stellar granulation and transiting planets. Methods. We computed intensity maps from RHD simulations and produced synthetic stellar disk images as a nearby observer would see, thereby accounting for the centre-to-limb variations. We did this for twelve interferometric instruments covering wavelengths ranging from optical to infrared. We chose an arbitrary date and arbitrary star with coordinates, and this ensures observability throughout the night. This optimisation of observability allows for a broad coverage of spatial frequencies. The stellar surface asymmetries in the brightness distribution mostly affect closure phases, because of either convection-related structures or a faint companion. We then computed closure phases for all images and compared the system star with a transiting planet and the star alone. We considered the impact of magnetic spots with the construction of a hypothetical starspot image and compared the resulting closure phases with the system star that has a transiting planet. Results. We analysed the impact of convection at different wavelengths. All the simulation depart from the axisymmetric case (closure phases not equal to 0 or ± π) at all wavelengths. The levels of asymmetry and inhomogeneity of stellar disk images reach high values with stronger effects from the 3rd visibility lobe on. We present two possible targets (Beta Com and Procyon) either in the visible or in the infrared and find that departures up to 16° can be detected on the 3rd lobe and higher. In particular, MIRC is the most appropriate instrument because it combines good UV coverage and long baselines. Moreover, we explored the impact of convection on interferometric planet signature for three prototypes of planets with sizes corresponding to one hot Jupiter, one hot Neptune, and a terrestrial planet. The signature of the transiting planet in the closure phase is mixed with the signal due to the convection-related surface structures, but it is possible to disentangle it at particular wavelengths (either in the infrared or in the optical) by comparing the closure phases of the star at difference phases of the planetary transit. It must be noted that starspots caused by the magnetic field may pollute the granulation and the transiting planet signals. However, it is possible to differentiate the transiting planet signal because the time scale of a planet crossing the stellar disk is much smaller than the typical rotational modulation of a star. Conclusions. Detection and characterisation of planets must be based on a comprehensive knowledge of the host star, and this includes the detailed study of the stellar surface convection with interferometric techniques. In this context, RHD simulations are crucial for this aim. We emphasise that interferometric observations should be pushed at high spatial frequencies by accumulating observations on closure phases at short and long baselines

    Polyvinylamine membranes containing graphene-based nanofillers for carbon capture applications

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    In the present study, the separation performance of new self-standing polyvinylamine (PVAm) membranes loaded with few-layer graphene (G) and graphene oxide (GO) was evaluated, in view of their use in carbon capture applications. PVAm, provided by BASF as commercial product named Lupamin\u2122, was purified obtaining PVAm films with two degrees of purification: Low Grade (PVAm-LG) and High Grade (PVAm-HG). These two-grade purified PVAm were loaded with 3 wt% of graphene and graphene oxide to improve mechanical stability: indeed, pristine tested materials proved to be brittle when dry, while highly susceptible to swelling in humid conditions. Purification performances were assessed through FTIR-ATR spectroscopy, DSC and TGA analysis, which were carried out to characterize the pristine polymer and its nanocomposites. In addition, the membranes\u2032 fracture surfaces were observed through SEM analysis to evaluate the degree of dispersion. Water sorption and gas permeation tests were performed at 35 \ub0C at different relative humidity (RH), ranging from 50% to 95%. Overall, composite membranes showed improved mechanical stability at high humidity, and higher glass transition temperature (Tg) with respect to neat PVAm. Ideal CO2/N2 selectivity up to 80 was measured, paired with a CO2 permeability of 70 Barrer. The membranes\u2019 increased mechanical stability against swelling, even at high RH, without the need of any crosslinking, represents an interesting result in view of possible further development of new types of facilitated transport composite membranes

    High H2O content in Pyroxenes of residual mantle Peridotites at a Mid Atlantic ridge segment

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    Global correlations of mid-ocean-ridges basalt chemistry, axial depth and crustal thickness have been ascribed to mantle temperature variations affecting degree of melting. However, mantle H2O content and elemental composition may also play a role. How H2O is distributed in the oceanic upper mantle remains poorly constrained. We tackled this problem by determining the H2O content of orthopyroxenes (opx) and clinopyroxenes (cpx) of peridotites from a continuous lithospheric section created during 26 Ma at a 11°N Mid-Atlantic Ridge segment, and exposed along the Vema Transform. The H2O content of opx ranges from 119 ppm to 383 ppm; that of cpx from 407 ppm to 1072 ppm. We found anomalous H2O-enriched peridotites with their H2O content not correlating inversely with their degree of melting, although H2O is assumed to be incompatible during melting. Inverse correlation of H2O with Ce, another highly incompatible component, suggests post-melting H2O enrichment. We attribute a major role to post-melting temperature-dependent diffusion of hydrogen occurring above the melting region, where water-rich melt flows faster than residual peridotites through dunitic conduits cross-cutting the uprising mantle. Accordingly, estimates of the H2O content of the MORB mantle source based on H2O in abyssal peridotites can be affected by strong uncertainties

    Searching for galactic axions through magnetized media: QUAX status report

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    The current status of the QUAX R\&D program is presented. QUAX is a feasibility study for a detection of axion as dark matter based on the coupling to the electrons. The relevant signal is a magnetization change of a magnetic material placed inside a resonant microwave cavity and polarized with a static magnetic field.Comment: Contributed to the 13th Patras Workshop on Axions, WIMPs and WISPs, Thessaloniki, May 15 to 19, 201

    Asymmetries on red giant branch surfaces from CHARA/MIRC optical interferometry

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    Context. Red giant branch (RGB) stars are very bright objects in galaxies and are often used as standard candles. Interferometry is the ideal tool to characterize the dynamics and morphology of their atmospheres. Aims. We aim at precisely characterising the surface dynamics of a sample of RGB stars. Methods. We obtained interferometric observations for three RGB stars with the MIRC instrument mounted at the CHARA interfer- ometer. We looked for asymmetries on the stellar surfaces using limb-darkening models. Results. We measured the apparent diameters of HD197989 (Epsilon Cyg) = 4.61+-0.02 mas, HD189276 (HR7633) = 2.95+-0.01 mas, and HD161096 (Beta Oph) = 4.43+-0.01 mas. We detected departures from the centrosymmetric case for all three stars with the tendency of a greater effect for lower logg of the sample. We explored the causes of this signal and conclude that a possible explanation to the interferometric signal is the convection-related and/or the magnetic-related surface activity. However, it is necessary to monitor these stars with new observations, possibly coupled with spectroscopy, in order to firmly establish the cause.Comment: Accepted for publication as a Letter in Astronomy and Astrophysics, section 1. Letters to the Editor. The official date of acceptance is 06/03/201